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File metadata and controls

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Grape Skeleton

GitHub license

A skeleton for Grape application.

It comes with this gems :

  • grape (of course)
  • puma (for the webserver)
  • dotenv (to get settings from env vars)
  • figaro (to validate env vars presence)
  • settingslogic (to store/retrieve settings)
  • foreman (to have a start command and to export systemd config files)

For the deployment we use :

  • capistrano (to do the deployment)
  • capistrano-rvm (because we use RVM)
  • capistrano-bundler (to install gems on deployment)
  • capistrano-foreman (so we can start/restart the application remotely)
  • capistrano-template (to install configuration files on deployment)

Usage in development

nicolas@desktop: git clone
nicolas@desktop: cd grape-skeleton
nicolas@desktop: bundle install
nicolas@desktop: bin/foreman start

You can then go to your browser and check

Api endpoints are located in lib/grape_skeleton/api/base.rb.

You can customize environment variables by creating a .env file at the root of the project :


Create a new app

To create a new application from this repository run the script at the root :

nicolas@desktop: ./ MyProject my_project

The arguments are the new project name in PascalCase then the new project name in snake_case.

The first is to sed string in files, the second to rename lib/grape_skeleton directory.

The script will rename the string GrapeSkeleton to MyProject and will move lib/grape_skeleton directory to lib/my_project.

The rest is up to you! (reinitializing repository, etc...) (do a git status to see the changes)


With Docker

You can build a Docker image and run it :

nicolas@desktop: make build
nicolas@desktop: make start

To get the container status :

nicolas@desktop: make status

To stop the container :

nicolas@desktop: make stop

With Capistrano

Or you can deploy in the good old fashion :

  1. Create a grape-skeleton user on a server and install your SSH public key
# As root
root: adduser --disabled-password --home /data/www/grape-skeleton grape-skeleton
root: su - grape-skeleton

# As grape-skeleton user
grape-skeleton: mkdir .ssh
grape-skeleton: vi .ssh/authorized_keys
  1. Install RVM on the server as grape-skeleton user
# As grape-skeleton user
grape-skeleton: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
grape-skeleton: \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
  1. Intall Ruby 2.4.2 and Bundler
# As grape-skeleton user
grape-skeleton: rvm install 2.4.2
grape-skeleton: gem install bundler
  1. Create Capistrano config file

On your local computer :

  • Rename config/deploy/production.rb.dist into config/deploy/production.rb and update it to make it point to your server.

  • Deploy with Capistrano

nicolas@desktop: cap production deploy