Net Food is a simple application in which users can further expand on their recipe inquiries.
Users will first need to register and/or login to an account. This will lead them to our first view. after sign-in, user will stay logged in and can open home page at any time, unless they log-out or shut down the server.
In the first view users will either enter a query or create a new recipe. Newly created recipes are stored in our database and incorporated into new queries. If provided a search query Net Food will take it and move to the next view. There is also a logout button on the top left corner of the search page(/home), user can logout and they will be redirected to the login page. user will not be able to open the home page if they are not logged in (+ after logging out).
In the second view users will be presented potential ingredients known to coexist with the ingredients proposed in the initial query. When an ingredient is clicked on, it will be added to their original search query. The new query will repeat the cycle in finding new ingredients that coexist with the ones in the modified query. Once the user is satisfied with their refined query, they can click search to enter the third view.
In the third view users will be presented matching recipes containing all ingredients in their search query. Each recipe entry includes: cooking time, an image, a rating, and a link to the recipe page. When a user clicks on a recipe they will exit our site. Adjacent to each recipe is an edit and delete button; any edits and deletes made will require a new query to be submitted for it to be displayed.
Through this system users can utilize vague search entries with suggestions to discover new recipes to cook.