Please refer to below picture to upgrade test firmware first.
Please refer to the below picture to enable Third-Party Platform.
Please refer to section 4.1.1 of FlexAPI_Reference_for_3rd_party_platform_v1.0.8.pdf to add custom group as your needs.
If you have already added a group as in the previous step, you can reuse the configuration on another device using the import/export function as below picture
Please refer to the below picture to enable Advance Report for custom group.
Explanation for advance settings:
- Group Name
Name of the group whose advanced reporting function is enabled
These conditions apply when the vehicle is in motion
- Maximum Report Interval
Maximum interval between two reports
- Minimum Report Interval
Minimum interval between two reports
- Report Per Distance
Report when the vehicle travels beyond the set distance. Set it to 0 to disable this condition.
- Heading Change Report Limit
Report when heading change exceeds set distance. Set it to 0 to disable this condition.
- Acceleration Limit (X Axis)
- Acceleration Duration(X Axis)
Reported when the X axis acceleration exceeds the set value and continues to exceed the set time. Set it to 0 to disable this condition.
- Acceleration Limit (Y Axis)
- Acceleration Duration(Y Axis)
Reported when the Y axis acceleration exceeds the set value and continues to exceed the set time. Set it to 0 to disable this condition.
- Acceleration Limit (Z Axis)
- Acceleration Duration(Z Axis)
Reported when the Z axis acceleration exceeds the set value and continues to exceed the set time. Set it to 0 to disable this condition.
- Report Interval
Iinterval between two reports