This module contains the actual JBotSim code. It is responsible for building and publishing every unitary jars on Maven Central.
In order to foster application size minimisation, modularity, third-party dependencies minimisation, and multi-platform implementations, JBotSim is now split in several easy-to-use artifacts.
This documentation will help you find out which dependencies you need. See:
- Project structure for a general overview of the modules and their dependencies;
- Which artifact should I use? for a deeper understanding on what to use depending on your constraints and what each artifact can offer.
All subprojects in this project aim at publishing an artifact on Maven Central. They are all listed below:
: phony target which publishes a minimal artifact with dependency declarations for all artifacts (historically Swing) JBotSim.jbotsim-common
: phony target which publishes a minimal artifact with dependency declarations for common artifacts of JBotSim.jbotsim-core
: generates/publish a jar containing the core of JBotSim. This jar contains the JBotSim's main classes.jbotsim-serialization-common
: generates/publish a jar containing common classes for topologies import/export.jbotsim-extras-common
: generates/publish a jar containing common classes for several "extra" features (e.g.: Connectivity testing).jbotsim-extras-swing
: generates/publish a jar containing AWT/SWING-specific classes for several "extra" features (e.g.: Connectivity testing). This submodule is the AWT/SWING extension of thejbotsim-extras-common
: generates/publish a jar containing a set of icons usable with JBotSim.jbotsim-ui-common
: generates/publish a jar containing common classes for UI manipulation.jbotsim-ui-swing
: generates/publish a jar containing AWT/SWING-specific classes for UI manipulation. This submodule is the AWT/SWING extension of thejbotsim-ui-common
This section helps you figure out which artifact you should use. Each artifact is the result of the publication of one of the subprojects listed previously (brief exhaustive list).
As of version 1.0.0
is meant to be the replacement of the former JBotSim jar.If you try to migrate an existing project, you can definitely start here! All the previous features will be available using this dependency. Please see the changelog for migration.
Amongst others, this artifact will also retrieve all AWT/Swing dependencies.
Artifact dependencies
io.jbotsim:jbotsim-all:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-extras-swing:1.2.0 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-swing:1.2.0 | | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | | | \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0 | | | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | | | \--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.7.2 | | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-common:1.2.0 | | \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-extras-common:1.2.0 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0 \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-icons:1.2.0
is meant to retrieve commonly used non-platform-dependent, aka "common", artifacts (for example,jbotsim-extras-common
is omitted).Indeed, whenever possible (and meaningful), we try to:
- regroup as much common code as possible in a common module (
artifact), and - put platform-specific code in separate modules (
artifact). Such modules depend on the same common module. This provides an easier way of supporting new platforms, and fixing the common code once for all platforms.
If you want to provide your own UI and/or you don't want any dependencies to AWT/Swing, this artifact is a good starting point.
Artifact dependencies
io.jbotsim:jbotsim-common:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | \--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.7.2 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-common:1.2.0 | \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-icons:1.2.0
- regroup as much common code as possible in a common module (
contains JBotSim's main classes.If you only want to retrieve the main classes, this artifact is for you!
Artifact dependencies
contains classes responsible for the import/export of a JBotSim'sTopology
s.You only need to import this artifact if you plan to perform
import/export.This "common" module currently does not have a platform-specific counterpart.
As stated by the following dependency tree, there is a dependency to
(it is induced by theDotTopologySerializer
). We consider that this dependency should be compatible with all platforms.Artifact dependencies
io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 \--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.7.2
specifies common objects and interfaces to use if you want to ease later multi-platform UI development.jbotsim-ui-swing
is its current platform-specific counterpart.You only need to explicitly declare a dependency to this artifact if you plan to provide your own UI.
Artifact dependencies
io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-common:1.2.0 \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0
contains JBotSim's historical AWT/Swing UI components (JViewer
are here!).This module is
's current platform-specific counterpart.You only need to explicitly declare a dependence to this artifact if you plan to provide your own UI.
As stated by the following dependency tree, there is an obvious dependency to
.Artifact dependencies
io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-swing:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim::jbotsim-core:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | \--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.7.2 \--- io.jbotsim::jbotsim-ui-common:1.2.0 \--- io.jbotsim::jbotsim-core:1.2.0
contains a set of png icons usable by JBotSim'sNode
object.This artifact only contain resources, no Java code.
It comes with
, so you only need to explicitly declare a dependence to this artifact if you plan to provide your own UI.Artifact dependencies
+--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-icons:1.2.0
contain legacy or contribution classes that are not deemed essential or currently worthy of being another artifact (one of the existing ones, or a new one).These classes are delivered as is. Please consider that some of these are less reviewed/tested than the rest of the project. Nevertheless, we will gladly help you with those, should they interest you.
Artifact dependencies
io.jbotsim:jbotsim-extras-swing:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-swing:1.2.0 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0 | | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 | | \--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.7.2 | +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-ui-common:1.2.0 | \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-extras-common:1.2.0 +--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-core:1.2.0 \--- io.jbotsim:jbotsim-serialization-common:1.2.0