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v1.6.1 (January 15, 2019)
- Fixed French translation, #42
- Fixed YouTube autoloop, #60
- Fixed datepicker issue on some browsers, #63
- Fixed removing frames with missing media, #69
- Extended URL for PowerBI frames, #70
- Migrated Yahoo YQL to Yahoo Weather API, #92
- Added missing translations for DE and FR
Notice: The free Yahoo Weather API used in DM has been officially retired as of January 3rd, 2019. We are looking for alternatives.
v1.6.0 (Februray 11, 2018)
- Added display resolution method based on cookies, compliments to @halloamt, #37
- Added German translations, compliments to @halloamt, #37
- Added French translations, compliments to @ACANEXIA, #35
- Added validation and error reporting to DMP
- Added Fill mode for pictures, compliments @HansKatsman, #31
- Fixed SSRS report parameters, compliments @HansKatsman, #31
v1.5.2 (September 21, 2017)
- Subject for quick booking
v1.5.1 (July 06, 2017)
- Fixed erratic navigation in CRUD actions
v1.5.0 (June 22, 2017)
- Power BI improvements: added workspace selection
- Power BI improvements: fixed issue #19 related to tenant id
- Power BI improvements: preview Power BI frames in DMM
- Power BI improvements: added a helper link to Azure account screen to register Power BI application
v1.4.0 (April 30, 2017)
- Added AES encryption mode
- Improved application settings UI by adding extended descriptions and grouping
v1.3.4 (February 9, 2017)
- Addressed the token size for Azure accounts, issue #8
v1.3.3 (February 6, 2017)
- Added EWS tracing path to save diagnostics information during EWS account setup
- Added frame count to panel list under canvas detils page
- Fixed WOEID lookup and added WOEID control to location edit page, issue #9
- Added extra CSS styles to DMP error popup
- Fixed temperature unit on location edit page, issue #10
v1.3.2 (January 17, 2017)
- Added tracing parameters to HTTP handlers
- Auto-populate URL when creating EWS account
v1.3.1 (December 08, 2016)
- Fixed minor database issue related to canvas/display foreign key
- Fixed dashboard error for blank DM database
- Fixed integer-type application settings
v1.3.0 (October 21, 2016)
- Power BI frame: new feature
- Refactored all frame classes for inheritance
- Asynchronous report, media and weather rendering
- Improved report frames thumbnail caching
v1.2.0 (September 15, 2016)
- Outlook frame: added ShowAs filter and quick booking support, redesigned HTML template.
v1.1.0 (June 21, 2016)
- Added Privacy option for Outlook frames allowing to either suppress certain events or hide their details.
Changes to SQL database are found here.
Check the ReadMe document for more details.