const sessionName = "dreaded1"; const antiforeign = process.env.ANTIFOREIGN || 'FALSE'; const autobio = process.env.AUTOBIO || 'TRUE'; let botname = process.env.BOTNAME || 'ššššš-šš'; const owner = process.env.DEV || '923195832822'; // This will send a notification once the bot reconnects const { default: dreadedConnect, useMultiFileAuthState, DisconnectReason, fetchLatestBaileysVersion, makeInMemoryStore, downloadContentFromMessage, jidDecode, proto, getContentType, } = require("@whiskeysockets/baileys"); const pino = require("pino"); const { Boom } = require("@hapi/boom"); const fs = require("fs"); const axios = require("axios"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const FileType = require("file-type"); const figlet = require("figlet"); const packname = process.env.STICKER_PACKNAME; const _ = require("lodash"); const PhoneNumber = require("awesome-phonenumber"); const { imageToWebp, videoToWebp, writeExifImg, writeExifVid } = require('./lib/dreadexif'); const { isUrl, generateMessageTag, getBuffer, getSizeMedia, fetchJson, await, sleep } = require('./lib/dreadfunc'); const store = makeInMemoryStore({ logger: pino().child({ level: "silent", stream: "store" }) }); const autoviewstatus = process.env.AUTOVIEW_STATUS || 'TRUE'; const welcome = process.env.WELCOME || 'TRUE'; const color = (text, color) => { return !color ? : chalk.keyword(color)(text); }; function smsg(conn, m, store) { if (!m) return m; let M = proto.WebMessageInfo; if (m.key) { =; m.isBaileys ="BAE5") && === 16; = m.key.remoteJid; m.fromMe = m.key.fromMe; m.isGroup =""); m.sender = conn.decodeJid((m.fromMe && || m.participant || m.key.participant || || ""); if (m.isGroup) m.participant = conn.decodeJid(m.key.participant) || ""; } if (m.message) { m.mtype = getContentType(m.message); m.msg = m.mtype == "viewOnceMessage" ? m.message[m.mtype].message[getContentType(m.message[m.mtype].message)] : m.message[m.mtype]; m.body = m.message.conversation || m.msg.caption || m.msg.text || (m.mtype == "listResponseMessage" && m.msg.singleSelectReply.selectedRowId) || (m.mtype == "buttonsResponseMessage" && m.msg.selectedButtonId) || (m.mtype == "viewOnceMessage" && m.msg.caption) || m.text; let quoted = (m.quoted = m.msg.contextInfo ? m.msg.contextInfo.quotedMessage : null); m.mentionedJid = m.msg.contextInfo ? m.msg.contextInfo.mentionedJid : []; if (m.quoted) { let type = getContentType(quoted); m.quoted = m.quoted[type]; if (["productMessage"].includes(type)) { type = getContentType(m.quoted); m.quoted = m.quoted[type]; } if (typeof m.quoted === "string") m.quoted = { text: m.quoted, }; m.quoted.mtype = type; = m.msg.contextInfo.stanzaId; = m.msg.contextInfo.remoteJid ||; m.quoted.isBaileys = ?"BAE5") && === 16 : false; m.quoted.sender = conn.decodeJid(m.msg.contextInfo.participant); m.quoted.fromMe = m.quoted.sender === conn.decodeJid(; m.quoted.text = m.quoted.text || m.quoted.caption || m.quoted.conversation || m.quoted.contentText || m.quoted.selectedDisplayText || m.quoted.title || ""; m.quoted.mentionedJid = m.msg.contextInfo ? m.msg.contextInfo.mentionedJid : []; m.getQuotedObj = m.getQuotedMessage = async () => { if (! return false; let q = await store.loadMessage(,, conn); return exports.smsg(conn, q, store); }; let vM = (m.quoted.fakeObj = M.fromObject({ key: { remoteJid:, fromMe: m.quoted.fromMe, id:, }, message: quoted, ...(m.isGroup ? { participant: m.quoted.sender } : {}), })); /** * * @returns */ m.quoted.delete = () => conn.sendMessage(, { delete: vM.key }); /** * * @param {*} jid * @param {*} forceForward * @param {*} options * @returns */ m.quoted.copyNForward = (jid, forceForward = false, options = {}) => conn.copyNForward(jid, vM, forceForward, options); /** * * @returns */ = () => conn.downloadMediaMessage(m.quoted); } } if (m.msg.url) = () => conn.downloadMediaMessage(m.msg); m.text = m.msg.text || m.msg.caption || m.message.conversation || m.msg.contentText || m.msg.selectedDisplayText || m.msg.title || ""; /** * Reply to this message * @param {String|Object} text * @param {String|false} chatId * @param {Object} options */ m.reply = (text, chatId =, options = {}) => (Buffer.isBuffer(text) ? conn.sendMedia(chatId, text, "file", "", m, { ...options }) : conn.sendText(chatId, text, m, { ...options })); /** * Copy this message */ m.copy = () => exports.smsg(conn, M.fromObject(M.toObject(m))); /** * * @param {*} jid * @param {*} forceForward * @param {*} options * @returns */ m.copyNForward = (jid =, forceForward = false, options = {}) => conn.copyNForward(jid, m, forceForward, options); return m; } async function startHisoka() { const { state, saveCreds } = await useMultiFileAuthState(`./${sessionName ? sessionName : "dreaded1"}`); const { version, isLatest } = await fetchLatestBaileysVersion(); console.log(`using WA v${version.join(".")}, isLatest: ${isLatest}`); console.log( color( figlet.textSync("CROWN-AI", { font: "Standard", horizontalLayout: "default", vertivalLayout: "default", whitespaceBreak: false, }), "green" ) ); const client = dreadedConnect({ logger: pino({ level: "silent" }), printQRInTerminal: true, browser: ["CHATGPT - DREADED", "Safari", "5.1.7"], auth: state, syncFullHistory: true, }); if (autobio === 'TRUE'){ setInterval(() => { const date = new Date() client.updateProfileStatus( `Long live ${botname}\n\n${date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'Africa/Nairobi' })} It's a ${date.toLocaleString('en-US', { weekday: 'long', timeZone: 'Africa/Nairobi'})}.` ) }, 10 * 1000) } store.bind(client.ev); client.ev.on("messages.upsert", async (chatUpdate) => { //console.log(JSON.stringify(chatUpdate, undefined, 2)) try { mek = chatUpdate.messages[0]; if (!mek.message) return; mek.message = Object.keys(mek.message)[0] === "ephemeralMessage" ? mek.message.ephemeralMessage.message : mek.message; if (autoviewstatus === 'TRUE' && mek.key && mek.key.remoteJid === "status@broadcast") { client.readMessages([mek.key]); } if (!client.public && !mek.key.fromMe && chatUpdate.type === "notify") return; m = smsg(client, mek, store); const dreaded = require("./dreaded"); dreaded(client, m, chatUpdate, store); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }); // Handle error const unhandledRejections = new Map(); process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason, promise) => { unhandledRejections.set(promise, reason); console.log("Unhandled Rejection at:", promise, "reason:", reason); }); process.on("rejectionHandled", (promise) => { unhandledRejections.delete(promise); }); process.on("Something went wrong", function (err) { console.log("Caught exception: ", err); }); // Setting client.decodeJid = (jid) => { if (!jid) return jid; if (/:\d+@/gi.test(jid)) { let decode = jidDecode(jid) || {}; return (decode.user && decode.server && decode.user + "@" + decode.server) || jid; } else return jid; }; function _0x29cf(){const _0x2f6ca3=['group-participants.update','remove','254','910863dDSaFb','146487zDznIw','groupParticipantsUpdate','sendMessage','200259gYsLZh','startsWith','40bMoLNF','13151ZUchWx','82691ApiyjL','4LeNAvk','add','\x20has\x20been\x20removed\x20by\x20Dreaded!\x20Only\x20Kenyan\x20numbers\x20are\x20allowed\x20to\x20join!','1055145aElrbj','participants','1500600oPVfCJ','20HUXDAq','48IAhWXe'];_0x29cf=function(){return _0x2f6ca3;};return _0x29cf();}const _0xe11567=_0x1275;function _0x1275(_0x28b765,_0x13dc1a){const _0x29cfbd=_0x29cf();return _0x1275=function(_0x12753e,_0x2117f6){_0x12753e=_0x12753e-0x145;let _0x51fa9b=_0x29cfbd[_0x12753e];return _0x51fa9b;},_0x1275(_0x28b765,_0x13dc1a);}(function(_0x7a02ed,_0xedb092){const _0x40a74e=_0x1275,_0x2c7c97=_0x7a02ed();while(!![]){try{const _0x2784d5=parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x147))/0x1*(-parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x14f))/0x2)+-parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x154))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x149))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x14c))/0x5+parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x14e))/0x6+parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x148))/0x7*(parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x150))/0x8)+-parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x158))/0x9*(-parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x146))/0xa)+-parseInt(_0x40a74e(0x155))/0xb;if(_0x2784d5===_0xedb092)break;else _0x2c7c97['push'](_0x2c7c97['shift']());}catch(_0x210b13){_0x2c7c97['push'](_0x2c7c97['shift']());}}}(_0x29cf,0x2a213),client['ev']['on'](_0xe11567(0x151),async _0x2b1bff=>{const _0x555408=_0xe11567;let _0x53289d=await await client['groupMetadata'](_0x2b1bff['id']),_0x3279a2=_0x2b1bff[_0x555408(0x14d)][0x0];_0x2b1bff['action']==_0x555408(0x14a)&&(!member[_0x555408(0x145)](_0x555408(0x153))&&(await client[_0x555408(0x156)](_0x2b1bff['id'],[_0x3279a2],_0x555408(0x152)),client[_0x555408(0x157)](_0x2b1bff['id'],{'text':'@'+_0x3279a2['split']`@`[0x0]+_0x555408(0x14b)})));})); function _0x4f5a() { const _0x1d2cdd = [ 'VMeaW', 'XCwNx', '60opHYUF', 'ate', 'includes', 'zLvfv', '1384tgPBTu', 'hodHI', 'ription.