This documentation is the short version for RHEL/AlmaLinux/CentOS/Rocky Linux/others 7.x, 8.x and 9.x.
Official full version:
Upgrade / update to the latest version:
Ganeti works on a single node, but we recommend a configuration with 3 or more nodes. With two nodes, there is a problem with voting to determine the master during a master failover.
Mandatory on all nodes.
Note that Ganeti requires the hostnames of the systems.
e.g. DNS or /etc/hosts
: localhost
# cluster name gcluster
# node names node1 node2 node3
# instance names instance1 instance2
Ganeti supports Xen, KVM, and LXC. The KVM hypervisor is the most commonly used on RHEL/AlmaLinux/CentOS/Rocky Linux/others.
Mandatory on all nodes.
- KVM on RHEL/CentOS/others 7.x
The oldest version of qemu supported by Ganeti is qemu-2.11
. Therefore, it is recommended to install qemu-kvm-ev
(version 2.12.x
) instead of qemu-kvm
(version 1.5.x
) on el7
# centos-release-qemu-ev - QEMU Enterprise Virtualization packages from the CentOS Virtualization SIG repository
yum install centos-release-qemu-ev
yum install qemu-kvm-ev libvirt python-virtinst virt-install
- KVM on RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others 8.x
dnf install qemu-kvm libvirt virt-install
- KVM on RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others 9.x
dnf install qemu-kvm libvirt virt-install ksmtuned
- KVM on RHEL/AlmaLinux/CentOS/Rock Linux/others
Mandatory on all nodes.
(Optional) Service configuration for libvirt.
Enable services:
systemctl enable libvirtd.service
systemctl enable ksm.service
systemctl enable ksmtuned.service
Disable unused virbrX:
systemctl start libvirtd.service
virsh net-autostart default --disable
virsh net-destroy default
Create bridge interface:
is an example of bridge interface.
- Using NetworkManager
- physical interface: eno1
- bridge interface: br0
- ipv4.addresses:
- ipv4.gateway
- ipv4.dns ","
nmcli connection add type bridge autoconnect yes ipv4.method disabled ipv6.method ignore bridge.stp no bridge.forward-delay 0 con-name br0 ifname br0
nmcli connection modify eno1 connection.slave-type bridge connection.master br0
nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses ""
nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns ","
nmcli connection up br0; nmcli connection down eno1; nmcli connection up eno1 &
# VLAN filter support on bridge(VLAN aware bridge)
# Require ganeti-2.16.2-1 RPM or later
# set VLAN 100: gnt-instance modify --net 0:modify,vlan=100 instance1
nmcli connection modify br0 bridge.vlan-filtering yes
nmcli connection down br0; nmcli connection up br0 &
You can setup it easily by using nmcli-cli.
nmcli-cli-bridge-add -x br1 eno1
nmcli-cli-ipv4 -x br1 static ",""
nmcli connection modify br0 bridge.vlan-filtering yes
nmcli connection up br0
nmcli connection down eno1
nmcli connection up eno1
Allow to bridge interface access.
- Using iptables
Edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged -j ACCEPT
Edit /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-adm-prohibited
-A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged -j ACCEPT
Apply firewall rules:
iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
ip6tables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
Mandatory on all nodes.
Install ELRepo repository for DRBD packages:
# RHEL/CentOS/others **7.x**
yum install elrepo-release
yum-config-manager --disable elrepo
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **8.x or later**
dnf install elrepo-release
dnf config-manager --disable elrepo
Install EPEL repository for dependency packages:
# RHEL/CentOS/others **7.x**
yum install epel-release
yum-config-manager --disable epel
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **8.x or later**
dnf install epel-release
dnf config-manager --disable epel
Install Integ Ganeti repository:
# RHEL/CentOS/others **7.x**
yum install
yum-config-manager --disable integ-ganeti
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **8.x**
dnf install
dnf config-manager --disable integ-ganeti
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **9.x**
dnf install
dnf config-manager --disable integ-ganeti
Mandatory on all nodes.
