download and install GAMS from
Install python on your machine. For Windows I like the light-weight yet still comfortable miniconda. An IDE is not required, but can make working with python much more comfortable. Personally, I like pycharm.
Set up a python 3 (conda) environment compatible with GAMS (currently I recommend python 3.9)
The core of medea is an abstract implementation of a power system model, that describes the functioning of the
system but is independent of any specific parametrization. This model is distributed through the repository
The abstract model is fully functioning and allows for extensions and modifications. Further details are described in
To solve the abstract model, it needs to be instantiated with data. The repository provides a python package that downloads and processes power system data for Austria and Germany and subsequently hands it over to the abstract model.
To install both packages via the command line:
conda install git pip
pip install git+
pip install git+
Typically, medea is used for a specific application, called "project". It is recommended to keep all code and data in an application-specific project-repository. Such a repository is expected to follow a given directory structure and can be initialized through the Python console:
from medea.init import init_medea
ROOT_DIR = 'path/to/your/project/directory'
The automated data download requires access to these sources:
- ENTSO-E transparency platform (go to "Login", then "Register")
- Copernicus Climate Data Store (go to "Login/register")
- quandl (service terminated - looking for an alternative)
Fill the respective credentials into credentials.yaml
user: user_name
pwd: password
apikey: your_apikey
url: url://to.copernicus.cds/api
key: your_cds_key
Once medea is initialized and the required log-in data is inserted into credentials.yaml
, data can be retrieved
through the Python console.
Alternatively, all subsequent steps can also be carried out by running medea/
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
from medea_data_atde.retrieve import do_download, init_medea_data_atde
from config import ROOT_DIR
credentials = yaml.load(open(ROOT_DIR / 'credentials.yaml'), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
USER = credentials['entsoe']['user']
PWD = credentials['entsoe']['pwd']
API_KEY = credentials['quandl']['apikey']
CDSURL = credentials['copernicus']['url']
CDSKEY = credentials['copernicus']['key']
zones = ['AT', 'DE']
years = range(2012, 2020)
url_ageb_bal = {
12: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
13: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
14: ['2021/01', 'xls'],
15: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
16: ['2021/01', 'xls'],
17: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
18: ['2020/04', 'xlsx'],
19: ['2021/11', 'xlsx']
url_ageb_sat = {
12: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
13: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
14: ['2021/01', 'xls'],
15: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
16: ['2021/01', 'xls'],
17: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
18: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
19: ['2021/11', 'xlsx']
do_download(ROOT_DIR, zones, USER, PWD, API_KEY, years, CATEGORIES, url_ageb_bal, url_ageb_sat, CDSURL, CDSKEY)
After data retrieval, the data needs to be pre-processed via the Python console:
(the dictionary url_ageb_bal
is required to correct for a mess in the download links provided by
AG Energiebilanzen)
from pathlib import Path
from medea_data_atde.process import do_processing
from config import ROOT_DIR
root_dir = Path(ROOT_DIR)
country = {
'AT': 'Austria',
'DE': 'Germany',
years = range(2012, 2020)
zones = ['AT', 'DE']
url_ageb_bal = {
12: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
13: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
14: ['2021/01', 'xls'],
15: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
16: ['2021/01', 'xls'],
17: ['2021/01', 'xlsx'],
18: ['2020/04', 'xlsx'],
19: ['2021/11', 'xlsx']
do_processing(root_dir, country, years, zones, url_ageb_bal)
selects the year for which historical data is used. Currently tested are 2016 and 2019.
Python console:
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import gamstransfer as gt
from medea_data_atde import compile_symbols
from config import ROOT_DIR
root_dir = Path(ROOT_DIR)
timeseries = root_dir / 'data' / 'processed' / 'time_series.csv'
zones = ['AT', 'DE']
year = 2019
sets, parameters = compile_symbols(root_dir, timeseries, zones, year)
md = gt.Container()
set_clct = {}
for key, df in sets.items():
set_clct[key] = gt.Set(md, key, records=df)
pm_clct = {}
for key, lst in parameters.items():
pm_clct[key] = gt.Parameter(md, key, lst[0], records=lst[1], description=lst[2])
YEAR = gt.Parameter(md, 'YEAR', [], records=pd.DataFrame([year]), description='year of simulation data')
export_location = root_dir / 'opt' / 'medea_main_data.gdx'
Python console:
from pathlib import Path
from medea.execute import run_medea
from config import ROOT_DIR
root_dir = Path(ROOT_DIR)
gams_dir = Path('d:/GAMS/37')
project_dir = root_dir / 'opt'
model_gms = project_dir / 'medea_main.gms'
run_medea(gams_dir, project_dir, model_gms)