import torch import torchvision import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import re import sys from .functions import * import torch.fx grayscale = torchvision.transforms.Grayscale(num_output_channels=1) def convert_data_for_quaternion(batch): """ converts batches of RGB images in 4 channels for QNNs """ assert all(batch[i][0].size(0) == 3 for i in range(len(batch))) inputs, labels = [], [] for i in range(len(batch)): inputs.append([batch[i][0], grayscale(batch[i][0])], 0)) labels.append(batch[i][1]) return torch.stack(inputs), torch.LongTensor(labels) # does not find an application yet def apply_quaternion_gradient(model, layers): """ hooks real-valued gradients and transforms them into one for quaternion gradient descent @type model: nn.Module """ for n, ((_, layer), parameter) in enumerate(zip(model.named_children(), model.parameters())): layer_name = re.match("^\w+", str(layer)).group() if layer_name in layers and len(parameter.shape) > 1 and n != 1: parameter.register_hook(to_conj) return model @torch.fx.wrap def check_shapes(x): if x.dim() in [3, 5]: x =[*x.chunk()], 2).squeeze() return x def convert_to_quaternion(Net, verbose=False, spinor=False): """ converts a real_valued initialized Network to a quaternion one @type Net: nn.Module @type verbose: bool @type spinor: bool """ last_module = len([mod for mod in Net.children()]) layers = ["Linear", "Conv1d", "Conv2d", "Conv3d", "ConvTranspose1d", "ConvTranspose2d", "ConvTranspose3d"] for n, (name, layer) in enumerate(Net.named_children()): layer_name = re.match("^\w+", str(layer)).group() if n != last_module - 1: if layer_name in layers[1:]: params = re.findall("(?<!\w)\d+(?<=\w)", str(layer)) in_features, out_features, kernel_size, stride = \ int(params[0]), int(params[1]), (int(params[2]), int(params[3])), (int(params[4]), int(params[5])) assert in_features % 4 == 0, "number of in_channels must be divisible by 4" assert out_features % 4 == 0, "number of out_channels must be divisible by 4" init_func = initialize_conv args = (in_features // 4, out_features // 4, kernel_size) elif layer_name == layers[0]: params = re.findall("(?<==)\w+", str(layer)) in_features, out_features, bias = int(params[0]), int(params[1]), bool(params[2]) assert in_features % 4 == 0, "number of in_channels must be divisible by 4" assert out_features % 4 == 0, "number of out_channels must be divisible by 4" init_func = initialize_linear args = (in_features // 4, out_features // 4) else: continue quaternion_weight = init_func(*args) if spinor: weight = quaternion_weight._real_rot_repr else: weight = quaternion_weight._real_repr getattr(Net, name).weight = nn.Parameter(weight) if getattr(Net, name).bias != None: getattr(Net, name).bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features)) traced = torch.fx.symbolic_trace(layer) for node in traced.graph.nodes: if node.op == 'placeholder': with traced.graph.inserting_after(node): new_node = traced.graph.call_function( check_shapes, args=(node,)) if any(lay in for lay in ["conv", "lin"]): with traced.graph.inserting_before(node): all_nodes = [node for node in traced.graph.nodes] new_node = traced.graph.call_function(, (all_nodes[1], *node.args[1:]), node.kwargs) node.replace_all_uses_with(new_node) traced.graph.erase_node(node) if node.op == 'output': all_nodes = [node for node in traced.graph.nodes] with traced.graph.inserting_before(node): new_node = traced.graph.call_function( Q, args=(node.prev,)) node.replace_all_uses_with(new_node) traced.graph.erase_node(node) with traced.graph.inserting_after(node): new_node = traced.graph.output(node.prev, ) if verbose: print("-" * 20, layer_name, "-" * 20, sep="\n") print(torch.fx.GraphModule(layer, traced.graph)) traced.graph.lint() setattr(Net, name, torch.fx.GraphModule(layer, traced.graph)) return Net