This directory contains all flagd documentation, see table of contents below:
See the main page for the quick start guide.
See all flagd installation options
This page provides copy and paste evaluation examples.
Flagd is configured via CLI arguments on startup, this page describes all available options.
This document describes the syntax for feature flag JSON configurations: Flag configuration.
Once flagd is running, your next step is to integrate it into you application. This page shows all available integration options (called providers) in a variety of languages.
flagd offers a functionality called targeting rules which rely on the incoming context sent by the client during flag evaluation.
This page describes how to define targeting rules.
flagd supports fractional evaluation meaning an incoming property in the context can be sub-divided at "evaluation time" into "buckets".
This page explains the concept and describes the technical implementation in detail.
flagd can retrieve flags from multiple sources simultaneously. This page describes the de-duplication and merging rules that occur if multiple identical flags are found from different flag sources.
This section documents any behavior of flagd which may seem unexpected:
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