Monday, May 17, 2021, 1-2pm EST
- Chair: Kristina Spurgin
- Notetaker: Paige Morfitt
- Zoom Link:
- CLAW MIG MODS simplified mapping
- Example MODS for CLAW mapping
- Draft Recommendations
- Feedback on Mapping from ICG, Part 2
- Wants/Needs/Questions Open Document
- Working Ideas
- Kristina Spurgin
- Paige Morfitt
- Charlie Tillay
- Karen Benko
- Mike Bolam
- Rosie le Faive
- Abigail Gulya
- Alex Kent
- Danny Lamb
- Lisa McFall
- Seth Shaw
- Rachael White
- Simon
- Announcements
- Last call for feedback on Sprint documentation
- Survey
- Create documentation on use-cases for uploaders and for metadata describers
- Round table
- Announcements
- Next meeting, canceled due to US Holiday
- Last call for Sprint documentation
- Kristina created a to-do list that came out of our sprint. Last meeting we looked at changes Kristina made and they looked good. We’d come to understand that there will be instructions on how to change labels if you want to change names from singular to plural.
- The sandbox is still up. If there are any last changed wanting to be done, or any extra exploration, feel free to use that
- Title field: we understand that drupal title is limited to 255 characters. Ideally we’d like to change the label to be “display title”, and have a different title field that allows more characters.
- Title is a drupal node property. We can do all we want to fields (that are added to content type), but nodes are different beasts and you don’t want to do anything with them. Suggest to leave the drupal title alone (do don’t want to mess with).
- In the form, there are two title fields, and it indicates that the drupal title is limited to 255 characters, and if you need a longer title, use the second title field.
- If you don’t want the drupal node in RDF, it can be left off. However, you don’t want people to fill in two title fields for the RDF mapping.
- Potential: map the drupal title differently. Default mapping (drupal) is using a field best for full title. There are other mappings that would best fit what this drupal title fits.
- [chat: What ontology/predicate would you use for that? - using RDA]
- Archives space has the same thing, it’s own display label in which gets updated (user cannot edit that display field). It would be valid for us to do the same thing in drupal
- Predicates : they’re ranged to be associated with types of objects. RDA and BIBframe, are particular. When things are put on the web, drupal does care about schema. If we start talking about titles, we’d likely need to have a larger conversation about rda.
- This group would ideally write up “this is what we’d want Islandora to work”
- Creating documentation for use cases for metadata people -- talking about title and RDF mappings may be something we add to that document.
- we will return to the topic regarding mappings
- Survey
- It’s set into two categories of tasks based on our current sprint.
- Results will not be made available immediately.
- This is our chance to talk about the survey if it was too technical (if you were unclear about something on the survey this is the time to ask).
- Some things on the survey will be braided together (happening at the same time)
- “Survey----JSON” question: regards how some mappings have English tag added and some don’t. This asks -- do we want to do another mini sprint and just record the json information down, to see if we like it/agree with it.
- ICG -- charing metadata group testing. Looking at what it would be like to use I8. Questions came around formatting metadata in how to get it in via batch processes, and if there are guidance MIG could do to help that? URI’s is one question -- how are we dealing with that regarding batch processes. The average user is looking at a batch process.
- It’s not on the survey because it’s part of the migration process and workflow. And we realized we can’t do until we had a better idea of what we needed to put it into.
- Workbench tool -- does have its own way of working with formatting data with URIs to pull those in, so it depends on which tool is used for batch loading. (workbench is the best tool)
- Possibly: after we look at the fields and their set up, maybe we could work on documentation on use cases on how to ingest things.
- Maybe we could set up a sprint with User group and DIG and us to assess these things.
- Maybe worth revamping the documentation.
- [chat: having a “Here’s how to format spreadsheets for workbench” sounds like a great document page]
- Who is looking to use Islandora out of the box? It’s very customizable. ---for ICG, each institution has its own instance. Out of the box isn’t feasible as there are fields that are needed and not added (MIG couldn’t map them). Example are IR type fields (noting relationships to other objects, or ownership and location of the physical item).
- Would be interested to see what other institutions are doing to get their metadata into islandora. Specifically if out of the box isn’t something people can use. . In those cases, could ask other institutions.
- The possibly to do a cookbook type thing with different instutions instructions. However, getting people to contribute, may be a barrier. We do have a valid place to put that information.
- Maybe collaborating with other interest groups more so we could divide tasks is a place to start looking at.
- June 14, 2021