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491 lines (458 loc) · 45.7 KB


  1. Manual Testing
  2. Automated Testing
  3. Validators
  4. Compatibility and Responsiveness
  5. Other Testing
  6. Bugs

Manual Testing

Manual testing was conducted with each feature and each user story on different screen resolutions, devices and in different browsers to ensure the application is a good solution to user's needs.


  • User story being tested:
    As a user, I expect to access the website from any device, so that I can use the website anytime and anywhere.
  • Test:
    • check each page of the website from multiple devices and multiple browsers
    • open the website in the Google Dev Tools and click on "Responsive" to check all pages for all resolutions from 320px and above
    • more detailed information about responsiveness testing can be found in Compatibility and Responsiveness section
  • Results: Some minor responsiveness issues were found (e.g. in the landing and events pages) and fixed by adding media queries, adjusting some box model components, adding some Bootstrap utilities for layout.
  • Verdict: The issues were fixed, the test passed.


  • User story being tested:
    As a user, I expect to easily navigate the website, so that I can quickly find what I'm looking for.
  • Test:
    • click on all the links in the navbar, to check if they work properly pointing to the correct destination
    • check all the links on different devices (navbar looks different for mobile, tablet and desktop screens)
    • on mobile devices make sure that navbar is collapsed and the side bar shows up when the hamburger menu is clicked
    • scroll down the page to see if the navbar is visible for a user all the time
    • on the large devices hover over the links to see if the highlighted effect (change colour to green and expand) works properly
    • check if the active page was highlighted correctly (active link's colour changes to green) depending on which page a user is currently on
    • on the smaller devices the search button collapses the search input box and redirects to the products page
    • test the navbar being non-logged in, logged in and as an admin user and to see if the user's status is reflected in the navbar links (login|register - for guests users, my profile, order history, logout - for all logged in users, for admin additional link - product management)
    • check when an item is added to the cart, a cart icon's colour changes to yellow and a badge with cart total appears, the total updates each time new item is added or deleted from the cart
  • Results and Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.


  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to easily access social media links of the company, so that I can read more information about it.
    As a user, I expect to easily navigate the website, so that I can quickly find what I'm looking for.
  • Test:
    • click on the social media icons to check if they lead to the corresponding pages and open in the new tabs
    • check if GitHub and LinkedIn icons open my profiles, while Instagram and Facebook icons open the main pages (as it's an educational project and no real pages exist)
    • check different devices to test if the footer id is displayed correctly (with additional top section on large resolutions)
    • on large resolution, click on all the links in the footer (Quick links section, logo), to check if they work properly pointing to the correct destination
    • hover over the links and social media icons to test if the hover effect is working properly
  • Results and Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Search bar

  • User story being tested:
    As a user, I want to search and filter the products easily, so that I can quickly find a specific product I am looking for.
  • Test
    • enter any search word into the search box to see if it redirects to the products page with correct results displayed
    • submit an empty search query without entering anything
    • enter some search words that are expected to be found in the website (e.g. "matcha", "green", "teapot")
    • enter some search words that are not expected to be found in the website, from totally different areas (e.g. "coding", "microbiology") or just random letters/numbers
    • make search queries from different pages to make sure it works accross all the website
  • Results:
    • when an empty form is submitted without any queries, the error message appears informing that no search word was entered
    • if the search query exists in the database, the products page renders, displaying the search word, number of the results found and all products that satisfy the query
    • if the search query does not exist in the database, the products page renders, displaying the search word, number of results equal to 0 and a paragraph telling that no results were found for the entered query
    • search box works accross all the app, no matter which page a user is currently on
  • Bugs found and fixed: After refactoring the delete products admin functionality and adding Discontinued field (described more detailed in the corresponding section), the search number of results showed the total number of all products including the out of stock, discountinued products. To fix that, an if statement was added to the def all_products:
    active_products = all_products.filter(discontinued=False) and further functionality was updated in the view with the new active_products variable.
    So after that the query functionality is being applied only to the active products, that are in stock. The bug was successfully fixed.
  • Verdict: The bug is fixed. Test passed.

