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58 lines (55 loc) · 2.5 KB

flint 0.0.5

increase coverage of standard mathematical constants

increase coverage of special mathematical functions

random number generation, something like ‘sample’, ‘runif’

rounding to ‘prec’ bits

plotting … ??

work around missing ‘arf’, ‘acf’ functionality

write a vignette


formatting of floating-point types suppressing trailing zeros

formatting of ‘arb’ with two ‘digits’ for midpoint, radius

flint 0.0.1

‘names’ slot for the virtual class

flintSize for getting the size of an allocated array

flintIdentical testing for identical-modulo-address

export, document flintIdentical

abandon ‘nflint’ and subclasses

methods for !,, is.nan, is.finite, is.infinite

export, document Num, Den, Mid, Rad, Real, Imag

methods for as.character using format

initialization with character vectors

methods for all.equal

coercion to the virtual class

methods for c

methods for length<-

methods for rep

methods for mean

methods for xtfrm

methods for mtfrm

methods for unique, duplicated, anyDuplicated using mtfrm

x[i] <- value should conditionally promote ‘x’ to class(value)

methods for Summary, mean not ignoring ‘…’

methods for as.POSIXlt, as.POSIXct, as.Date

methods for cut, findInterval

methods for<-

methods for is.unsorted

methods for seq, sequence

methods for summary, quantile

methods for

register an S3 method format.flint for use by

document generic functions whose default methods seem to work for us

as.character, as.symbol, as.pairlist, as.list, as.expression, diff, labels, rev,, sort, sort_by, split, split<-, subset, toString

document details of operations on real, complex balls

check for memory bugs: Valgrind, ASan, UBSan, rchk

ideally after increasing test coverage

methods for ‘mag’ consulting rounding mode, conditionally giving lower bound

export, document class generator functions

configure tests for many missing acf_*, mag_*

abandon 64-bit lengths on 32-bit builds

support ‘flint’ subscripts of ‘flint’ vectors

support ‘flint’ subscripts of traditional vectors

fix all.equal(check.attributes=TRUE)

fix coercions to character, symbol, pairlist, list, expression