Name | Type | Description |
company | ZacksInstitutionalHoldingCompanySummary | |
owner | ZacksInstitutionalHoldingOwnerSummary | |
as_of_date | date | Quarter end date listed in the most recent 13F report filed by the institution |
shares_held | float | Number of shares of the stock listed |
shared_held_percent | float | Percent of shares outstanding held of the stock by the institution listed |
shares_change | float | Change in shares of the stock held by the institution listed |
shares_change_percent | float | Percentage change in shares of the stock held by the institution listed |
market_value | float | Market value of shares outstanding held of the stock listed |
market_value_change | float | Change in market value shares of the stock listed |
last_sec_filing_type | str | The report type of the latest SEC filing |
last_sec_filing_date | date | The date of the latest SEC filing |
last_sec_filing_shares | float | The |
historical_holdings | list[ZacksInstitutionalHoldingHistoricalSummary] |