Landing page

  • User story being tested:
    As a user, I want to read a summary info about the business, its ideas and benifits, so that I can quickly decide if it satisfies my needs.
  • Test:
    • click all the buttons accross the page
    • scroll down the page to check the animation on scroll (AOS)
    • check all the image-carousels and reviews-carousel by clicking on chevrons
    • verify that the expected text, icons and images are displayed
  • Results:
    • all the buttons redirect to the corresponding pages (About, Services, Products, Events and Contact)
    • the hover effect on buttons works as expected (expanding, changing background colour)
    • animation on scroll works as expected on all sections and across all devices
    • image and review carousels display correctly when chevrons are clicked
    • all the text sections, icons and all the images display correctly, changing the position, size when viewed on different screens
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

About page

  • User story being tested:
    As a user, I want to find an information about the company, to know what they do, what their main principles and ideas
  • Test:
    • verify that the expected text is displayed correctly
    • check that the correct images are displayed for each of the sections
    • scroll down the page to check the animation on scroll (AOS)
    • check the image-carousel in the "Our mission" section by clicking on chevrons
  • Results:
    • all the text sections are displayed correctly on different screens
    • all images are are displaied correctly, the position, layout changes on different screens as expected
    • animation on scroll works as expected on all sections and across all devices
    • an image carousel works correctly when chevrons are clicked
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Events page

  • User story being tested:
    As a user, I want to view events that happen in the tea club this week in Dublin, so that I can come and join any event.
  • Test:
    • verify that images are displayed correctly
    • verify that the data from the Events model is displayed correctly in the events table
    • scroll down the page to check the animation on scroll (on the text and teapot image)
    • click on the Facebook link
  • Results:
    • all the images and texts are displayed correctly on different screens
    • animation on scroll works as expected on all sections and across all devices
    • Facebook link opens in the new tab leading to the main page (since there is no real page exists for the website)
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Contact page

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to see the location of the Tea Club on a map, so that I can find the address easily and come to the advertised events.
    As a user, I want to be able to easily contact the owner/manager of the company, so that I can write an additional query or ask a question.
    Admin: As a user, I want to receive emails from the users when they fill out the contact form, so that I can reply on them satisfying users queries.
  • Test:
    • check that a graphic image is displayed only on the large screen
    • try to submit an empty Contact form
    • try to enter incorrect email address (without @)
    • try to submit the form with all valid information
    • check the contact form as authenticated user to see if the full name and email fields are pre-populated
    • check the map, clicking on the red marker, zoom controllers
  • Results:
    • the image and contact information are displayed correctly on different screens
    • after attempts to submit invalid form (empty or invalid informations) corresponding validation messages appears to prevent the submission
    • if the form was valid and "Send" button clicked, a user is redirected to the "Thank you" page, informing that the message was sent
    • if the form was submitted successfully, an admin of the website received the real message on the email (it is assigned in the environment variables as EMAIL_HOST_USER)
    • if the user is authenticated, the email field is always pre-populated
    • if the user is authenticated and has the full name is saved in the Profile information, the full name is pre-populated in the contact form
    • map on the contact page displays the correct location, the Info Window shows the opening hours, when the red marker is clicked. Zoom controllers also work correctly.
    • after successfull contact form submission, admin of the store receives the message on their personal email, getting user's email and full name, so an admin can answer the query directly to the user's email
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Products and product details pages

