AutoRest is developed primarily in C# but generates code for multiple languages. To build and test AutoRest requires a few things be installed locally.
At a bare minimum, to compile autorest and run it you will need at least:
Required: .NET CLI tools build -004812 or later (after 02/14/2017)
You want the .NET Core SDK Binaries for your platform
dotnet --version
Required: Node.js 6.9.5 or greater
asd | Most Users | Technical Users |
Windows | Install Latest NodeJS LTS build using the Windows installer. |
You can install the Node Version Manager for Windows Install the latest release of the Node Version Manager and then run the following commands: nvm install 6.10.0 nvm use 6.10.0 |
Linux | Install Latest NodeJS LTS build via the package manager instructions for your version of Linux |
You can install the Node Version Manager: Run the following commands: `curl -o- |
OS X | Install Latest NodeJS LTS build using the Macintosh installer or Use the Instructions using a package manager |
You can install the Node Version Manager. Run the following commands: touch ~/.bash_profile `curl -o- |
# Install Globally using 'npm': (may require root/admin depending on your configuration)
npm install -g gulp
To actually run all the tests for the different languages, you'll also need all the tools and languages installed for your workstation:
- Visual Studio Code
- Git
- JDK 8
- Maven
- Gulp
- Ruby 2.3
- Ruby Devkit (Windows - also need missing CA Roots for Ruby)
- Python 2.7
- Python 3.5
- Tox
- Go
- Glide
In Cortana, search for
developer settings
click "Developer Mode", answer "yes"
scroll down, and click apply, apply, apply
Close Settings.
Reboot (win-rshutdown -r -t 0
)After Reboot, login then:
Win-x ,cmd prompt (admin)
start Powershell and run this command:
# download the install script and run it.
iwr -OutFile c:\install-software.ps1 ; c:\install-software.ps1
See the actual script at:
(coming soon)
(coming soon)