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jasonwynn10 edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 8 revisions

Q: Help! I'm getting this error about an extension not being loaded.

Required extension sqlite3 not loaded

Required extension mysqli not loaded

A: MyPlot requires Sqlite3 and MySQLi extensions to be added/enabled in your php build. To resolve this issue, follow the instructions below.

Windows Binaries: serverFolder/bin/php/php.ini and uncomment these one of the two lines by removing the ; in front.

  • ;extension=php_mysqli.dll - for mysql
  • ;extension=php_sqlite3.dll - for sqlite

Linux Binaries: should already be enabled by default.

Q: I keep getting this error, causing the plugin to disable. How can I fix this?

Error: "Class 'spoondetector\SpoonDetector' not found" (EXCEPTION)

A: If you experience this error, most likely you downloaded the plugin directly from GitHub. Instead, please download an official build from Poggit.

Q: I only want some players to be able to use a specific command. What permission should I give?

A: MyPlot has an extensive list of subcommands and permissions which can be found by visiting the Commands and Permissions Page on this wiki.

Q: I edited my config file, why isn't MyPlot working?

A: The MyPlot config must be edited like the examples found here.

  • Config files can also be "corrupted" by editing them in a text editor (like windows notepad) which uses different line endings.

Q: Why is my plot world generator not working?

A: Custom generators aren't fully implemented yet. I recommend asking the creator to see if they can fix the issue.

Reporting an issue

If none of the above Q/A helped you, then you should open a support ticket.
MyPlot has a template for issues which is required to be followed, shown here:

<!-- put an 'x' in the brackets -->
- [x] This issue isn't duplicated - you can check if it is by using the search bar located at the top left hand corner and select "Issues" on the left.
- [x] This issue includes appropriate markdown for sections - e.g. code blocks for crash dumps.
- [x] This issue is understandable - feel free to use your native language to write issues if you are not comfortable with English.

<!-- ISSUE DESCRIPTION - write a SHORT title about what problem you're having. -->
## Issue description
What problem do you have?

<!-- REPRODUCE ISSUE STEPS - how can this issue be reproduced? -->
## Reproducing the issue
1. ...
2. ...

<!-- CLIENT INFORMATION - what is the plugin version, PHP version, and server build you're running? -->
## Client information
PocketMine-MP Version: <!-- use the 'version' command in PocketMine-MP. "LATEST" is not a valid version -->
Plugin Version: 
PHP version: 7.2.1 (default)

<!-- OPTIONAL INFORMATION - use this section for posting crash dumps, backtraces or other files(please use code markdown!) -->
## Optional information
Put a console error here, but please make sure you have your debug level set to 2 in your pocketmine.yml

If you are ready to create your issue, click here.

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