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to view product details (e.g. image, price, description), so that I can buy some of them.
    As a user, I want to search and filter the products easily, so that I can quickly find a specific product I am looking for.
  • Test:
    • verify that the expected text and images are displayed correctly in both products and product details pages
    • select the category, clicking on the category-links (e.g. Teaware, Black Tea) in the all products page
    • login with superuser credentials and verify that the Edit/Delete buttons appear in both products and product details pages under the image
    • being a guest or logging in as a regular user, try manually enter the /edit/ and /delete/ urls
    • click on the "View Details" button and on the product image on the all products page
    • click on different Breadcrumbs links
    • click on the "Add to Cart" button on the both products and product details pages
    • on the products page try to enter a negative or higher than 999 number in the quality form and click on "Add to cart" button
    • enter the quantity in the range of 1-999 and click on the "Add to cart" button
    • on the product details page click on the "Products" button
    • on the product details page click on the category
    • on the product details page click on the product's image
  • Results:
    • the texts, icons and images are displaied correctly on different screens
    • after selecting the certain category, sorting results were displayed correctly, the number of the products found shown in parentheses as well as the selected category
    • Edit/Delete buttons are visible only to the superuser
    • after manually entering the ..products/edit/<prduct_id here> and ..products/delete/<prduct_id here> urls, the error messages were displayed as expected.
    • clicking the "View details" button or product image redirects to the product details page.
    • clicking the "Add to cart" button on the all products page, adds the product to the cart with quantity of 1; clicking it again increases the quantity by 1 and updates the cart
    • Breadcrumbs navigation works correctly on both products and product details pages.
    • after submission the ivalid quantity form (when a number is negative or higher than 999), the validation error messages appeared as expected
    • if the quantity form is submitted correctly, the grand total in the navbar reflects this addition. Toast success message appeared as expected
    • clicking on the "Products" button redirects to the all products page as expected
    • on the product details page clicking on the category leads to the all products page with the filtering by the selected category.
    • clicking on the image on product details page opens an image in a new tab (if an image URL was assigned, as it's an optional field) as expected
  • Bugs found and fixed: the bug with searching/filtering products (discontinued products were counted in the filtering results) is described in the Search bar section.
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, the bug was fixed.

Services and service details pages

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to learn more about different types of tea ceremonies, so that I can choose and book one of the tea ceremonies.
    As a user, I want to view service details (e.g. image, price, description), so that I can book one.
  • Test:
    • verify that the expected text and images are displayed correctly in both service and service details pages
    • scroll down the page to check the animation on scroll (AOS)
    • login with superuser credentials and verify that the Edit/Delete buttons appear in both service and service details pages
    • being a guest or logging in as a regular user, try manually entering the /edit/ and /delete/ urls
    • click on the "Learn more" button on the services page
    • click on the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the services page
    • click on different Breadcrumbs links
    • on the service details page try to enter a negative or a number higher than 100 in the Number of participants field and click on "Add to cart" button
    • enter the Number of participants in the range of 1-100 and click on the "Add to cart" button
    • check that datatime picker works correctly, unabling to pick only the dates in the future
    • try to submit the form with empty Number of participants and/or Date and Time fields
    • on the product details page click on the "Services" button
    • on the product details page click on the product's image
    • login with superuser credentials and add fill out the itinerary form. Check an admin panel to see if an itinerary item was added
    • login with superuser credentials and click on the trash icon, removing an itinerary form. Check an admin panel to see if an itinerary item was deleted
    • test itinerary item create/delete functionality from different accounts to make sure that only authenticated admin has an access to that.
  • Results:
    • the texts, icons and images are displaied correctly on different screens
    • animation on scroll works as expected on all service cards across all devices
    • Edit/Delete buttons are visible only to the superuser
    • after manually entering the ../services/edit/<service_id here> and ../services/<prduct_id here> urls, the error messages were displayed as expected
    • clicking the "Learn more" button redirects to the service details page
    • "Contact us" button redirects to the contact page
    • Breadcrumbs navigation works correctly on both services and service details pages
    • after submission of an empty or invalid form (when a number is negative or higher than 100), the validation error messages appeared as expected
    • if the form is submitted correctly, the grand total in the navbar reflects this addition. Toast success message appeared as expected
    • clicking on the "Services" button redirects to the servicess page as expected
    • clicking on the image on service details page opens an image in a new tab (if an image URL was assigned)
    • itinerary items manipulations available only to the superuser
    • after adding an itinerary items, page reloads and a new itinerary item added and displayed as expected
    • after removing an itinerary item by clicking the trash icon, the delete modal is toggled asking an admin to confirm the deletion. Clicking "Delete" button in the model will delete the itinerary item from the database and reload the page, the info toast message appears informing about the deletion
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Cart page

