- Fixed a bug that the event node height does not work to be adjusted with depending on a "rowHeight" option.
- Fixed a bug that different ruler is displayed from actual date-time when has timezone diff times as like on while DST.
- Changed an "openEvent" method to be able to bind custom user function that fire just before opening event.
- Changed the order of priority of overwriting to "hook function > event params > colorScheme.event object".
- Fixed a bug that does not hide the loader when empty event.
- Fixed a bug that does not overflow the event container.
- Added optional option type definition to the documentation of an esdoc.
- Fixed a bug that occurred error if an option does not have the ruler settings when binding the Timeline.
- Changed to use webpack for deploying the scripts.
- Synchronized several internal processing during timeline initialization by the Promise.
- Added the "colorScheme" option for setting the default color of every event. (by @Guillaume-Bo, PR#37)
- Added the "firstDayOfWeek" option to define a start day of one week on the timeline.
- Added the "truncateLowers" property in the ruler option to ignore outputting lower ruler scale than global scale.
- Fixed the bug when zooming the scale.
- Changed the default preloading animation to indicator type from strings type.
- Added the "loadingMessage" option for using the custom loader content. (by @Guillaume-Bo, PR#37)
- Became to able to include the initial events to the plugin option by the "eventData" option.
- Added the "mixed" type to be able to place the events of bar and point type together on the timeline.
- Added some properties that "presentTime", "stripedGridRow", "horizontalGridStyle", "verticalGridStyle".
- Added a property of "custom" to output the custom datetime format.
- Added the events to be able to swipe the timeline container on the PC browser too.
- Supported to summer time (Daylight Savings Time).
- Fixed the bugs that broke some layouts.
- Fixed some internal processing bugs and stabilized the operation of various methods.
- Added tasks into gulp for deploying on production.
- Added new methods named "dateback" and "dateforth".
- Added new option named "effects" for timeline UI enhancement.
- Fixed a bug that does not remove specific events on "removeEvent" method.
- Fixed a bug that the vertical position of the relation line deviates in multiple rows of containers.
- Fixed a bug that method chain did not work due to asynchronous initialization.
- Fixed a bug that not working the "openEvent" method.
- Added a page for making contribution to plugin development to Github pages.
- Added new method named "zoomScale".
- Launch the developer version 2.0.0 alpha-1