- Zhihao Chen, Tianji Yang, Yixiao Zheng, Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, and Aoying Zhou. "Spectrum: Speedy and Strictly-Deterministic Smart Contract Transactions for Blockchain Ledgers." In Proceedings of the 50th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2024), Pages 2541--2554, Guangzhou, China, August, 2024. [Paper] [Slides] [Ref
Spectrum is the first deterministic concurrency control (DCC) scheme that preserves consensus-established ordering fairness (by ensuring strict determinism) with high performance for blockchain ledgers.
This repo is for the reproducibility of Spectrum.
For quick clone, use the shallow clone flag --depth 1
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/jacklightChen/spectrum.git
This project heavily used CXX_20 features.
Therefore, to compile this project, you either need clang >= 17 or gcc/g++ >= 12
If you have apt (Advanced Packaging Tool), you can use the following command to install clang 17.
wget -qO- https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh | sudo bash -s 17
If your clang version is not 17 by default, use the following command for building with clang.
CXX=clang++-17 CC=clang-17 cmake -S . -B build
We use cmake
as the building system.
To configure the building plan, we use the following instruction.
cmake -S . -B build
Optionally, one can use debug option to generate debug logs. Note that performance will deteriorate significantly if debug mode is enabled.
cmake -S . -B build -DNDEBUG=1
To build this project, we use the following command.
cmake --build build -j
This build command will compile and link the main library along with several executables.
The generated executable is called bench
. Its basic usage is as follows:
For example:
./build/bench Spectrum:36:9973:COPYONWRITE Smallbank:1000000:0 2s
The scripts folder contains scripts to test all execution schemes, including testing fixed zipf with varying threads and fixed threads with varying zipf.
The parameters in bench-threads-tps.py/bench-skew-tps.py can be modified to test different benchmarks.
Parameter | Meaning |
keys | Number of keys |
workload | Which workload to be tested |
repeat | Number of repetitions per bench, averaged at the end |
threads | Number of threads |
zipf | Zipf distribution parameter |
times_to_run | Duration of each bench test |
All Spectrum schemes and Sparkle schemes(except original Sparkle) have three parameters. The original Sparkle scheme does not need to include EVMType. Please pass parameters in the following way.
The EVMType can be one of the following options: EVMCOW, STRAWMAN, BASIC
For the Aria/AriaFB scheme, please pass parameters in the following way.
Aria:threads:table_partition:batchsize/threads:ReOrderingFlag(True or False)
The Calvin scheme is similar to Aria, but does not need to include ReOrderingFlag.
For the Serial scheme, please pass parameters in the following way.
If you find this repo useful, please cite our paper.
author = {Zhihao Chen and
Tianji Yang and
Yixiao Zheng and
Zhao Zhang and
Cheqing Jin and
Aoying Zhou},
title = {Spectrum: Speedy and Strictly-Deterministic Smart Contract Transactions
for Blockchain Ledgers},
journal = {Proc. {VLDB} Endow.},
volume = {17},
number = {10},
pages = {2541--2554},
year = {2024}