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to view and modify my order in the cart before completing it, so that I can make last changes easily before proceeding to payment.
    As a user, I want to view a total price of my purchases and delivery cost, so that I will understand and see how much I will be charged.
  • Test:
    • verify that the text and images of the added items are displayed correctly
    • click on the "Continue shopping" link at the top of the page
    • try to update the item quantity/number of participants and datatime (for services) with different products and services
    • try to manually enter invalid quantity (negative or greater that 999)
    • click on the red trash icon(remove button)
    • click on the "Checkout" button
    • remove all the items and check the empty cart, click on the "Go shopping" button
  • Results:
    • information abour all the items is displayed correctly on different screens
    • clicking "Continue shopping" link leads to the products page
    • update functionality works well for both products and services (the bug during the testing was found and fixed, see bugs paragraph below)
    • clicking remove button toggles the remove modal, asking to confirm the action. After clicking "Remove" button, the page reloads, the item is removed and the toast message confirms the deletion
    • subtotal changes correspondingly to reflect the update/remove
    • cicking "Checkout" button redirects to the Checkout page
    • toast messages are always displayed as expected after each update/remove action
    • if the cart is empty, the paragraph informs a user that the cart is empty; clicking "Go shopping" button redirects to the products page
  • Bugs found and fixed: The bug with updating the quantity in the cart was found during testing process and it is described in details in the Bugs section.
  • Verdict: The bug was fixed, all the functionality works as expected. Test passed.

Checkout and checkout success pages

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I expect to make payments by card in a safe and secure way, so that I won't be concerned about the safety of my card details and won't be charged incorrectly.
    As a user, I want to receive an email confirmation after checkout, so that I can make sure that payment was successfull.
  • Test:
    • verify that the text and images(Order summary) are displayed correctly
    • click on the "Edit cart" link
    • try to submit an empty field set (check each section- Personal details, Shipping Info and Payment)
    • try to put an incorrect information (e.g. email without @)
    • create a large number of orders as logged in and non-logged in user, ticking or not the save-info checkbox.
    • in the Payment section enter the testing 4242 4242 4242 4242 card number, any expiration date in future and any CVC, and then click on the "Proceed to payment" button (this was also checked on Stripe Dashbord to see if the order was created)
    • try to enter different and incomplete card numbers, the expiration date in the past to check the error messages
    • temporary comment out the code line form.submit(); in stripe.js file and then try to submit the form clicking the "Proceed to payment" button. After that check the Stripe Dashboard and also Order model in Admin panel to make sure the order was created via webhooks and was saved to the database.
  • Results:
    • order summary displays the order correctly
    • clicking "Edit cart" redirects back to the cart.
    • if an empty form was submitted or filled out incorrectly, the validation error messages were displayed correctly, when the "Next" button is clicked, not allowing to go to the next step before the current section is filled up with correct information.
    • when an order is created by non-authenticated user, the save-info checkbox is hidden from the view. Instead, the links to the Create account and Login pages are displayed, offering a user to login to save the information and the order to the order history
    • if an authenticated user ticks the save-info checkbox, all the personal and shipping information is saved to their profile. There was an issue with the save-info field found during testing, that is described in the Bugs section and was successfully fixed
    • testing 4242 4242 4242 4242 card number leads to the successfull payment, that was confirmed in the Stripe Dashboard.
    • if the incorrect or incomplete card details were entered, the error messages are displayed as expected under the Payment field.
    • when the order was created via webhooks (after commenting out form.submit(); in stripe.js), the payment was successfully proceeded and the order was saved in the database
    • after the valid form was submitted, the confirmation email was recieved in the email provided with all the correct order info. As well as that, the checkout page renders showing the order summary.
    • when the order was completed by the logged in user in the checkout success page, the "View full order history" button redirects to the Order history page. "Keep shopping" button is displayed for both non-logged in and logged in users and redirects to the products page
  • Bugs found and fixed: Few bugs with save-info and comment fields were found during testing process and they are described in details in the Bugs section.
  • Verdict: The bugs were fixed, all the functionality works as expected. Test passed.