Install DRBD package:
# RHEL/CentOS/others **7.x**
yum --enablerepo=elrepo install kmod-drbd84 drbd84-utils
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **8.x or later**
dnf --enablerepo=elrepo install kmod-drbd84 drbd84-utils
Enable drbd.service
systemctl enable drbd.service
Create /etc/modules-load.d/drbd.conf
echo "drbd" >> /etc/modules-load.d/drbd.conf
Create /etc/modprobe.d/drbd.conf
echo "options drbd minor_count=128 usermode_helper=/bin/true" >> /etc/modprobe.d/drbd.conf
Load DRBD kernel module:
systemctl start systemd-modules-load
systemctl start drbd.service
Mandatory on all nodes.
The volume group is required to be at least 20GiB.
If you haven't configured your LVM volume group at install time you need to do it before trying to initialize the Ganeti cluster. This is done by formatting the devices/partitions you want to use for it and then adding them to the relevant volume group.
pvcreate /dev/sda3
vgcreate vmvg /dev/sda3
pvcreate /dev/sdb1
pvcreate /dev/sdc1
vgcreate vmvg /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
If you want to add a device later you can do so with the vgextend command:
pvcreate /dev/sdd1
vgextend vmvg /dev/sdd1
(Optional) it is recommended to configure LVM not to scan the DRBD
devices for physical volumes. This can be accomplished by editing
and adding the
regular expression to the
variable, like this:
filter = ["r|/dev/cdrom|", "r|/dev/drbd[0-9]+|" ]
Mandatory on all nodes.
Configure SE Linux parameters for Ganeti cluster operations to work properly.
- RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others 8.x or later
setsebool -P nis_enabled on
setsebool -P domain_can_mmap_files on
setsebool -P use_virtualbox on
Mandatory on all nodes.
- Install Ganeti:
# RHEL/CentOS/others **7.x**
yum --enablerepo=epel,integ-ganeti install ganeti
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **8.x or later**
dnf --enablerepo=epel,integ-ganeti install ganeti
- (Optional) Install Ganeti Instance Debootstrap:
# RHEL/CentOS/others **7.x**
yum --enablerepo=epel,integ-ganeti install ganeti-instance-debootstrap
# RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/others **8.x or later**
dnf --enablerepo=epel,integ-ganeti install ganeti-instance-debootstrap
Required ports(default):
Several network ports must be available and opened so the different nodes can communicate properly between them.
- ganeti-noded: 1811/tcp
- ganeti-confd: 1814/udp
- ganeti-rapi: 5080/tcp
- ganeti-mond: 1815/tcp
- ganeti-metad: 80/tcp
- DRBD/VNC port for instances: 11000/tcp - 14999/tcp
Service configuration:
systemctl enable
systemctl enable ganeti-confd.service
systemctl enable ganeti-noded.service
systemctl enable ganeti-wconfd.service
systemctl enable ganeti-rapi.service
systemctl enable ganeti-luxid.service
systemctl enable ganeti-kvmd.service
# Optional: ganeti-mond is the daemon providing the Ganeti monitoring functionality.
systemctl enable ganeti-mond.service
# Optional: ganeti-metad is the daemon providing the metadata service.
systemctl enable ganeti-metad.service
Mandatory on one node per cluster.
Create ~/.ssh directory.
if [[ ! -d ~/.ssh ]]; then mkdir ~/.ssh; chmod 600 ~/.ssh; fi
Initialize a cluster.
gnt-cluster init --vg-name <VOLUMEGROUP> --master-netdev <MASTERINTERFACE> --nic-parameters link=<BRIDGEINTERFACE> <CLUSTERNAME>
Example for KVM:
# gnt-cluster init --vg-name vmvg --master-netdev <MASTERINTERFACE> --enabled-hypervisors kvm --nic-parameters link=<BRIDGEINTERFACE> gcluster
gnt-cluster init --vg-name vmvg --master-netdev eno1 --enabled-hypervisors kvm --nic-parameters link=br0 gcluster
Set default metavg parameter for DRBD disk
gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:metavg=vmvg
Enable use_bootloader for using VM's boot loader.
gnt-cluster modify --hypervisor-parameters kvm:kernel_path=
The settings using the gnt-cluster
command are global settings that are reflected in all instances. You can override the setting values for individual instance using the gnt-instance
The --user-shutdown
option enables or disables user shutdown detection at the cluster level. User shutdown detection allows users to initiate instance poweroff from inside the instance, and Ganeti will report the instance status as USER_down
(as opposed, to ERROR_down
) and the watcher will not restart these instances, thus preserving their instance status.
gnt-cluster modify --user-shutdown yes
This optimizes the DRBD performance.
