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CI Mergify Status Updates Python 3

Cookiecutter template for Ansible role

Default variables

    "ansible_role_name": "role_name",
    "ansible_role_dependencies": "",
    "ansible_role_description": "Ansible role to install and configure {{ cookiecutter.ansible_role_name }}",
    "ansible_role_license": "MIT",
    "ansible_role_minimal_version": "2.8",
    "ansible_role_github_branch": "master",
    "ansible_role_platforms": "Debian:stretch,buster;Ubuntu:focal,bionic;EL:7,8",
    "ansible_role_repository": "infOpen/ansible-role-{{ cookiecutter.ansible_role_name }}",
    "ansible_role_tags": "",
    "author_email": "foo@bar",
    "author_github_username": "foobar",
    "author_name": "Foo Bar",
    "company_name": "Foobar Inc.",
    "company_url": "",
    "_copy_without_render": [

Additional information

Role default variables

This part need to be completed manually.

Role dependencies and role tags

Use this pattern:

dep1, dep2 and/or tag1, tag2

We do a split with the , separator to build these lists. An empty string will be changed to an empty array.

Role platforms

Use this pattern:


We do a split with the ; separator between platform and , separator to build version list for each platform.

Run tests locally

Requirements: Docker and docker-compose installed

docker-compose up --build --force-recreate