Authentication pages

These features are built-in components of Django allauth package were tested manually as well, as about 5-10 different accounts were created.
Forgot/reset password, verification email, login, create account - all work as expected.

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to create my own account, so that I can save, view and edit my profile details and view my order history.
    As a user, I want to easily login anytime, so that I can get access to my saved profile details and make next purchase quicker.
    As a user, I want to reset my password if I forgot it, so that I can get access to my profile again.
  • Test:
    • try to register entering incorrect email, incorrect password and username/email that already exists in the database
    • submit valid registration form
    • entering two different passwords in registration form and trying to enter old password when re-setting password
    • create an account and try to login with correct and incorrect details
    • click on logout link in the navbar and then on logout button
  • Results:
    • if required data is missing or incorrect, form does not submit and an error messages are displayed informing user what was wrong
    • if the registration form is valid, user is informed that they need to verify their account and the email was sent to them with the verification link
    • when verification link is clicked in the email, user is redirected to the confirmation page, clicking "Confirm" button, success message is displayed and user is automatically logged in
    • on the login page, when "Forgot password" link is clicked, a user is redirected to the password reset page and asked for their email address, then an email is sent with a link to reset password. After entering new password twice, the password is reset and user can login with a new password
    • when logout link in the navbar is clicked, the login page opens asking for confirmation to logout, when it is confirmed, the user is logged out and the session is stopped
    • the login and registration page are only available to anonymous users and logged-in users are redirected out automatically.
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Profile and Order History

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to create my own account, so that I can save, view and edit my profile details and view my order history
    As a user, I want to easily login anytime, so that I can get access to my saved profile details and make next purchase quicker.
    As a user, I want to be able to change my password, so that I can create the stronger password ( case I published my old password somewhere) to protect my personal details.
    As a user, I want to be able to change my email or add the second email,so that I can having an easier access to the website's functionality and to gain more flexibility.
  • Test:
    • navigate to the My Profile and Order History pages from the Navbar link
    • check being a logged in and non-logged in user, that it's only available to the authenticated users
    • click on the Order number on the Order History page
    • on the My Profile page fill out the shipping details form and click on the "Update information" button
    • on the My Profile page update/delete some information in the shipping details form and click on the "Update information" button
    • after submiting the form, make a purchase to see if the personal and shipping fileds in checkout form are pre-populated with that info
    • click on the "Change password" button and test Change password functionality by filling out the form
    • click on the "Manage emails" button and test Manage email functionality by adding new emails, removing them, making primary
    • check the Order History page with a freshly created account with no orders
    • click on the "View My Profile" and "View Order History" buttons on the Order History and My Profile pages respectively
  • Results:
    • both My Profile and Order History are available only to the logged-in users
    • clicking the Order number on the order history page opens the past confirmation (checkout success) page with the corresponding toast info message as expected
    • Profile page displays all the personal info (email and username), clicking on the "Change password" and "Manage emails" buttons leads to the correct destinations (that's built-in Django functionality). Everything works as expected.
    • if all the shipping information on the profile page was deleted, then on the checkout page all the fields were empty. At the same time if there are shipping details saved on the profile page, the checkout form fields were pre-filled, confirming that the shipping info was saved into the Profile model.
    • "View My Profile" and "View Order History" buttons lead to the correct destinations
  • Verdict: Test passed. All the functionality works as expected, no bugs were found during the testing.