- Optimizing DRBD performance section in The DRBD User's Guide
- DRBD 8.4 sync does got over 100 MB/s on 10 Gbit/s network
# For example with 1 Gbps NIC: min: 64 MB/sec, max 96 MB/sec
gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:dynamic-resync=True,c-plan-ahead=20,c-fill-target=20480,c-min-rate=65536,c-max-rate=98304,resync-rate=98304
gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:disk-custom='--al-extents 3833',net-custom='--max-buffers 8192 --max-epoch-size 8192'
# For example with 10 Gbps NIC: min: 300 MB/sec, max 400 MB/sec
gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:dynamic-resync=True,c-plan-ahead=20,c-fill-target=20480,c-min-rate=307200,c-max-rate=409600,resync-rate=409600
gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:disk-custom='--al-extents 3833',net-custom='--max-buffers 8192 --max-epoch-size 8192'
This parameter determines the emulated cpu for the instance.
# For clusters with the same CPU, it is possible to use the 'host' cpu type:
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:cpu_type=host
# For example on a cluster using IvyBridge-IBRS generation or later CPUs, the following command can be used:
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:cpu_type='IvyBridge-IBRS\,+pcid\,+ssbd\,+md-clear'
# Show available CPU types:
/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -cpu help
Number of emulated CPU sockets.
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:cpu_sockets=1
This parameter determines the way the network cards are presented to the instance.
# Use paravirtual
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:nic_type=paravirtual
# Use e1000
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:nic_type=e1000
Emulated vga mode, passed the the kvm -vga option.
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:vga="std"
This option specifies the keyboard mapping to be used. It is only needed when using the VNC console.
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:keymap=ja
Any other option to the KVM hypervisor.
# For example:
# - Enable KVM: -enable-kvm
# - Add virtio-rng device: -device virtio-rng-pci\,bus=pci.0\,addr=0x1e\,max-bytes=1024\,period=1000
# - Set video memory(MB): -global VGA.vgamem_mb=64
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:kvm_extra="-enable-kvm -device virtio-rng-pci\,bus=pci.0\,addr=0x1e\,max-bytes=1024\,period=1000 -global VGA.vgamem_mb=64"
Mandatory on master node.
gnt-cluster verify
Mandatory on master node.
After you have initialized your cluster you need to join the other nodes to it. You can do so by executing the following command on the master node.
gnt-node add <NODENAME>
# Example of adding node02
gnt-node add node2
# Example of adding node03
gnt-node add node3
... and more nodes.
gnt-node add node2
returns with the error:
Node daemon on didn't answer queries within 10.0 seconds
Make sure that you have port 1811 open (ss -anpt | grep 1811
gnt-cluster verify
on master returns an error afterVerifying node status
ERROR: node ssh communication with node '': ssh problem: ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer\'r\n
Initiate a manual ssh connection from node2 to node1 and vice versa.
Mandatory on all nodes.
systemctl start
systemctl start ganeti-kvmd.service
# Optional: ganeti-metad is the daemon providing the metadata service.
systemctl start ganeti-metad.service
systemctl stop ganeti-metad.service
systemctl stop ganeti-kvmd.service
systemctl stop
Mandatory on master node.
- Setting up RHEL/AlmaLinux/CentOS/Rocky Linux/others
We recommend to use Ganeti Instance Image (yum repository).
- Setting up Debian (require ganeti-instance-debootstrap)
Installation will be successful, but gnt-instance console doesn't work.
gnt-instance add -t drbd -n node1:node2 -o debootstrap+default --disk 0:size=8G -B vcpus=2,maxmem=1024,minmem=512 instance1
# With no check, no start, and no install
gnt-instance add -t drbd -n node2:node1 -o debootstrap+default --disk 0:size=8G -B vcpus=2,maxmem=1024,minmem=512 --no-ip-check --no-name-check --no-start --no-install
Enable VNC and check the VNC port of the created instance:
# gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:vnc_bind_address=
# gnt-instance info | grep "console connection"
console connection: vnc to (display 5101)
Start the instance with ISO image:
gnt-instance start -H boot_order=cdrom,cdrom_image_path=/path/to/install.iso
Connect to
using a VNC client and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.