This demo showcases the use of itowns2 (geoid branch) to show the Earth's geoid.
To produce a new dataset pyramid, a possibility is to create two gdal-compatible images of size (512x2^N)x(256x2^N), such as 8192x4096 or 4096x2048, and to process them with the provided script.
- 1 single-channel float32 image for the elevation
- 1 color image (rgb uint8) for the coloring
For instance, the provided dataset as been created from files named "localcolors.tif" and "geoid.tif" using :
- ./ localcolors.tif 4 4096 localcolors JPEG jpg
- ./ geoid.tif 4 4096 geoid ENVI bil
The dataset credentials are : "© IGN, dataset : EIGEN-6C4 model (CNES/GRGS and GFZ)"