Admin product management functionality (admin CRUD)

  • User stories being tested:
    As a user, I want to have convenient and secure admin interface avalable only for website admin, so that I can add, edit and remove products/services.
  • Test:
    • navigate to the Product Management page from the navbar
    • click on the "Add a New Product" and "Add a New Service" to open the corresponding form
    • try to submit both forms being empty or with invalid information to see if the error messages will appear
    • submit "Add a New Product" form with all valid information multiple times creating different products (providing/not providing an image, filling all/only required fields)
    • submit "Add a New Service" form with all valid information multiple times creating different services (providing/not providing an image, filling all/only required fields)
    • after adding a product/service with an image, go to the AWS S3 website and check the basket to see if the image was saved there
    • after clicking "Edit" button on the product/service pages, fill out the edit form (change something, remove some fields' values)
    • create few testing products and services with dummy data for testing the delete functionality:
      click on the "Delete" button on the product/service pages, verify that delete modal appears with correct text provided, click on the "Delete" button in the modal. After that, check Product model in the Admin panel to see changes reflected
    • being a guest or logged in as a regular user(not admin), manually enter the edit/delete/add URLS to reach the corresponding pages trying to access admin functionality and manipulate the database
  • Results:
    • Add product/service forms work as expected: validation error messages appear if the form is invalid. After successfull addition it redirects to the new created product/service page with all correct information displayed.
    • if image wasn't provided, no-image placeholder is assignmed and displayed. In production all images are stored in the AWS S3, so the new images were successfully saved into the Basket as expected.
    • Edit functionality works as expected: validation error messages appear if the form is invalid. After successfull addition it redirects to the product/service page and all the changes straight away can be seen in that page and in the database (admin panel can be checked as well).
    • Delete functionality works as expected: after clciking "Delete" button on the product/service pages, delete modal toggles. Click on the "Delete" button deactivates the product/service (setting discontinued = False, but not completely removing from the database). After "deleting" product/service - setting it as Discontinued - the product/service is hidden from the user's view and can be accessed only from the Order history, if this product/service was purchased before. "Out of stock" line is displayed on the page and "Add to cart" functionality is not available for the Discontinued product/service.
    • The defensive design worked well, allowing only superuser to have an access to this functionality. If non-admin users try to access the pages, they are redirected to the home page with corresponding error messages displayed.
  • Bugs found and fixed: The bug with delete product/service functionality was found during testing process and it is described in details in the Bugs section.
  • Verdict: The bug was fixed, all the functionality works as expected. Test passed.

Automated Testing

Automated testing is implemented to support manual testing during the development process. The intent was not to achieve 100% coverage with automated testing, but more to support and complement the manual testing, paying more attention to the more fragile code pieces and testing them.
Unit tests can be found in the,, files of applicable applications within the repository.
Note: The tests should be added in local database, as The Heroku hobby-tier does not give permissions to allow creation of databases that are required for python automated testing. To run the test and check the output, the database (Postgres) code configuration in should be temporarily removed or commented out.

  • Command used to run the tests:
    python3 test
  • To run the tests within a specific app only: python test <app name here>
    Coverage was used to get the feedback during the testing and see the percentage of the unit tests implemented.
  • to generate a coverage report run the following command: coverage report
  • to generate the HTML file run the following command: coverage html and open index.html file in the newly created directory, run the file in the browser to see the output.


Travis was also used throughout the unit testing of this project to provide continuous integration with the deployed site when pushing code to GitHub. It is configured via the .travis.yml file. All information about how to set it up can be found in Travis Documentation.



All the HTML files were tested through W3C Markup Validation Service. Since it does not recognize Jinja2 templating language, it showed a number of errors. There were also few minor errors and warning that can be safely ignored. Apart from that, no other errors were found across the html pages.


