This is a rough overview of the subset of YAML, but it's best to think of it as a superset of JSON, with:
Like JSON:
- Root Objects can only be lists or objects, and not strings or numbers.
- Non-Zero Integers cannot have a leading 0
- Strings cannot be multi line
Like YAML:
- Trailing commas allowed in
, or{}
- Byte Order Marks are ignored at start of document
- Trailing whitespace is ignored
- Objects and lists have flow syntax, or indented block forms.
- A ": " must follow a bareword key
- Strings can use the
along with\uFFFF
to specify a codepoint - Unquoted keys are supported that match an indentifier like format (leading character (not a number) followed by any number, char,
Unlike both:
- JSON allows surrogate pairs, SafeYAML requries utf-8 and codepoints.
- JSON and YAML allow duplicate keys, SafeYAML rejects them
- Indented maps/lists take a value on the same line or an indented map/list on the next line
Not in SafeYAML but in YAML
are unsupported operations.- No tags allowed
. - No multiline strings, or flow-forms for strings '|' '>'
- All YAML string escapes (except
are unsupported) - Merge keys or '<<' unsupported
- No '?' key syntax
- Indented blocks cannot be nested on the same line.
ws :== (whitespace| newline | comment)*
document :== bom? ws root ws
root :== object | list | indented_object | indented_list
value :== object | list | string | number | builtin
object = '{' ws key value ws (',' ws key value ws)* (',')? ws '}'
key = string ws ':' ws | bareword ': ' ws
list = '[' ws value ws (',' ws value ws)* (',')? ws ']'
string = '"' string_contents '"' | ''' string_contents '''
number = integer | floating_point
builtin = 'null' | 'true' | 'false'
indented_key :== string | bareword
indented_value :== indented_object | indented_list | value
indented_object :== indent indented_key ': ' indented_value (nl indented_key ': ' idented_value) dedent
indented_list :== indent '- ' indented_value (nl '- ' idented_value) dedent
Idented blocks - item
or name: value
cannot be nested on the same line, and nested items must be indented further in.
For example
- "One"
- "Two"
name_one: 3
name_two: 4
And not:
- 1 # Error: shoud be indented one
Indented blocks must not share lines:
- a: thing # a:thing needs to be on own line
- - thing_a # - thing_a needs own line
- thing_b
Like so:
a: thing
- thing
- thing
Barewords are allowed as the keys for objects, that match a identifier like pattern
- Leading Character (non digit)
In repair, keys still have to match identifiers, but values can have a string until end of line (assuming no special characters)
- Then Alphanumeric,