The installation procedure depends on the package you want the library to be in. PyCryptodome can be used as:
an almost drop-in replacement for the old PyCrypto library. You install it with:
pip install pycryptodomeIn this case, all modules are installed under the
package. You can test everything is right with:python -m Crypto.SelfTestOne must avoid having both PyCrypto and PyCryptodome installed at the same time, as they will interfere with each other.
This option is therefore recommended only when you are sure that the whole application is deployed in a
.a library independent of the old PyCrypto. You install it with:
pip install pycryptodomexYou can test everything is right with:
python -m Cryptodome.SelfTestIn this case, all modules are installed under the
package. PyCrypto and PyCryptodome can coexist.
The procedures below go a bit more in detail, by explaining how to setup the environment for compiling the C extensions for each OS, and how to install the GMP library.
If you want to install under the Crypto
package, replace
below pycryptodomex
with pycryptodome
For Python 2.x:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev $ pip install pycryptodomex $ python -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
For Python 3.x:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev $ pip install pycryptodomex $ python3 -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
For PyPy:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential pypy-dev $ pip install pycryptodomex $ pypy -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
If you want to install under the Crypto
package, replace
below pycryptodomex
with pycryptodome
For Python 2.x:
$ sudo yum install gcc gmp python-devel $ pip install pycryptodomex $ python -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
For Python 3.x:
$ sudo yum install gcc gmp python3-devel $ pip install pycryptodomex $ python3 -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
For PyPy:
$ sudo yum install gcc gmp pypy-devel $ pip install pycryptodomex $ pypy -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
If you want to install under the Crypto
package, replace
below pycryptodomex
with pycryptodome
Windows does not come with a C compiler like most Unix systems. The simplest way to compile the Pycryptodome extensions from source code is to install the minimum set of Visual Studio components freely made available by Microsoft.
Run Python from the command line and note down its version and whether it is a 32 bit or a 64 bit application.
For instance, if you see:
Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
you clearly have Python 2.7 and it is a 32 bit application.
[Only once] Install Virtual Clone Drive.
[Only once] Download the ISO image of the MS SDK for Windows 7 and . NET Framework 3.5 SP1. It contains the Visual C++ 2008 compiler.
There are three ISO images available: you will need
if your Windows OS is 32 bits orGRMSDKX_EN_DVD.iso
if 64 bits.Mount the ISO with Virtual Clone Drive and install the C/C++ compilers and the redistributable only.
If your Python is a 64 bit application, open a command prompt and perform the following steps:
> cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0" > cmd /V:ON /K Bin\SetEnv.Cmd /x64 /release > set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1
if your Python is a 32 bit application.Compile and install PyCryptodome:
> pip install pycryptodomex --no-use-wheel
To make sure everything work fine, run the test suite:
> python -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
If you want to install under the Crypto
package, replace
below pycryptodomex
with pycryptodome
Windows does not come with a C compiler like most Unix systems. The simplest way to compile the Pycryptodome extensions from source code is to install the minimum set of Visual Studio components freely made available by Microsoft.
Run Python from the command line and note down its version and whether it is a 32 bit or a 64 bit application.
For instance, if you see:
Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
you clearly have Python 2.7 and it is a 32 bit application.
[Only once] Install Virtual Clone Drive.
[Only once] Download the ISO image of the MS SDK for Windows 7 and . NET Framework 4. It contains the Visual C++ 2010 compiler.
There are three ISO images available: you will need
if your Windows OS is 32 bits orGRMSDKX_EN_DVD.iso
if 64 bits.Mount the ISO with Virtual Clone Drive and install the C/C++ compilers and the redistributable only.
