A Metascript is a script that runs scripts. These scripts run in the backend of ImmyBot.
A Metascript can run a script on a computer using Invoke-ImmyCommand.
$ServerPSVersionTable = $PSVersionTable
$ComputerPSVersionTable = Invoke-ImmyCommand {
$ServerPSVersionTable = $using:ServerPSVersionTable
Write-Host "Running from $env:ComputerName but ImmyBot backend is running PowerShell $($ServerPSVersionTable.PSVersion)" -ForegroundColor Green
return $PSVersionTable
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Write-Verbose "Running from ImmyBot backend, but the computer is running Windows PowerShell $($ComputerPSVersionTable.PSVersion)"
Invoke-ImmyCommand is modelled after PowerShell's native Invoke-Command, up to and including the ability to pass real objects into and out of the remote runspace, while preserving stream information. We consider our approach superior to capturing standard output and standard error as a string like most automation tools.
Metascripts allow you to do things like persist reboots since the context is held by the backend.
A Cloud script is the same as a Metascript except it targets a Tenant instead of a specific computer. This is useful for manipulating settings in each customer's Azure environment.
Collectively we refer to Metascripts and Cloud scripts as server-side scripts.
These commands are available in all server-side scripts.
Provides a wrapper around Connect-AzureAD
Get-AzureADUser -All $true
Obtains an auth header for the specified endpoint
Get-ImmyAzureAuthHeader [-Endpoint] <["MSGraph", "AzureAD"]>
Returns a [dictionary]
containing the auth header
$Header = Get-ImmyAzureAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop
$Groups = Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/
Retrieves an instance of an RMM Provider for the specified type.
Get-ProviderInfo [[-ProviderType] <string>] [-IncludeClients] [<CommonParameters>]
$Computer = Get-ImmyComputer
$RmmComputer = Get-RmmComputer -Computer $Computer -ProviderType CWAutomate
$RmmInfo = Get-ProviderInfo -ProviderType CWAutomate
$EDF = Get-CWAComputerEDF -FieldName $FieldName -Computer $Computer
Write-Warning "Aborting: Unable to find EDF $FieldName"
$ExtraFieldDefinitionId = $EDF.ExtraFieldDefinitionId
$ValueProperty = $EDF | select *FieldSettings* | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | select -First 1 | %{$_.Name}
$PatchPath = "$ValueProperty/Value"
$Uri = "cwa/api/v1/computers/$($RmmComputer.RmmDeviceId)/extrafields/$ExtraFieldDefinitionId"
$Body = ConvertTo-Json @(@{"op"="replace";"path"=$PatchPath;"value"=$Value})
Invoke-CWARestMethod $Uri -Provider $RmmInfo.Provider -Method PATCH -Body $Body
A powerful command that allows you to execute scripts remotely on devices.
Invoke-ImmyCommand [-ScriptBlock] <Object> [-Computer <PSComputer>] [-Context <string>] [-ArgumentList <array>] [-Timeout <int>] [-ConnectTimeout <int>] [-DisableConnectTimeoutWarnings] [-Parallel] [<CommonParameters>]
accepts either "System" or "User"
accepts an integer denoted in seconds. The default is 120.
(switch, makes the script block run on all the computers simultaneously instead of in series)
(integer, seconds, to override the amount of time before giving up on trying to start the script on a computer)
(switch, to suppress "WARNING: Timed out waiting for script to start on COMPUTER" for every computer that fails to start within the connect timeout).
<# Execute a metascript against the primary computer #>
Invoke-ImmyCommand {
<# add powershell to run on the comptuer #>
write-output "hello"
<# Retrieve a list of computers and run a command on all of them #>
Get-ImmyComputer -TargetGroupFilter All | Invoke-ImmyCommand {
Write-Output "Hello"
Sends an Immybot styled email. If no To
is provided, then the email will be sent using the same logic for sending the detection emails during a maintenance session.
Send-ImmyEmail [-Subject] <string> [-Body] <string> [[-To] <List[string]>] [[-Bcc] <List[string]>]
<# Sends an email using the same logic used in sending detection emails out during maintenance. #>
Send-ImmyEmail -Subject "Test" -Body "Some Body"
This command will run an inventory command to refresh the following computer information:
- ComputerName
- SerialNumber
- ChassisTypes
- DomainRole
- Domain
- OsName
- OsInstallDate
- LastBootTime
- Model
- Manufacturer
Refresh-ComputerSystemInfo [[-Computer] <PSComputer>]
<# If you do not supply the Computer parameter, then it will default to using the computer for the current session #>
<# This will refresh the computer system info for all servers. #>
Get-ImmyComputer -TargetGroupFilter Servers | Refresh-ComputerSystemInfo
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Returns a list of computers for the specified tenant, or all computers if it is cross tenant scoped.
Get-ImmyComputer [-InventoryKeys] <string[]>
Coming soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Add-SoftwareVersion [-SoftwareVersion <SoftwareVersion>]
[-SoftwareType {GlobalSoftware | LocalSoftware | WindowsUpdate | Chocolatey | Ninite}]
[-DisplayName <string>]
[-SemanticVersion <string>]
[-TestRequired <bool>]
[-Url <string>]
[-RelativeCacheSourcePath <string>]
[-InstallerFile <string>]
[-PackageHash <string>]
[-TestFailedError <string>]
[-InstallScriptId <int>]
[-InstallScriptType {Global | Local}]
[-TestScriptId <int>]
[-TestScriptType {Global | Local}]
[-UpgradeScriptId <int>]
[-UpgradeScriptType {Global | Local}]
[-UninstallScriptId <int>]
[-UninstallScriptType {Global | Local}]
[-PostInstallScriptId <int>]
[-PostInstallScriptType {Global | Local}]
[-PostUninstallScriptId <int>]
[-PostUninstallScriptType {Global | Local}]
[-LicenseType {None | LicenseFile | Key}]
[-UpgradeStrategy {None | UninstallInstall | InstallOver | UpgradeScript}]
[-PackageType {None | EntireFolder | InstallerFile}]
[-InstallerType {None | File | Url}]
[-BlobName <string>]
[-Notes <string>]
[-ProductCode <string>]
$download_page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver/releases/latest' -UseBasicParsing
$url = $download_page.links | ? href -match '\.exe$' | select -Expand href -First 1 | % { 'https://github.com' + $_ }
$versionString = $url -split '/' | select -Last 1 -Skip 1
$latestVersion = $SoftwareVersions | sort SemanticVersion | select -last 1
$createdVersion = Add-SoftwareVersion -SoftwareVersion $latestVersion -SemanticVersion $versionString -Url $url
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon