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The data within Chronicle can be accessed through the following APIs:


The easiest way to start Chronicle is by using our supplied Dockerfile.

First you need to setup the correct permissions for the node's database:

mkdir docker/hornet_data
groupadd -g 65532 nonroot
useradd -g nonroot -u 65532 nonroot
chown nonroot:nonroot docker/hornet_data/

We mount the MongoDB database as an additional volume, with appropriate permissions:

mkdir docker/chronicle_data
chown 999:999 docker/chronicle_data/

After that, with Docker installed on your system, you can spin up Chronicle by running the following command from the root of the repository.

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.hornet.yml up


The easiest way to get going is to use a private_tangle for now:

git clone
cd hornet/private_tangle
./ # exit with <CTRL-C>

Then you should be able to connect to INX on http://localhost:9029

JWT Authentication

Usage of the Chronicle API can be protected using JWT, by setting the following configuration settings under the api table in config.toml.

  • password_hash - The argon2i hash of your chosen password.
  • password_salt - The salt used to hash the above password.
  • public_routes - A list of routes that can be accessed without providing a token. These can include the wildcard (*) symbol to allow any sequence of characters to match.

All JWT interactions should be performed via HTTPS.

Public Routes

When a route is configured to be public, it can be accessed freely without providing a JWT. Thus, you should take care when specifying these routes, as a mis-configured route can open the application up to attacks. The only accepted special character is the wildcard (*), which will be converted to a regex .* and match against the original URI.

For instance, a request GET https://localhost:XXXX/api/core/v2/milestones/by-index/10000 will check the set of public routes against the segment /api/core/v2/milestones/by-index/10000.

Matching strings include:

  • /api/*
  • /api/core/*/milestones/by-index/*
  • *10000

Non-matching strings include:

  • /core/v2/milestones/by-index/*
  • /api/core/v2/milestones/by-index
  • /api/core/v1/*

If JWT is used, these routes should be as specific as possible to avoid accidentally exposing unintended routes.


Chronicle uses an EdDSA secret key to create tokens, which can be generated by the application at startup or provided as an identity file using the identity_path config. Currently, this file must be a PKCS8 secret key (RFC 5208) PEM file. The location of this file can also optionally be specified using the IDENTITY_PATH env variable, which will be overridden by the config file value. If no such file is provided, a secret key is randomly generated for use while the application is running.

Generating a Token

A special route at the root (/login) is provided for generating a new token. This token will use the password config as well as the jwt_expiration and the secret key. This token can be manually generated by the client, if desired, by using the same identity and claims.

Static claims used by Chronicle are:

  • iss: "chronicle"
  • aud: "api"

The sub (subject) claim is filled using a unique UUID, however it is not currently stored or validated by Chronicle.

Providing a Token

To provide a token when making a request, include it in an Authorization header using the Bearer authentication scheme.

Environment Variables

Currently Chronicle supports the following environment variables:

CONFIG_PATH="<FILE_PATH>": sets the file path to the config.toml file; INX=<true|false>: enables/disables INX; API=<true|false>: enables/disables the REST API; METRICS=<true|false>: enables/disables the Metrics Server;


IOTA permanode implemented using the IOTA Node Extension (INX) interface.




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