\x20F', 'DETECTED!\x20', 'vactN', '1276550RAX', '16944hLhQEk', '\x20getting\x20r', 'RRe', 'uBhNg', 'WuYZo', 'PDXha', 'SkgPg', 'WECwI', 'WwKiW', 'promote', '11619LvfHk', 'jdJUI', 'scbPN', '1990254eux', 'VDIqx', 'BLQSQ', 'ZTVdG', '6258850GJn', 'OaVWm', 'ESfoN', 'KdtgL', 'GBBAd', 'AGfFh', 'cbLUR', 'VNrCi', 'KoYti', '2541140180', 'wKXuE', '246OGpYPS', 'Sswhy', 'ollow\x20the\x20', 'TRUE', 'oHCDg', '5soQhdy', '6240444bvPGYh', 'group\x20desc', 'icipants.u', 'cipantsUpd', 'fHsoE', 'shift', '!\x20Promoted', 'gWqAZ', '320HXkysB', 'subject', '15VWbqBI', '\x20has\x20joine', 'sendMessag', 'pdate', 'jsSJE', 'ymbCJ', '9rOCBsS', '5528200DCrwWN', 'group\x20rule', 'rown\x20Bot', 'lry', 'cBOYH', 'ILuES', 'groupParti', 'ht\x20want\x20to', 'POJWT', 'YbrwE', '\x20group\x27s\x20i', 'emoved.\x0a\x0aC', 'groupMetad', 'group-part', 'BXohV', '.\x0a\x0aYou\x20mig', 'jTkhm', 'Ctyhp', 'add', 'ata', '1911516biE', '382965uHzgwg', 'VhVIL', 'WmfXY', 'jJXPL', '24933Cggbv', 'bZJXt', 'CwTnP', 'tfbPo', 'cKFRx', 'aHkJO', 'bvsZQ', 'eFHkX', '\x20read\x20the\x20', 'action', 'dFjfA', 'push', 'Erpvc', '1805634vieSNN', 'kZXtH', 'DttQT', 'qxw', 'sKCMx', 'WlXns', 'tATwn', 'GpWma', '!\x202023ā¢', 'Knmng', 'JWVsl', '\x20to\x20Admin!', '467517OoTx', 'me\x20to\x20', 'š\x0a\x0aOwner\x20@', 'XoVuk', 'split', 'd\x20via\x20this', 's\x20to\x20avoid', 'nvite\x20link', 'WKk', 'vhvuK', 'PvJaf', 'participan', '1858297nwRhIR', '16VXWudv', 'DKNTN', 'yvnDl', 'DgeRP', '599384cfdkQy', '.\x20š\x0a\x0aWelco' ]; _0x4f5a = function () { return _0x1d2cdd; }; return _0x4f5a(); } const _0x2fbcd6 = _0x30c0; function _0x30c0(_0x4dfa59, _0x56a568) { const _0x23c11e = _0x4f5a(); return _0x30c0 = function (_0x5ed8e5, _0x2c66ef) { _0x5ed8e5 = _0x5ed8e5 - (0x1 * -0x13c7 + 0x867 + -0xb * -0x120); let _0x33b167 = _0x23c11e[_0x5ed8e5]; return _0x33b167; }, _0x30c0(_0x4dfa59, _0x56a568); } (function (_0x35a62c, _0x70bcfe) { const _0x4c0f34 = _0x30c0, _0x3c5967 = _0x35a62c(); while (!![]) { try { const _0x131896 = -parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x16f)) / (0x22e4 + 0xdb7 * -0x1 + -0x152c) + parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x17d)) / (0x1974 + 0x37f * 0x9 + 0x11 * -0x359) * (parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x115)) / (-0x1d97 + 0x3 * -0x40b + 0x29bb)) + parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x11b)) / (-0x1f1 + 0x3 * -0x2af + 0x356 * 0x3) + -parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x125)) / (-0x2513 + -0x9 * 0xd5 + 0x2c95) * (parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x152)) / (-0x161 + 0x6b * 0xf + -0x2 * 0x26f)) + parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x16a)) / (-0x3 * 0x6be + -0xda3 * 0x1 + 0x21e4) * (-parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x16b)) / (-0x1d7 * 0x4 + 0x1 * 0x1f51 + -0x17ed)) + -parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x12b)) / (0x1f88 + 0x26f2 * -0x1 + 0x773 * 0x1) * (-parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x12c)) / (-0x21e0 + 0x70f * -0x2 + 0x3008)) + -parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x141)) / (-0x1c1d + 0x15cb * 0x1 + 0x65d) * (-parseInt(_0x4c0f34(0x173)) / (-0x2a * -0xba + 0x12f * 0x19 + -0x7b * 0x7d)); if (_0x131896 === _0x70bcfe) break; else _0x3c5967['push'](_0x3c5967['shift']()); } catch (_0x1adbdc) { _0x3c5967['push'](_0x3c5967['shift']()); } } }(_0x4f5a, 0x2bd * -0x41c + -0x85580 + -0x1 * -0x220f83)); function _0x52d5(_0x3976cc, _0x3646df) { const _0x4814a5 = _0x30c0, _0x512ac3 = { 'cbLUR': function (_0x467bba, _0x33a9e9) { return _0x467bba - _0x33a9e9; }, 'GpWma': function (_0x1ab0d7) { return _0x1ab0d7(); }, 'Knmng': function (_0x125ff1, _0x28224, _0x10b22d) { return _0x125ff1(_0x28224, _0x10b22d); } }, _0x8b2022 = _0x512ac3[_0x4814a5(0x159)](_0x2f66); return _0x52d5 = function (_0x5064fa, _0x33acb0) { const _0x55e8d7 = _0x4814a5; _0x5064fa = _0x512ac3[_0x55e8d7(0x110)](_0x5064fa, 0x2439 + -0x8e6 + -0x1bc * 0xf); let _0xfbded8 = _0x8b2022[_0x5064fa]; return _0xfbded8; }, _0x512ac3[_0x4814a5(0x15b)](_0x52d5, _0x3976cc, _0x3646df); } (function (_0x17e561, _0x1ee97a) { const _0x3fea7e = _0x30c0, _0x3e4fe3 = { 'XoVuk': function (_0x2336ee) { return _0x2336ee(); }, 'jsSJE': function (_0x24fb7a, _0x402c33) { return _0x24fb7a + _0x402c33; }, 'WwKiW': function (_0x1ac21, _0x389bc2) { return _0x1ac21 + _0x389bc2; }, 'POJWT': function (_0x2e433e, _0x58a1a9) { return _0x2e433e + _0x58a1a9; }, 'kZXtH': function (_0x3c9f04, _0x20bcaf) { return _0x3c9f04 + _0x20bcaf; }, 'AGfFh': function (_0x14b964, _0x500c71) { return _0x14b964 / _0x500c71; }, 'ymbCJ': function (_0x6c848c, _0x2346d3) { return _0x6c848c(_0x2346d3); }, 'GBBAd': function (_0x51c894, _0xd345d3) { return _0x51c894(_0xd345d3); }, 'VDIqx': function (_0xef50ec, _0x11f978) { return _0xef50ec(_0x11f978); }, 'jJXPL': function (_0x40d6c6, _0x4a5d6e) { return _0x40d6c6 * _0x4a5d6e; }, 'YbrwE': function (_0x35b9df, _0x3aed51) { return _0x35b9df / _0x3aed51; }, 'JWVsl': function (_0x1e3700, _0x3438db) { return _0x1e3700 * _0x3438db; }, 'ILuES': function (_0x57b17d, _0x39d29c) { return _0x57b17d(_0x39d29c); }, 'yvnDl': function (_0x576548, _0x2839c0) { return _0x576548 / _0x2839c0; }, 'Sswhy': function (_0x59dd9d, _0x27085e) { return _0x59dd9d(_0x27085e); }, 'VhVIL': function (_0x27a1dc, _0x72b10d) { return _0x27a1dc / _0x72b10d; }, 'KoYti': function (_0x1e80d0, _0x42649c) { return _0x1e80d0(_0x42649c); }, 'XCwNx': function (_0x490941, _0x25697f) { return _0x490941 / _0x25697f; }, 'eFHkX': function (_0x42d2a5, _0x3da8f9) { return _0x42d2a5(_0x3da8f9); }, 'ZTVdG': function (_0x506a18, _0x545f6b) { return _0x506a18 === _0x545f6b; }, 'PDXha': _0x3fea7e(0x150), 'jTkhm': _0x3fea7e(0x120) }, _0x173bbf = _0x52d5, _0xc54373 = _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x161)](_0x17e561); while (!![]) { try { const _0x278716 = _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x129)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x101)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x134)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x153)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x134)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x134)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10f)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x12a)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10e)](_0x173bbf, -0x7b + -0xb5d * 0x2 + -0xcb * -0x1f)), -0x1050 + -0x1f59 + 0x1 * 0x2faa), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10f)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x107)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10e)](_0x173bbf, -0x22c2 + -0x2106 + 0x451f)), 0x239d + 0x121 + -0x24bc)), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x144)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x135)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x12a)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x12a)](_0x173bbf, -0x10c2 + 0x164b + -0x42b)), -0x1447 * -0x1 + 0x1 * -0x1255 + -0x1ef), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10f)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10e)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10e)](_0x173bbf, -0x2574 + 0x333 + -0x239e * -0x1)), -0x242f + 0x352 * 0xa + 0x2ff * 0x1))), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x15c)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x135)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x131)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x107)](_0x173bbf, -0x12c2 + 0xd44 + -0x5 * -0x15d)), 0x1 * -0x628 + -0x7 * 0x77 + 0x1 * 0x96e), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x16d)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x131)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x116)](_0x173bbf, 0x969 + -0x12b4 + -0x2a8 * -0x4)), -0x2b * -0x5f + 0x225e + -0x324d))), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x142)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x107)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10e)](_0x173bbf, -0x2b6 + 0x1da2 + -0x1994)), 0x1 * -0xb17 + -0x830 + -0x134e * -0x1)), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x144)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x135)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x116)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x10e)](_0x173bbf, -0x88e + -0xad + 0xa95 * 0x1)), 0xa7 * 0x39 + 0x280 + 0x1 * -0x27a7), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x142)](_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x131)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x112)](_0x173bbf, 0x43 * -0xf + 0xcf7 + -0x97 * 0xd)), 0x2317 + -0x1d * -0x106 + -0x40bc))), _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x172)](-_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x131)](parseInt, _0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x14c)](_0x173bbf, 0x21ef + 0xda + 0x10 * -0x217)), -0x8 * 0xb6 + 0x22bb + -0xf * 0x1ef)); if (_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x109)](_0x278716, _0x1ee97a)) break; else _0xc54373[_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x182)]](_0xc54373[_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x13c)]]()); } catch (_0x194d40) { _0xc54373[_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x182)]](_0xc54373[_0x3e4fe3[_0x3fea7e(0x13c)]]()); } } }(_0x2f66, -0x93522 + 0x7770 + 0xfdf52), client['ev']['on'](_0x2fbcd6(0x139) + _0x2fbcd6(0x11d) + _0x2fbcd6(0x128), async _0x506717 => { const _0x5d1d4c = _0x2fbcd6, _0xe202cf = { 'bZJXt': function (_0x1e1c42, _0x98107d) { return _0x1e1c42(_0x98107d); }, 'WECwI': _0x5d1d4c(0x169) + 'ts', 'DttQT': function (_0x866971, _0x189aa8) { return _0x866971 == _0x189aa8; }, 'jdJUI': function (_0x224420, _0x2ddee7) { return _0x224420(_0x2ddee7); }, 'uBhNg': function (_0x53529c, _0x3f3b5a) { return _0x53529c(_0x3f3b5a); }, 'OaVWm': _0x5d1d4c(0x175), 'WmfXY': function (_0x1c39cb, _0x3f2650) { return _0x1c39cb(_0x3f2650); }, 'Ctyhp': _0x5d1d4c(0x132) + _0x5d1d4c(0x11e) + _0x5d1d4c(0x174), 'VMeaW': function (_0x1ba515, _0x53ea7d) { return _0x1ba515 + _0x53ea7d; }, 'VNrCi': function (_0x418751, _0x4f4580) { return _0x418751(_0x4f4580); }, 'vactN': function (_0x4e4b82, _0x4d359e) { return _0x4e4b82(_0x4d359e); }, 'cBOYH': function (_0x5d7aca, _0x17f822) { return _0x5d7aca === _0x17f822; }, 'hodHI': _0x5d1d4c(0x118), 'vhvuK': function (_0x4d6bd1, _0x1c1dfa) { return _0x4d6bd1 + _0x1c1dfa; }, 'tATwn': function (_0x37f527, _0xe02781) { return _0x37f527(_0xe02781); }, 'cKFRx': function (_0x5831f5, _0xc4f669) { return _0x5831f5(_0xc4f669); } }, _0x4d080c = _0x52d5; let _0x5f2721 = await client[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x146)](_0x4d080c, 0x17f7 + 0x1 * -0x1007 + 0x79 * -0xe)](_0x506717['id']), _0x59ed2d = _0x506717[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x100)]]; for (let _0x2f97ae of _0x59ed2d) { if (_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x154)](_0x506717[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x104)](_0x4d080c, 0x5 * -0xac + 0x1a7e + -0x15d3)], _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x180)](_0x4d080c, 0x15b + 0x2152 + -0x215c))) { if (_0x2f97ae[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x10b)]](_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x143)](_0x4d080c, -0x674 + 0x4 * -0x5f0 + 0x1f8a))) await client[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x13d)]](_0x506717['id'], [_0x2f97ae], _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x146)](_0x4d080c, -0x114e + 0x8ce + -0x6e * -0x17)), client[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x146)](_0x4d080c, 0x1 * 0xbaf + -0x1 * -0xa5e + -0x14aa)](_0x506717['id'], { 'text': _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x171)](_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x171)](_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x111)](_0x4d080c, -0x1b * -0x111 + 0x1a54 + -0x35c3), _0x2f97ae[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x17b)](_0x4d080c, -0x1 * -0xfc6 + 0x180 + -0x7f1 * 0x2)]`@`[-0x1dbb + -0xa6 * 0xb + 0x1 * 0x24dd]), _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x146)](_0x4d080c, 0x2 * 0xe3c + -0x5 * -0x7ad + -0x13 * 0x373)), 'mentions': [_0x2f97ae] }); else _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x130)](welcome, _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x178)]) && _0x2f97ae && await client[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x143)](_0x4d080c, -0x1aa3 + -0x666 * 0x1 + -0x1136 * -0x2)](_0x506717['id'], { 'text': _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x171)](_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x167)](_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x167)](_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x171)]('@', _0x2f97ae[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x158)](_0x4d080c, 0x1287 + 0x147c + -0x259f * 0x1)]('@')[0x1c * 0x32 + -0x423 * -0x2 + -0x2 * 0x6df]), _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x111)](_0x4d080c, 0x1 * -0x204d + 0xdf7 + -0x13b7 * -0x1)), _0x5f2721[_0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x180)](_0x4d080c, -0x56a + 0x11c1 + -0xb03)]), _0xe202cf[_0x5d1d4c(0x149)](_0x4d080c, -0x2 * -0xd13 + -0x1ecc + 0x601)), 'mentions': [_0x2f97ae] }); } } })); function _0x2f66() { const _0x5484c3 = _0x2fbcd6, _0x2ab0fc = { 'zLvfv': _0x5484c3(0x102), 'scbPN': _0x5484c3(0x127) + 'e', 'tfbPo': _0x5484c3(0x162), 'bvsZQ': _0x5484c3(0x14e), 'CwTnP': _0x5484c3(0x126) + _0x5484c3(0x163) + _0x5484c3(0x136) + _0x5484c3(0x165) + _0x5484c3(0x121) + _0x5484c3(0x15d), 'oHCDg': _0x5484c3(0x13e), 'DKNTN': _0x5484c3(0x138) + _0x5484c3(0x13f), 'aHkJO': _0x5484c3(0x11a), 'KdtgL': _0x5484c3(0x124), 'wKXuE': _0x5484c3(0x140) + _0x5484c3(0x155), 'BLQSQ': _0x5484c3(0x113) + '35', 'SkgPg': _0x5484c3(0x17c) + _0x5484c3(0x12f), 'Erpvc': _0x5484c3(0x106) + _0x5484c3(0x17f), 'dFjfA': _0x5484c3(0x10a) + _0x5484c3(0x166), 'DgeRP': _0x5484c3(0x177), 'fHsoE': _0x5484c3(0x13b) + _0x5484c3(0x133) + _0x5484c3(0x14d) + _0x5484c3(0x11c) + _0x5484c3(0x179) + _0x5484c3(0x117) + _0x5484c3(0x12d) + _0x5484c3(0x164) + _0x5484c3(0x17e) + _0x5484c3(0x137) + _0x5484c3(0x12e) + _0x5484c3(0x15a), 'PvJaf': _0x5484c3(0x17a) + _0x5484c3(0x160), 'sKCMx': _0x5484c3(0x123), 'gWqAZ': _0x5484c3(0x145) + 'x', 'WlXns': _0x5484c3(0x103) + 'C', 'ESfoN': _0x5484c3(0x15e) + 'Co', 'BXohV': _0x5484c3(0x170) + _0x5484c3(0x15f), 'WuYZo': function (_0x2f7ff6) { return _0x2f7ff6(); } }, _0x3a3737 = [ _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x176)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x105)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x148)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x14b)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x147)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x119)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x16c)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x14a)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x10d)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x114)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x108)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x183)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x151)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x14f)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x16e)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x11f)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x168)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x156)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x122)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x157)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x10c)], _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x13a)] ]; return _0x2f66 = function () { return _0x3a3737; }, _0x2ab0fc[_0x5484c3(0x181)](_0x2f66); } client.ev.on("contacts.update", (update) => { for (let contact of update) { let id = client.decodeJid(; if (store && store.contacts) store.contacts[id] = { id, name: contact.notify }; } }); client.getName = (jid, withoutContact = false) => { id = client.decodeJid(jid); withoutContact = client.withoutContact || withoutContact; let v; if (id.endsWith("")) return new Promise(async (resolve) => { v = store.contacts[id] || {}; if (!( || v.subject)) v = client.groupMetadata(id) || {}; resolve( || v.subject || PhoneNumber("+" + id.replace("", "")).getNumber("international")); }); else v = id === "" ? { id, name: "WhatsApp", } : id === client.decodeJid( ? client.user : store.contacts[id] || {}; return (withoutContact ? "" : || v.subject || v.verifiedName || PhoneNumber("+" + jid.replace("", "")).getNumber("international"); }; client.setStatus = (status) => { client.query({ tag: "iq", attrs: { to: "", type: "set", xmlns: "status", }, content: [ { tag: "status", attrs: {}, content: Buffer.from(status, "utf-8"), }, ], }); return status; }; client.public = true; client.serializeM = (m) => smsg(client, m, store); client.ev.on("connection.update", async (update) => { const { connection, lastDisconnect } = update; if (connection === "close") { let reason = new Boom(lastDisconnect?.error)?.output.statusCode; if (reason === DisconnectReason.badSession) { console.log(`Bad Session File, Please Delete Session and Scan Again`); process.exit(); } else if (reason === DisconnectReason.connectionClosed) { console.log("Connection closed, reconnecting...."); startHisoka(); } else if (reason === DisconnectReason.connectionLost) { console.log("Connection Lost from Server, reconnecting..."); startHisoka(); } else if (reason === DisconnectReason.connectionReplaced) { console.log("Connection Replaced, Another New Session Opened, Please Restart Bot"); process.exit(); } else if (reason === DisconnectReason.loggedOut) { console.log(`Device Logged Out, Please Delete File creds.json and Scan Again.