All the CSS files were tested through W3C CSS Validation Service. Since it does not recognize CSS variables (colours and fonts variables were used), there were several Parse Errors found. These errors can be safely ignored as they are not errors in fact. The rest of the CSS files was completely valid.


All the JS files were tested through Esprima and JSHint validators, code was syntactically valid. "$" was not defined by JSHint.


All the Python files were tested through PEP8 Online validator and further changes were made to make the code PEP8 compliant where possible.

Compatibility and Responsiveness

This website had been being tested during the development across multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safary, Opera, FireFox, Internet Explorer) and on multiple devices: mobile (iPhone 5, 6, 8, Samsung Galaxy S10, Sony Xperia), tablets (iPad, iPadPro) and laptops (with HiDPI, MDPI and touch screens).
Also, the following tools were used to constantly test the project:

  • Google Chrome's developer tools to see how it looks across all the different device screen sizes to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
  • Am I Responsive and Responsinator online tools for checking responsiveness on different devices (used the local GitPod link as the Heroku has security restrictions). Plenty of changes were made and necessary media queries added to make the website fully responsive.
    The website renders poorly on Internet Explorer browser (as it is outdated). However, the website renders well as expected on all the other browsers.

Other Testing

  • The app was constantly testing with debugger locally: debug=True throughout all the development process. Every time when there was an error (when app crashed), the debugger displayed an error message to the view, that allowed me to find the location of the error and fix it.
  • I also asked my friends, family members and fellow students in Slack to thoroughly test my website in different devices, try to break it and to give me a feedback about the design, functionality and their user experience. Some further improvement took place to enhance UX after getting other peoples' feedback, such as:
    • ZIP code was removed/hidden from the Checkout payment (adding hidePostalCode: true line to the stripe.js file), as confused users (this was mentioned by 2 people) and seemed to be unnecessary.
    • Animation on scroll was removed from the Product cards, as that was pointed as unnecessary by 2 different people
    • Overflow on the Events page was fixed
    • Button colours were changed to achieve better CTA (Call to Action) effect
    • "Add to Cart" button was added to the all products page as user expects to have a quicker opportunity to add an item, without going to the Product details page


Update quantity in the cart


When user manually enters invalid quantity (for products - out of range of 1-999) or invalid number of participants (for services - out of range 1-100), the item in the cart was still updated and the total was changed accordingly. The error messages didn't appear and clicking on "Checkout" button led to 500 Server Error, as the form was invalid eventually, and user wasn't informed about what was wrong there. That happened because in the cart app the quantity form was handled in a different way (by JavaScritpt), that is different from the quantity/number of participants forms on product/service pages, where the validation error messages appear as expected.


The issue was fixed by adding extra piece of code to handle validation via JavaScript. The main idea here is to use checkValidity() method and display the hidden paragraph that contains an error message, that appears under the field if there was an attempt to enter invalid quantity.
The main problem was to determine the certain invalid form if there are more than one item was added to the cart.
The following id was added to the <form> element to get the loop index : id="cart-form-{{ forloop.counter }}". And also data-number="{{ forloop.counter }} was added to the "Update" button to determine which button was clicked in case there are few items in the cart.
Finally, the if statement was added to get the validation error message displayed in case an error occured:

$('.update-cart-btn').click(function(e) {
        let number = this.dataset.number;
        let cartForm = document.querySelector(`#cart-form-${number}`);
        let cartFormValid  = cartForm.checkValidity();
        if (cartFormValid) {
            let form = $(this).prev('.quantity-update-form');
        }else {



The bug was successfully fixed and evetually all the tests were passed.

Save info field


During the testing phase in production there was found an issue with save_info checkbox: despite not being ticked (meaning that a user does not want to save the shipping information to the profile), it always saved that information anyway. As the first two steps of the Checkout form are handled via JavaScript, its "true" and "false" values were not recognisable by Python (were not equal to True and False), meaning it always returned True regardless user's actions.


