This is a module responsible for installing the terraform module into a cluster.
module "insprd" {
source = "inspr/daemon/inspr"
providers = {
helm = helm.inspr
namespace = "daemon-namespace"
apps_namespace = "dapps-namespace"
enable_ingress = true
ingress_host = ""
ingress_class = "nginx"
The inspr daemon module uses the [](helm module) to install the service into your kubernetes cluster. The module itself receives a helm provider configuration, allowing to use configuration like the ones that can be found in the . A few examples are:
// local kubernetes config, will install into the currently selected cluster
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"
// receives the authentication of the cluster in which the installation will
// occur
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = "https://cluster_endpoint:port"
client_certificate = file("~/.kube/client-cert.pem")
client_key = file("~/.kube/client-key.pem")
cluster_ca_certificate = file("~/.kube/cluster-ca-cert.pem")
Below is a more through example on how to add the daemon module using in a specific cluster.
// terraform cluster - just a zonal cluster from a local module
module "tfc" {
source = "./modules/zonal-cluster"
project_id = "insprlabs"
cluster_name = "tf-presentation"
location = "us-central1-a"
min_nodes = 1
max_nodes = 3
machine_type = "e2-standard-2"
// creation of a custom helm provider configuration, specifies that the helm
// will install its components on 'tfc'
provider "helm" {
alias = "inspr"
kubernetes {
host = module.tfc.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.tfc.cluster_ca_certificate)
client_certificate = module.tfc.client_certificate
client_key = module.tfc.client_key
module "insprd" {
depends_on = [ module.tfc ]
source = "inspr/daemon/inspr"
providers = {
helm = helm.inspr
namespace = "inspr"
apps_namespace = "inspr-apps"
enable_ingress = false
ingress_host = ""
ingress_class = "nginx"
module "uidp" {
depends_on = [ module.tfc, module.insprd ]
source = "../terraform-inspr-uidp"
providers = {
helm = helm.inspr
insprd_name = "custominsprd"
insprd_init_secret_name = "custominsprd-init-key"
insprd_address = "http://custominsprd:80"
insprd_token = ""
namespace = "tfuidp"
enable_ingress = false