- In principle, a file or database is sufficient to connect producers and consumers: a producer writes every event that it generates to the datastore, and each consumer periodically polls the datastore to check for events that appeared since it last ran. This is essentially what a batch process does when it processes a day’s worth of data at the end of every day"
- a lot of data is unbounded because it arrives gradually over time: your users produced data yesterday and today, and they will continue to produce more data tomorrow.
- "However, when moving towards continual processing with low delays, polling becomes expensive if the datastore is not designed for this kind of usage. The more often you poll, the lower the percentage of requests that return new events, and thus the higher the overheads become. Instead, it is better for consumers to be notified() when new events appear"
receiving a message is destructive if processing it causes it to be deleted from the broker( friendly debug )
add a new client at any time, and it can read data written arbitrarily far in the past (as long as it has not been overwritten or deleted).
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