Releases: icsharpcode/ILSpy
ILSpy 3.1 Beta 1
New Language Features
- C# 7.2 private protected (contributed)
- C# 7.2 conditional ref
- C# 7.1 async Main (contributed)
- C# 7.0 out variables
- C# 7.0 ref returns and locals
- C# 6.0 string interpolation
- C# 6.0 await in catch / finally
- C# 6.0 expression-bodied members
- C# 6.0 null propagator (null-conditional operator, succinct null checking)
Improved Mono mcs Codegen (following areas)
- switch
- lock
- foreach
Test Infrastructure Improvements
- Support for mcs
- Support for vbc
- UI: Switch to VS MEF (contributed)
- General/UI: Language version selection
- VSIX: drop VS 2015 support
NuGet Release 3.0.2 (3.0.1)
ILSpy 3.0.1
This is a bugfix release for the WPF UI only (NuGet and xplat clients not updated, use 3.0.0 instead)
ILSpy 3.0
Release notes are available in the Wiki.
If you want the "good old" ILSpy, please download - this is the tried-and-true Windows WPF UI.
Visual Studio addin:
Console info:
PowerShell cmdlets info:
3.0 Beta 4
This release is currently without VSIX (broken).
Changes since Beta 3:
- NewtonSoft JSON replaced by LightJson (traded NuGet for code inclusion)
- Cecil is referenced via NuGet (instead of submodule which is kept, see #1001)
- ICSharpCode.Decompiler targets net46 instead of net461 (netstandard2.0 targetting unchanged)
- Fix --type option in ICSharpCode.Decompiler.Console
- Fix x-plat bugs in DotNetCore/DotNetCorePathFinder
3.0 Beta 3
Final Beta, feature complete!
- Expression tree support (last language feature)
- Nupkg drag & drop (contributed, thanks!)
- Support for retargetable assemblies
- Correctness improvements, bug fixes
- UI optimizations (loading speed)
3.0 Beta 2
The following are major changes that happenend in this release cycle:
- Improve handling of post-increment and compound assignments
- Add foreach over array pattern
- Pointer arithmetic
- Many correctness and bug fixes
- NuGet package includes debug symbols and source code #943 (comment)
- Frontends.sln: the x-plat console and PowerShell cmdlets projects use the NuGet package. For sample usage of the PowerShell cmdlets please see Note: works on Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core.
- Xamarin Workbook with additional snippet-like samples (sample output can be seen in #964 (comment)). Please use Frontends.sln as well as this workbook to guide your first steps in using the Decompiler NuGet package.
3.0 Beta 1
What is new compared to Preview 2?
- switch statement decompilation
- "IL with C#" view
- Fixes to object initializers, catch, await and more
Nuget package -beta1 is corresponding to this release
3.0 Preview 2
What's new compared to Preview 1?
- (Partial) support for nullables, foreach, using
- New: Open assembly from Nuget package
- A lot of small-ish fixes
- The VSIX is here! And it supports output from netstandard and netcore projects.
- The -alpha4 Nuget package corresponds to this release.
3.0 Preview 1
This is a preview release! Framework requirements: .NET 4.6.1 or higher.
Language support status can be found in issue #829, please note that this is a live issue and might have changed after this preview has been published. Notable missing feature compared to older versions: nullables. (only fully implemented features have a checkmark in the status issue). Before opening an issue ("X doesn't decompile correctly") please go check with issue #829!
New: support for .NET Standard and .NET Core assemblies.
Missing: decompile to VB. Contributions welcome because we concentrate solely on C#.
Architectural changes are documented in the wiki (Note: roadmap not up to date as of this release). Important points to note (design goals): the decompiler should always create semantically correct and compilable code.