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ivmartel edited this page Jun 9, 2015 · 13 revisions

#Welcome to the dwv-orthanc-plugin wiki!

Build requirements

  • python (2.7.8),
  • CMake (2.8.12 or higher),
  • a C++ compiler.

Build instructions

  • For plugin versions pre 0.3.1:
  • checkout the Orthanc source code on sourceforge for version 0.8.6,
  • Checkout the dwv-orthanc-plugin source code (git clone or download zip),
  • Point CMake to the dwv-orthanc-plugin folder and choose a build folder,
  • Run Configure in CMake,
  • Set the path to the Orthanc sources in the CMake ORTHANC_DIR variable,
  • Run Generate in CMake,
  • Compile with your favourite compiler:
  • the official Orthanc Windows build is 32bits

Orthanc configuration

Just add the path to the DwvOrthancPlugin shared library in the "Plugins" section of an Orthanc configuration file.

Launch Orthanc with the configuration file as input (for example Orthanc ./Configuration.json) and browse to the Orthanc explorer (default at http://localhost:8042/app/explorer.html#). At instance and series level, a preview button allows to launch dwv.

The current configuration needs to have the pop-up blockers disabled for the Orthanc pages. This can be changed in the replace.js file at L36 and L90 but will open in the same window...


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