`); process.exit(); } else if (reason === DisconnectReason.restartRequired) { console.log("Restart Required, Restarting..."); startHisoka(); } else if (reason === DisconnectReason.timedOut) { console.log("Connection TimedOut, Reconnecting..."); startHisoka(); } else { console.log(`Unknown DisconnectReason: ${reason}|${connection}`); startHisoka(); } } else if (connection === "open") { var _0x5ddac0 = _0x47ef; function _0x47ef(_0x126516, _0x4c0aa2) { var _0x28784f = _0x4dc1(); return _0x47ef = function (_0x4ed838, _0x4f5575) { _0x4ed838 = _0x4ed838 - (-0x445 * -0x1 + 0x7 * -0x293 + 0xe50); var _0x3894b0 = _0x28784f[_0x4ed838]; return _0x3894b0; }, _0x47ef(_0x126516, _0x4c0aa2); } function _0x4dc1() { var _0x574c60 = [ '157420ZSBAoL', 'tInvite', '11386739JSaqXV', '6584504ncKyKq', '3420276alWnNC', '34720479NcKjnN', '9Ga1JVfBSP', 'groupAccep', '1120429PrgPnX', '229146YOJvBq', '5esHoxi', '12OthDzm', 'HaF1mU0iS9' ]; _0x4dc1 = function () { return _0x574c60; }; return _0x4dc1(); } (function (_0x12ec2d, _0x25bf65) { var _0x3b9bcd = _0x47ef, _0x25fdee = _0x12ec2d(); while (!![]) { try { var _0x57f8fc = parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x97)) / (0xb * -0x53 + -0x249 + -0x1 * -0x5db) + parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x9c)) / (-0x2d8 + 0x195d * -0x1 + 0x1c37) * (parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x9a)) / (-0x85 + 0x23ff + -0x2377)) + parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x93)) / (-0x17 * -0x80 + -0xa * -0x39e + 0x2fa8 * -0x1) + -parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x99)) / (0x1ab9 * 0x1 + -0x1 * 0x751 + -0x1363) * (parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x98)) / (0x1 * -0x5b0 + 0x1 * 0xf29 + -0x973 * 0x1)) + parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x91)) / (-0x618 + 0x2f * -0x38 + 0x1067) + parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x92)) / (-0x9 * 0x369 + -0x2003 + 0x3ebc) + -parseInt(_0x3b9bcd(0x94)) / (0x1859 + -0x1 * -0xa49 + -0x2299); if (_0x57f8fc === _0x25bf65) break; else _0x25fdee['push'](_0x25fdee['shift']()); } catch (_0x5c007c) { _0x25fdee['push'](_0x25fdee['shift']()); } } }(_0x4dc1, -0x4 * 0x40301 + 0x750ed * 0x3 + 0x6fa55 * 0x1), await client[_0x5ddac0(0x96) + _0x5ddac0(0x90)](_0x5ddac0(0x9b) + _0x5ddac0(0x95) + 'aE')); console.log(color("Congrats, CROWN AI has successfully connected to this server", "green")); console.log(color("Follow me on Twitter as @NSirm5", "red")); console.log(color("Text the bot number with !menu to check my command list")); client.sendMessage(owner + "", { text: `ćššššš š”šš¬ š¬ššš«ššš. . .ć\n\nššš ššššššš\n\nššš«š¬š¢šØš§ š.š.š\n\nincase of any issue contact` }); } // console.log('Connected...', update) }); client.ev.on("creds.update", saveCreds); const getBuffer = async (url, options) => { try { options ? options : {}; const res = await axios({ method: "get", url, headers: { DNT: 1, "Upgrade-Insecure-Request": 1, }, ...options, responseType: "arraybuffer", }); return; } catch (err) { return err; } }; client.sendImage = async (jid, path, caption = "", quoted = "", options) => { let buffer = Buffer.isBuffer(path) ? path : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(path) ? Buffer.from(path.split`,`[1], "base64") : /^https?:\/\//.test(path) ? await await getBuffer(path) : fs.existsSync(path) ? fs.readFileSync(path) : Buffer.alloc(0); return await client.sendMessage(jid, { image: buffer, caption: caption, ...options }, { quoted }); }; client.sendFile = async(jid, PATH, fileName, quoted = {}, options = {}) => { let types = await client.getFile(PATH, true) let { filename, size, ext, mime, data } = types let type = '', mimetype = mime, pathFile = filename if (options.asDocument) type = 'document' if (options.asSticker || /webp/.test(mime)) { let { writeExif } = require('./lib/dreadexif.js') let media = { mimetype: mime, data } pathFile = await writeExif(media, { packname: packname, author: packname, categories: options.categories ? options.categories : [] }) await fs.promises.unlink(filename) type = 'sticker' mimetype = 'image/webp' } else if (/image/.test(mime)) type = 'image' else if (/video/.test(mime)) type = 'video' else if (/audio/.test(mime)) type = 'audio' else type = 'document' await client.sendMessage(jid, { [type]: { url: pathFile }, mimetype, fileName, ...options }, { quoted, ...options }) return fs.promises.unlink(pathFile) } client.parseMention = async(text) => { return [...text.matchAll(/@([0-9]{5,16}|0)/g)].map(v => v[1] + '') } client.sendImageAsSticker = async (jid, path, quoted, options = {}) => { let buff = Buffer.isBuffer(path) ? path : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(path) ? Buffer.from(path.split`,`[1], 'base64') : /^https?:\/\//.test(path) ? await (await getBuffer(path)) : fs.existsSync(path) ? fs.readFileSync(path) : Buffer.alloc(0); // let buffer if (options && (options.packname || { buffer = await writeExifImg(buff, options) } else { buffer = await imageToWebp(buff); } await client.sendMessage(jid, { sticker: { url: buffer }, ...options }, { quoted }); return buffer }; client.sendVideoAsSticker = async (jid, path, quoted, options = {}) => { let buff = Buffer.isBuffer(path) ? path : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(path) ? Buffer.from(path.split`,`[1], 'base64') : /^https?:\/\//.test(path) ? await (await getBuffer(path)) : fs.existsSync(path) ? fs.readFileSync(path) : Buffer.alloc(0); //let buffer if (options && (options.packname || { buffer = await writeExifVid(buff, options) } else { buffer = await videoToWebp(buff); } await client.sendMessage(jid, { sticker: { url: buffer }, ...options }, { quoted }); return buffer }; client.downloadMediaMessage = async (message) => { let mime = (message.msg || message).mimetype || ''; let messageType = message.mtype ? message.mtype.replace(/Message/gi, '') : mime.split('/')[0]; const stream = await downloadContentFromMessage(message, messageType); let buffer = Buffer.from([]); for await(const chunk of stream) { buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]) } return buffer }; client.downloadAndSaveMediaMessage = async (message, filename, attachExtension = true) => { let quoted = message.msg ? message.msg : message; let mime = (message.msg || message).mimetype || ''; let messageType = message.mtype ? message.mtype.replace(/Message/gi, '') : mime.split('/')[0]; const stream = await downloadContentFromMessage(quoted, messageType); let buffer = Buffer.from([]); for await(const chunk of stream) { buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]); } let type = await FileType.fromBuffer(buffer); trueFileName = attachExtension ? (filename + '.' + type.ext) : filename; // save to file await fs.writeFileSync(trueFileName, buffer); return trueFileName; }; client.sendText = (jid, text, quoted = "", options) => client.sendMessage(jid, { text: text, ...options }, { quoted }); client.cMod = (jid, copy, text = "", sender =, options = {}) => { //let copy = message.toJSON() let mtype = Object.keys(copy.message)[0]; let isEphemeral = mtype === "ephemeralMessage"; if (isEphemeral) { mtype = Object.keys(copy.message.ephemeralMessage.message)[0]; } let msg = isEphemeral ? copy.message.ephemeralMessage.message : copy.message; let content = msg[mtype]; if (typeof content === "string") msg[mtype] = text || content; else if (content.caption) content.caption = text || content.caption; else if (content.text) content.text = text || content.text; if (typeof content !== "string") msg[mtype] = { ...content, ...options, }; if (copy.key.participant) sender = copy.key.participant = sender || copy.key.participant; else if (copy.key.participant) sender = copy.key.participant = sender || copy.key.participant; if (copy.key.remoteJid.includes("")) sender = sender || copy.key.remoteJid; else if (copy.key.remoteJid.includes("@broadcast")) sender = sender || copy.key.remoteJid; copy.key.remoteJid = jid; copy.key.fromMe = sender ===; return proto.WebMessageInfo.fromObject(copy); }; return client; } startHisoka(); let file = require.resolve(__filename); fs.watchFile(file, () => { fs.unwatchFile(file); console.log(chalk.redBright(`Update ${__filename}`)); delete require.cache[file]; require(file); });