diff --git a/docs/lang/go.md b/docs/lang/go.md
index a70c6c4cb8..dd6fe8deb1 100644
--- a/docs/lang/go.md
+++ b/docs/lang/go.md
@@ -27,62 +27,10 @@ mise use -g go@prefix:1.20
## Settings
-Set these with `mise settings set [VARIABLE] [VALUE]` or by setting the environment variable.
-### `go_default_packages_file`
-- Type: `string`
-- Default: `~/.default-go-packages`
-Packages list to install with `go install` after installing a Go version.
-### `go_download_mirror`
-- Type: `string`
-- Default: `https://dl.google.com/go`
-URL to download go sdk tarballs from.
-### `go_repo`
-- Type: `string`
-- Env: `MISE_GO_REPO`
-- Default: `https://github.com/golang/go`
-Used to get latest go version from GitHub releases.
-### `go_set_gobin`
-- Type: `bool | null`
-- Default: `null`
-Sets `GOBIN` to `~/.local/share/mise/go/installs/[VERSION]/bin`. This causes CLIs installed via
-`go install` to have shims created for it which will have env vars from mise such as GOROOT set.
-If not using shims or not using `go install` with tools that require GOROOT, it can probably be
-safely disabled. See the [go backend](https://mise.jdx.dev/dev-tools/backends/) for the preferred
-method to install Go CLIs.
-### `go_set_gopath`
-- Type: `bool`
-- Default: `false`
-Sets `GOPATH` to `~/.local/share/mise/go/installs/[VERSION]/packages`. This retains behavior from
-asdf and older mise versions. There is no known reason for this to be enabled but it is available
-(for now) just in case anyone relies on it.
-### `go_skip_checksum`
-- Type: `bool`
-- Default: `false`
-Skips checksum verification of downloaded go tarballs.
## Default packages