To fix that few additional lines of code was added to

  • stripe.js file:
    let saveInfo = document.getElementById('save_info').value;
  • checkout/ file:
if request.POST['save_info'] == "true":
                request.session['save_info'] = True
                request.session['save_info'] = False

The process of handling it was: first the value of "save_info" field is assigned in the saveInfo variable, if it is equal to "true" it's assigned to True in the checkout view, if "false" - assigned to False.
So after adding those lines, if a user dosn't tick the "save-info" checkbox, the information will not be saved in their profile.

  • As well as that, another issue with "save-info" checkbox was found, when an order is created by non-authenticated user. The save info field is visible only for authenticated users, so if a user is a guest, it supposed to return None, but it didn't. This caused an error in payment procedure and creating an order.
    To fix that, the following line was added to the file:
    save_info = intent.metadata.save_info if hasattr(intent.metadata, 'save_info') else None


The bugs were successfully fixed and evetually all the tests were passed.

Comment field


Similar to the save_info field, there was an issue with optional Comment field, occuring when the form was handled via webhooks during the testing. If the comment field was empty, the error appeared and order was not saved properly into the database.


The problem was that if the Comment field was empty, it wasn't set as None (as it's supposed to be as it's an optional field).
So adding the following line successfully solved the issue setting the value as None in case the comment field was empty:
comment = intent.metadata.comment if hasattr(intent.metadata, 'comment') else None


The bug was successfully fixed and evetually all the tests were passed.

Saving an order into both sqlite and Postgress databases when created by non-authenticated user


When an order was created by non-logged in user, it was saved into both databases - sqlite(in Gitpod) and Postgress(in Heroku). After plenty of tests and code checks, it was found that this happened because the webhook URLs were pointing on Stripe to both the Gitpod and Heroku URLs.
Apparently, even if there is a single DB setup on the file and/or Config Vars (in Heroku), no matter how many webhooks are listed, Stripe will trigger them all, even if they are different databases. If they are both 'active' and enabled, Stripe will trigger both of them to update all Databases that they're pointing to.


Eventually the fix was very easy. All I had to do is to disable/toggle-off the webhoook URL for the sqlite3 DB in the Stripe dashboard, when everything was tested and completed, and set only Postgres DB as active. After that all the orders created in production are being saved only in Postgress database as expected.


The bug was successfully fixed and evetually all the tests were passed.

Delete product or service functionality


When a product/service was deleted by admin from the database, but before it was ordered and purchased by a user, the product/service was deleted from the user's order history as well. This caused the user's confusion: as that deleted product is not anymore in the past order confirmation(checkout success) page - all fields in the order summary were empty, even a grand total. Also, if there were more than one items ordered, the grand total was updated as well(subtracting that deleting product), so it was smaller that the actual amount that was paid. The reason for this issue was that the product field in Order Item Details model contained on_delete=models.CASCADE, meaning that if a product/service was deleted, it was also removed from Order Item Details model and from user's order history.


To fix that, the product field in Order Item Details model was updated with on_delete=models.PROTECT, so the product could not be deleted.
Then discontinued BooleanField was added to the Product model:
discontinued = models.BooleanField(default=False)
If the store is no longer selling the product/service, the value is set to True. Then in the templates an if statement was added {% if not product.discontinued %} to display only active products/services.
Then delete and edit product/service functionality was updated accordingly. The products/services are deleted/removed from the store and from the user's view, but not removed from the database, so that they are visible in the past orders and can be accessed only from the Order History if a user purchased them.
Also, "OUT OF STOCK" paragraph was added to the discontinued products and "Add to Cart" button was removed, so users have no opportunity to buy them again.
The admin can set the product/service as discontinued not only from the Admin Panel, but also from the "Edit" page. This will update the page and remove it from the website's templates. The explanatory paragraphs are provided in both Delete modal and Edit page, so that the admin won't be confused with that.


The bug was successfully fixed and evetually all the tests were passed.

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