All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- 🎸 remove santa hat (1d9b21a)
- 🎸 add snowfall effect (5c1aa5c)
- 🎸 add santa hat to the thunderbolt icon (6e8942f)
- meta pixel integrated (1e2acfd)
- show spinner while /services call is made (9af80f5)
- 🐛 lint error resolved (aa76420)
- remove semicolon (758be85)
1.4.0 (2020-05-23)
- 🎸 add chinese translations (f54624f)
- 🎸 implement init query feature (#31) (a4efa4a)
- astronaut: add santa hat (65b0cd7)
- implement debounced results (af204d3)
- resultcard: create loading resultcards (d174d81)
- resultcard: implement self querying result card (47c4767)
- results: fetch services list from api (f030649)
- results: implement debounce in results component (5dfedeb)
- update translations (dd7f595)