v2.2.2 (08-22-2023) - Added dark skins v2.2.1 (06-29-2022) - Added new module PhotronStrip - Photron modules can be placed adjacent to each other to blend patterns - Photron can generate pixel-style patterns - PhotronPanel is resizable v2.1.1 (02-18-2022) - Added a memory bank to StochSeq - Added CV knobs to StochSeqGrid - External Clock auto start/stop can be overridden v2.1.0 (01-27-2022) - Added new module StochSeqGrid - Updated port UIs - Added animation to Photron & PhotronPanel for dark room - Updated volt ranges for StochSeq and StochSeq4 v2.0.2 (12-14-2021) - Added MCLK override in StochSeq4 - Fixed clock resets in StochSeq and StochSeq4 - Fixed bug in RandRoute multinoulli mode when it's polyphonic - Updated StochSeq interface v2.0.1 (12-08-2021) - Neutrinode node speeds can be extremely slow now - RandRoute has a multi-bernoulli mode now - RandRoute & RandGates have a weight probability knob - RandGates can accept polyphonic triggers and outputs 1 of 4 inputs for each channel - Added Chromatic scale to quantizer - Added individual manual URLs to each module v2.0.0 (11-27-2021) - Added new module StochSeq4X, an expander to StochSeq4 - Updated StochSeq UI - Added tooltips to all buttons and knobs - Updated glowing lights for Rack2 dark room feature - Neutrinode BPM goes up to 240 - added presets folder v1.3.6 (10-02-2021) - Put gates back to 1e-3 on StochSeq and StochSeq4 - Fixed UI bug in sliders that would allow for < 0% v1.3.5 (9-30-2021) - Added NOT gate and INV v/oct to StochSeq and all StochSeq4 patterns - Added OR and XOR gates to StochSeq4 patterns - StochSeq and StochSeq4 variable width sliders depending on pattern length - Added keyboard shortcuts to StochSeq and StochSeq4 - more PPQN options to Talea and PolyrhythmClock - added waveform capabilities to Photron v1.3.4 (9-17-2021) - Small changes to interfaces of StochSeq and StochSeq4 - Added Reset input to PolyrhythmClock - Updated interface to PolyrhythmClock v1.3.3 (4-8-2021) - Node movement is now saved in patch with Neutrinode - Updated lights on StochSeq v1.3.2 (3-29-2021) - Added one-shot play mode to Neutrinode - Updated interface to PolyrhythmClock v1.3.1 (3-26-2021) - Added new module RandRoute - Added new module Collider - Added volts offset knob for Orbitones - Bug fix for Orbitones trails - Updated docs v1.2.4 (3-05-2021) - Bug fix in Orbitones - Added percentages on individual sliders for StochSeq and StochSeq4 v1.2.3 (3-01-2021) - Bug fixes in Neutrinode and Orbitones v1.2.2 (1-07-2021) - Added octave feature to Talea - Bug fixes - Updated Docs v1.2.1 (12-12-2020) - Added boundary option for particles in Orbitones - Added input to control target color for Photron - Bug fixes - Updated Docs v1.2.0 (11-30-2020) - New module Talea (arpeggiator with unique polyrhythm capabilities) - New module Photron Panel (like photron but panel size) - Added trails for Orbitones particles - Bug fixes - Updated Docs v1.1.2 (11-12-2020) - Added right-click menu on Photron to change the processing rates v1.1.1 (11-08-2020) - Fixed Photron CPU issue where it was use around 30%, now only ~5% v1.1.0 (11-02-2020) - New module Orbitones - New module Photron - New module Absorption Spectrum - Added inputs to StochSeq to control `RND`, `INV`, and `DIM` - Fixed Polyphony menu in Neutrinode - Bug fixes - Updated Docs v1.0.2 (10-24-2020) - Added inputs to control `PLAY`, `BPM`, `MOVE`, and root note for Neutrinode - Added collisions mode (on/off) for Neutrinode nodes - Added inputs to control `PLAY`, `SPEED`, `RESET`, and root note for Cosmosis - Added external clock input for PolyrhythmClock v1.0.1 (10-14-2020) - Fixed `RESET` input bug for StochSeq4 - Added pitch quantization for both StochSeq and StochSeq4 - Updated Docs