If your Python is a 64 bit application, open a command prompt and perform the following steps:
> cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1" > cmd /V:ON /K Bin\SetEnv.Cmd /x64 /release > set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1
if your Python is a 32 bit application.Compile and install PyCryptodome:
> pip install pycryptodomex --no-use-wheel
To make sure everything work fine, run the test suite:
> python -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
If you want to install under the Crypto
package, replace
below pycryptodomex
with pycryptodome
Windows does not come with a C compiler like most Unix systems. The simplest way to compile the PyCryptodome extensions from source code is to install the minimum set of Visual Studio components freely made available by Microsoft.
[Once only] Download MS Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition) and install the C/C++ compilers and the redistributable only.
Compile and install PyCryptodome:
> pip install pycryptodomex --no-use-wheel
To make sure everything work fine, run the test suite:
> python -m Cryptodome.SelfTest
Project documentation is written in reStructuredText and it is stored under Doc/src
To publish it as HTML files, you need to install sphinx and
> make -C Doc/ html
It will then be available under Doc/_build/html/
All source packages and wheels on PyPI are cryptographically signed. They can be verified with the following PGP key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBFTXjPgBEADc3j7vnma9MXRshBPPXXenVpthQD6lrF/3XaBT2RptSf/viOD+ tz85du5XVp+r0SYYGeMNJCQ9NsztxblN/lnKgkfWRmSrB+V6QGS+e3bR5d9OIxzN 7haPxBnyRj//hCT/kKis6fa7N9wtwKBBjbaSX+9vpt7Rrt203sKfcChA4iR3EG89 TNQoc/kGGmwk/gyjfU38726v0NOhMKJp2154iQQVZ76hTDk6GkOYHTcPxdkAj4jS Dd74M9sOtoOlyDLHOLcWNnlWGgZjtz0z0qSyFXRSuOfggTxrepWQgKWXXzgVB4Jo 0bhmXPAV8vkX5BoG6zGkYb47NGGvknax6jCvFYTCp1sOmVtf5UTVKPplFm077tQg 0KZNAvEQrdWRIiQ1cCGCoF2Alex3VmVdefHOhNmyY7xAlzpP0c8z1DsgZgMnytNn GPusWeqQVijRxenl+lyhbkb9ZLDq7mOkCRXSze9J2+5aLTJbJu3+Wx6BEyNIHP/f K3E77nXvC0oKaYTbTwEQSBAggAXP+7oQaA0ea2SLO176xJdNfC5lkQEtMMSZI4gN iSqjUxXW2N5qEHHex1atmTtk4W9tQEw030a0UCxzDJMhD0aWFKq7wOxoCQ1q821R vxBH4cfGWdL/1FUcuCMSUlc6fhTM9pvMXgjdEXcoiLSTdaHuVLuqmF/E0wARAQAB tB9MZWdyYW5kaW4gPGhlbGRlcmlqc0BnbWFpbC5jb20+iQI4BBMBAgAiBQJU14z4 AhsDBgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDabO+N4RaZEn7IEACpApha vRwPB+Dv87aEyVmjZ96Nb3mxHdeP2uSmUxAODzoB5oJJ1QL6HRxEVlU8idjdf73H DX39ZC7izD+oYIve9sNwTbKqJCZaTxlTDdgSF1N57eJOlELAy+SqpHtaMJPk7SfJ l/iYoUYxByPLZU1wDwZEDNzt9RCGy3bd/vF/AxWjdUJJPh3E4j5hswvIGSf8/Tp3 MDROU1BaNBOd0CLvBHok8/xavwO6Dk/fE4hJhd5uZcEPtd1GJcPq51z2yr7PGUcb oERsKZyG8cgfd7j8qoTd6jMIW6fBVHdxiMxW6/Z45X/vVciQSzzEl/yjPUW42kyr Ib6M16YmnDzp8bl4NNFvvR9uWvOdUkep2Bi8s8kBMJ7G9rHHJcdVy/tP1ECS9Bse hN4v5oJJ4v5mM/MiWRGKykZULWklonpiq6CewYkmXQDMRnjGXhjCWrB6LuSIkIXd gKvDNpJ8yEhAfmpvA4I3laMoof/tSZ7ZuyLSZGLKl6hoNIB13HCn4dnjNBeaXCWX pThgeOWxV6u1fhz4CeC1Hc8WOYr8S7G8P10Ji6owOcj/a1QuCW8XDB2omCTXlhFj zpC9dX8HgmUVnbPNiMjphihbKXoOcunRx4ZvqIa8mnTbI4tHtR0K0tI4MmbpcVOZ 8IFJ0nZJXuZiL57ijLREisPYmHfBHAgmh1j/W7kCDQRU14z4ARAA3QATRgvOSYFh nJOnIz6PO3G9kXWjJ8wvp3yE1/PwwTc3NbVUSNCW14xgM2Ryhn9NVh8iEGtPGmUP 4vu7rvuLC2rBs1joBTyqf0mDghlZrb5ZjXv5LcG9SA6FdAXRU6T+b1G2ychKkhEh d/ulLw/TKLds9zHhE+hkAagLQ5jqjcQN0iX5EYaOukiPUGmnd9fOEGi9YMYtRdrH +3bZxUpsRStLBWJ6auY7Bla8NJOhaWpr5p/ls+mnDWoqf+tXCCps1Da/pfHKYDFc 2VVdyM/VfNny9eaczYpnj5hvIAACWChgGDBwxPh2DGdUfiQi/QqrK96+F7ulqz6V 2exX4CL0cPv5fUpQqSU/0R5WApM9bl2+wljFhoCXlydU9HNn+0GatGzEoo3yrV/m PXv7d6NdZxyOqgxu/ai/z++F2pWUXSBxZN3Gv28boFKQhmtthTcFudNUtQOchhn8 Pf/ipVISqrsZorTx9Qx4fPScEWjwbh84Uz20bx0sQs1oYcek2YG5RhEdzqJ6W78R S/dbzlNYMXGdkxB6C63m8oiGvw0hdN/iGVqpNAoldFmjnFqSgKpyPwfLmmdstJ6f xFZdGPnKexCpHbKr9fg50jZRenIGai79qPIiEtCZHIdpeemSrc7TKRPV3H2aMNfG L5HTqcyaM2+QrMtHPMoOFzcjkigLimMAEQEAAYkCHwQYAQIACQUCVNeM+AIbDAAK CRDabO+N4RaZEo7lD/45J6z2wbL8aIudGEL0aY3hfmW3qrUyoHgaw35KsOY9vZwb cZuJe0RlYptOreH/NrbR5SXODfhd2sxYyyvXBOuZh9i7OOBsrAd5UE01GCvToPwh 7IpMV3GSSAB4P8XyJh20tZqiZOYKhmbf29gUDzqAI6GzUa0U8xidUKpW2zqYGZjp wk3RI1fS7tyi/0N8B9tIZF48kbvpFDAjF8w7NSCrgRquAL7zJZIG5o5zXJM/ffF3 67Dnz278MbifdM/HJ+Tj0R0Uvvki9Z61nT653SoUgvILQyC72XI+x0+3GQwsE38a 5aJNZ1NBD3/v+gERQxRfhM5iLFLXK0Xe4K2XFM1g0yN4L4bQPbhSCq88g9Dhmygk XPbBsrK0NKPVnyGyUXM0VpgRbot11hxx02jC3HxS1nlLF+oQdkKFzJAMOU7UbpX/ oO+286J1FmpG+fihIbvp1Quq48immtnzTeLZbYCsG4mrM+ySYd0Er0G8TBdAOTiN 3zMbGX0QOO2fOsJ1d980cVjHn5CbAo8C0A/4/R2cXAfpacbvTiNq5BVk9NKa2dNb kmnTStP2qILWmm5ASXlWhOjWNmptvsUcK+8T+uQboLioEv19Ob4j5Irs/OpOuP0K v4woCi9+03HMS42qGSe/igClFO3+gUMZg9PJnTJhuaTbytXhUBgBRUPsS+lQAQ== =DpoI -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----