Enjoyed 30 Days of Vue and interested in going deeper with Vue, with us? Check out Fullstack Vue! Not only do we cover in-depth the topics we briefly introduced in this 30 days, we go into plenty of other content, including (but not limited to):
- Proven patterns to building large-scale Vue apps from scratch.
- Integrating Vuex to a server-persisted app.
- Advanced routing with dynamic route matching, navigation guards, and authenticated routes.
- An in-depth review of unit testing which involve testing components in a Vue Router and Vuex integrated setting.
- Forms forms forms! We cover form validations, from basic form inputs through validating and integrating with Vuex.
- For the full package - access to a series of videos, almost 2hrs in length, to set up, build, and deploy an entire Vue.js application from scratch - check out the app here!
- And much much more.
All the above are all done within the context of building much larger applications as well. Check out the book page at www.fullstack.io/vue for all the juicy details!