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LaTeX (degree) thesis template for Nanjing University of Sci & Tech


[1]. ucasthesis(

[2]. latex-njust808(

Date: 2015-01-03

Status: start(2015-01-03) - end(2016-04-05)

================================================================================ Pre-requirements:

  1. MacTex (ctex included, version > tex-live2013);

  2. config ctex for MacTex (Ref:

  3. OR texlive2014 on windows OS (winEdt8.0 & SumatraPDF is recommended)

  4. MacTex-2015 has already configured the CHN fonts which made itself a better choice.

================================================================================ Notes:

  1. Most parts of the projects are copyed from the aforementioned references.

  2. Objects of this project including:

    Transplant project[2] from to gitHub, and trying to improve the readability of the codes(ecourage open-source projects);

    Updating the new logos;

    Make it more compatible with MacTex on OSX;

    Make it easier for Windows OS user with texlive-2104 / 2015.

================================================================================ Download:

git clone

================================================================================ How to use it:

1. 修改学位论文封面信息(tex/cover.tex),并将对应的具体章节内容添加至tex目录下的其他文件内(正文部分额外添加的章节需要在myThesis.tex文件中使用input命令包含);

2. 采用命令xelatex myThesis.tex进行编译;

3. 命令行makeindex myThesis.nlo -s -o myThesis.nls生成术语链接;

4. 更新参考文献bibtex myThesis.aux,并更新myThesis.bbl文件中的中文错误部分;

5. 多次运行xelatex myThesis.tex重新编译生成pdf文件。

================================================================================ Files:

  1. LICENSE: public license

  2. introduction of this project

  3. howToUse.pdf: a sample pdf file to illustrate how to use this template

  4. njustThesis.tex: main function

  5. sty: (directory) including files

  6. tex: (directory) all chapters/sections included in main function njustThesis.tex

  7. img: (directory) all images used in this thesis(prefer verctor image: eps, pdf, fig, etc)

  8. bib: (directory) all references used in this thesis(in bibTeX format)

================================================================================ 修改:

  1. 新版封页

  2. 添加书脊

  3. 章节首页添加页眉

  4. 更新页面设置

  5. 增加图片和表格新例程

  6. 更新参考文献格式为GBT格式(说明:GBT生成的*.bll文件需要稍作修改才能匹配NUST的文献格式)

  7. 替换模版*.cls文件中的\CTEX@spaceChar为\quad,适应texlive-2105的新函数