1.7.8 (2023-10-25)
1.7.7 (2023-10-25)
- login: decode is not a function (#30) (85cd494)
- login: prevent case sensitive username for custom igo users login (#29) (d09696f)
- login: wrong login did not return any promise (620d42d)
- user api: get user on sqlite database was impossible (5e49959)
- context: define public context owner by config (#27) (8cf1056)
- layer: enable search layers without auth + minor fix (a856fb2)
1.7.5 (2023-04-14)
- context: now handling long uri as text (531cf1a)
1.7.4 (2023-02-13)
- token: fix token verification error due to jsonwebtoken migration (3d154dd)
1.7.3 (2023-02-13)
1.7.2 (2022-12-14)
- context: long uri for share context (faa7e48)
- profiligo: now possible to find accented name (8f203cd)
- script: init DB script (af45c8b)
- layer.service: option to disable get capabilities request (05d83a1)
0.0.1 (2019-07-11)
- config: add missing file (0d09a8b)
- context: fix bug if layers is a empty array (c252c33)
- context: fix bug if layers is a empty array (dcbc3e4)
- context: fix context default (9da5617)
- context: get default context error (8c9419c)
- context: must be authenticated to clone context (aa8005a)
- context: uri must be unique (88e5843)
- layer: fix if layer is invalid in context (45e601c)
- layer: fix missing ; (574cde6)
- layer: getBySource url (9099f57)
- permission: fix bulkcreate returns null value for primary key (d7e4257)
- user: catch invalid username (37b9f0a)
- user: fix groups (grapp) research (b2af064)
- user: fix social auth (43ea63d)
- user: username always in lower case (db8e8fc)
- add parameters to schema (a2cbd30)
- add parameters to schema (989d033)
- auth: connect to many ldap (5771fa7)
- catalog: add catalog and secure wms url (1c5d473)
- context: add context (e66a748)
- context: add context details (c110e81)
- context: add properties (7a5127a)
- contextDetails: merge informations (1256d8e)
- context: get context by uri and only admin can set context to public (c92cbd3)
- context: valid that scope is public, protected or private (c80c214)
- db: add postgres connection (fec92bc)
- filter: Adding ogcfilters, sourcefields, wms layer with wfssource & download (#5) (5d9b21c)
- layer: add layer feature (6348543)
- layer: add options to layer (b06e763)
- layer: add route to get baselayers (7ca591c)
- layerContext: add link layer and context (ceaa253)
- layerContext: link layer and context (48cb954)
- layerContext: save visibility and other options (a0e64e5)
- layer: exclude layers if not allowed (a1166ee)
- layer: options is merge with layer root (280d09c)
- permission: add multiple permissions at the same time (e986389)
- rewrite (76dd361)
- swagger: change base path to documentation (feb9719)
- tool: add tool service (1602032)
- toolbar: add toolbar in json return (284b40f)
- toolsContexts: link tool and context (aa67c23)
- upgrade kong to 0.13 (7dcbf37)
- user: add favorite context (e2a140c)
- user: create standard ldap connexion (bdefd9b)