diff --git a/config/docs/templates/api/api.template.html b/config/docs/templates/api/api.template.html
index b371759d5fe..35ee123fe49 100644
--- a/config/docs/templates/api/api.template.html
+++ b/config/docs/templates/api/api.template.html
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
<@ block content @>
@@ -21,20 +21,20 @@
<@ block header @>
<@ if doc.docType == "directive" @>
- <$ doc.name | dashCase $>
+<$ doc.name | dashCase $>
<@ else @>
- <$ doc.name $>
+<$ doc.name $>
<@ endif @>
<@ if doc.parent @>
- Child of <$ doc.parent $>
+Child of <$ doc.parent $>
<@ endif @>
<@ if doc.delegate @>
- Delegate: <$ doc.delegate $>
+Delegate: <$ doc.delegate $>
<@ endif @>
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
<@ if doc.deprecated @>
<@ endif @>
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<@- if doc.requires @>
- <@ for require in doc.requires @>- <$ require | link $>
<@ endfor @>
+<@ for require in doc.requires @>- <$ require | link $>
<@ endfor @>
<@ endif -@>
<@ endblock @>
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Dependencies
<@- if doc.examples @>
<@- for example in doc.examples -@>
- <$ example | marked $>
+<$ example | marked $>
<@- endfor -@>
<@ endif -@>
<@ endblock @>
diff --git a/config/docs/templates/api/directive.template.html b/config/docs/templates/api/directive.template.html
index 475c7d6c424..ec7f61f3737 100644
--- a/config/docs/templates/api/directive.template.html
+++ b/config/docs/templates/api/directive.template.html
@@ -3,54 +3,54 @@
<@ block additional @>
- <@ block usage @>
+<@ block usage @>
- <@ if doc.usage @>
+<@ if doc.usage @>
<$ doc.usage $>
- <@ else @>
- <@ if doc.restrict.element @>
- ```html
- <<$ doc.name | dashCase $>
- <@- for param in doc.params @>
- <$ directiveParam(param.alias or param.name, param.type, '="', '"') $>
- <@- endfor @>>
- ...
- <$ doc.name | dashCase $>>
- ```
- <@ endif -@>
- <@- if doc.restrict.attribute -@>
- ```html
- <<$ doc.element $>
- <@- for param in doc.params @>
- <$ directiveParam(param.name, param.type, '="', '"') $>
- <@- endfor @>>
- ...
- <$ doc.element $>>
- ```
- <@ endif -@>
- <@- if doc.restrict.cssClass -@>
- ```html
- <@ set sep = joiner(' ') @>
- <<$ doc.element $> class="
- <@- for param in doc.params -@>
- <$ sep() $><$ directiveParam(param.name, param.type, ': ', ';') $>
- <@- endfor @>"> ... <$ doc.element $>>
- ```
- <@ endif -@>
- <@- endif @>
- <@ endblock -@>
- <@ if doc.params @>
+<@ else @>
+<@ if doc.restrict.element @>
+<<$ doc.name | dashCase $>
+<@- for param in doc.params @>
+<$ directiveParam(param.alias or param.name, param.type, '="', '"') $>
+<@- endfor @>>
+<$ doc.name | dashCase $>>
+<@ endif -@>
+<@- if doc.restrict.attribute -@>
+<<$ doc.element $>
+<@- for param in doc.params @>
+<$ directiveParam(param.name, param.type, '="', '"') $>
+<@- endfor @>>
+<$ doc.element $>>
+<@ endif -@>
+<@- if doc.restrict.cssClass -@>
+<@ set sep = joiner(' ') @>
+<<$ doc.element $> class="
+<@- for param in doc.params -@>
+<$ sep() $><$ directiveParam(param.name, param.type, ': ', ';') $>
+<@- endfor @>"> ... <$ doc.element $>>
+<@ endif -@>
+<@- endif @>
+<@ endblock -@>
+<@ if doc.params @>
<$ paramTable(doc.params, true) $>
- <@ endif @>
+<@ endif @>
- <@ include "lib/events.template.html" @>
+<@ include "lib/events.template.html" @>
<@ endblock @>
diff --git a/config/docs/templates/lib/macros.html b/config/docs/templates/lib/macros.html
index 38ebb700701..97c19823946 100644
--- a/config/docs/templates/lib/macros.html
+++ b/config/docs/templates/lib/macros.html
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<@ endmacro -@>
<@- macro functionSyntax(fn) @>
-<@- set sep = joiner(', ') -@>
+<@- set sep = joiner(', ') -@>
<$ fn.name $>(<@- for param in fn.params @><$ sep() $>
<@- if param.type.optional @>[<@ endif -@>
<$ param.name $>