0.3.1 (2017-02-02)
Closed issues:
- DELETE fails if the entity id type is integer #58
Merged pull requests:
0.3.0 (2017-01-30)
Closed issues:
- Version Bump to 0.3.0 #55
- Change id/1 by duplication_conditions/1 to sumo_rest_doc #53
- Error with rebar3 compile if sumo_rest is fetched from hex.pm #49
Merged pull requests:
- [#55] Version Bump to 0.3.0 #57 (ferigis)
- [#53] update the README.md accordingly #56 (ferigis)
- [#53] replacing id/1 callback by duplication_conditions/1 #54 (ferigis)
0.2.1 (2016-09-14)
Closed issues:
- Version Bump to 0.2.1 #47
- Error results from sumo_rest_doc's update callback are improperly handled #44
- Add "_=>_" to the state() types #43
Merged pull requests:
- [#47] Version Bump to 0.2.1 #48 (ferigis)
- [#44] update error handled with sr_json:error/1 #46 (ferigis)
- [#43] state() types fixed #45 (ferigis)
0.2.0 (2016-09-12)
Fixed bugs:
- Properly differentiate between sumo_db's models and modules #40 (elbrujohalcon)
Closed issues:
- Move this project to Rebar3 #41
- Upgrade dependencies #38
- rebar3 compile -> failing #30
- Update repo and make it ready for hex.pm #28
- Hex Package #9
- Use query-string for filtering #8
- Increase swagger integration #7
Merged pull requests:
- [#38] updated sumo_db dep and now it is working with OTP-19 #39 (ferigis)
- Updated readme #37 (HernanRivasAcosta)
- Handle params in query-string #35 (zgbjgg)
- resolves #7 #33 (zsoci)
- [Fix #30] Fix rebar3 compilation by updating swagger, trails and sumo_db dependencies #31 (harenson)
- [Fix #28] Update dependencies; Update erlang.mk; Add ruleset to elvis config; Add rebar.config file #29 (harenson)
- Version Bump to 0.2.0 #42 (elbrujohalcon)
- Make the project rebar3 compatible #6 (elbrujohalcon)
0.1.2 (2016-03-11)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- [Fix #25] Bump version to 0.1.2 #27 (harenson)
- [Fix #24] Add iso8601 to the app.src applications list #26 (harenson)
0.1.1 (2015-12-15)
Closed issues:
- Version Bump to 0.1.1 #22
- Path variables are not take in account when building the location header #20
- Link to sr_test.app file is broken #18
Merged pull requests:
- [Fix #22] Bump version to 0.1.1 #23 (harenson)
- [Fix #20] Rename uri_path/1 to location/2 and change its functionality... #21 (harenson)
- [Fix #18] repair broken link #19 (elbrujohalcon)
0.1.0 (2015-12-02)
Fixed bugs:
- Invalid Content-Type for error responses #14 (elbrujohalcon)
- Add 'patch' to the allowed methods in atom_to_method #13 (elbrujohalcon)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Version bump to 0.1.0 #17 (elbrujohalcon)
- README #16 (elbrujohalcon)
- [#1] Initial step #15 (elbrujohalcon)
- Update cowboy-swagger dep and remove the hack #12 (elbrujohalcon)
- Reach 100% Code Coverage on Tests #10 (elbrujohalcon)
- Create sumo_single_entity_handler #4 (elbrujohalcon)
- Create sumo_entities_handler #3 (elbrujohalcon)
- Initial project setup #2 (elbrujohalcon)
0.0.1 (2015-11-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Release Version 0.0.1 #11 (elbrujohalcon)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator