This PR has successfully passed the full plugin-compatibility-test suite
Changes the API of Jenkins available for use in plugins.
There is no consensus about feasibility of this PR, and maintainers do not see a way forward for it
The PR is ready to go, and it will be merged soon if there is no negative feedback
Pull request that fixes a regression in one of the previous Jenkins releases
This PR removes a feature or a public API
For changelog: Minor enhancement. use `major-rfe` for changes to be highlighted
@jenkinsci/core-security-review reviewed this PR for security issues
Should not be shown in the changelog
This pull request is not a valid change proposal (e.g. vandalism, empty changes)
Unclean or useless commit history, should be merged only with squash-merge
The PR is reasonable and might be merged, but it is no longer active. It can be taken over by other
This PR adds/removes/updates test cases
There is a merge conflict with the target branch.
This changes might be breaking in rare circumstances, an entry in the LTS upgrade guide is needed
The PR includes WebUI changes which may need special expertise
The PR is under active development, not ready to the final review