rfc8984 Property Name |
rfc8984 Property Type |
rfc8984 Property Context |
rfc8984 Section |
iCal (rfc5545) Property Name |
iCal Component |
Comment |
acknowledged | DateTime(UTC) | Alert | 4.5.2 | acknowledged | Valarm | |
action | string | Alert | 4.5.2 | action | Valarm | |
alerts | id[Alert] | Event | 4.5.2 | Vevent/Valarm | ||
alerts | id[Alert] | Task | 4.5.2 | Vtodo/Valarm | ||
aliases | string[boolean] | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | tzaliasof | Vtimezone | |
byDay | NDay[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYDAY ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
byHour | unsignedint[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYHOUR ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
byMinute | unsignedint[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYMINUTE ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
byMonth | string[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYMONTH ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
byMonthDay | int[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYMONTHDAY ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
bySecond | unsignedint[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYSECOND ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
bySetPosition | int[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYSETPOS ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
byWeekNo | int[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYWEEKNO ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
byYearDay | int[] | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYYEARDAY ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
categories | string[boolean] | Event | 4.2.10 | categories | Vevent | |
categories | string[boolean] | Task | 4.2.10 | categories | Vtodo | |
categories | string[boolean] | Group | 4.2.10 | |||
cid | string | Link | 1.4.11 | (url/X-URL) X-CID | ||
color | string | Event | 4.2.11 | color | Vevent | |
color | string | Task | 4.2.11 | color | Vtodo | |
color | string | Group | 4.2.11 | color | Vcalendar | |
comments | string[] | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | comment | Standard Daylight" |
contentType | string | Link | 1.4.11 | url X-URL- | Vcalendar Vevent Vtodo |
coordinates | string | Location | 4.2.5 | geo / url | Vlocation | |
count | unsignedint | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ COUNT ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight" |
created | DateTime(UTC) | Event | 4.1.5 | created | Vevent | |
created | DateTime(UTC) | Task | 4.1.5 | created | Vevent | |
created | DateTime(UTC) | Group | 4.1.5 | created | Vcalendar | |
day | string | NDay | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYDAY ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
daylight | TimeZoneRule[] | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | Daylight | ||
delegatedFrom | id[boolean] | Participant | 4.4.6 | Attendee:DELEGATEDFROM | ||
delegatedTo | id[boolean] | Participant | 4.4.6 | Attendee:DELEGATEDTO | ||
description | string | Event | 4.2.2, | description | Vevent | |
description | string | Task | 4.2.2, | description | Vtodo | |
description | string | Location, | 4.2.5, | description | Vlocation | |
description | string | Participant, | 4.4.6, | description | Particpant | |
description | string | VirtualLocation | 4.2.6 | |||
descriptionContentType | string | Event | 4.2.3 | description | Vevent | X-descriptionContentType |
descriptionContentType | string | Task | 4.2.3 | description | Vtodo | X-descriptionContentType |
display | string | Link | 1.4.11 | url X-URL- | Vcalendar Vevent Vtodo" |
due | DateTime(local) | Task | 5.2.1 | due | Vtodo | |
duration | Duration | Event | 5.1.2 | duration | Vevent | if start exists (computed) dtend |
string | Participant | 4.4.6 | calendaraddress | Particpant | ||
entries | Task/Event[] | Group | 5.3.1 | |||
estimatedDuration | Duration | Task | 5.2.3 | duration | Vtodo | if due exists due param X-ESTIMATEDDURATION |
excluded | boolean | Event | 4.3.6 | X-EXCLUDED | Vevent | |
excluded | boolean | Task | 4.3.6 | X-EXCLUDED | Vtodo | |
excludedRecurrenceRules | RecurrenceRule[] | Event | 4.3.4 | exrule | Vevent | |
excludedRecurrenceRules | RecurrenceRule[] | Task | 4.3.4 | exrule | Vtodo | |
expectReply | boolean | Participant | 4.4.6 | Attendee:RSVP | ||
features | string[boolean] | VirtualLocation | 4.2.6 | X-<feature> | Vlocation | |
firstDayOfWeek | string | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ WKST ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight" |
freeBusyStatus | string | Event | 4.4.2 | X-FREEBUSYSTATUS | Vevent | |
freeBusyStatus | string | Task | 4.4.2 | X-FREEBUSYSTATUS | Vtodo | |
frequency | string | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ FREQ ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight" |
href | string | Link | 1.4.11 | url X-URL- | Vcalendar Vevent Vtodo" |
interval | unsignedint | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ INTERVAL ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight" |
invitedBy | id | Participant | 4.4.6 | X-INVITEDBY | Particpant >Attendee:X-INVITEDBY |
keywords | string[boolean] | Event | 4.2.9 | X-KEYWORDS | Vevent | |
keywords | string[boolean] | Task | 4.2.9 | X-KEYWORDS | Vtodo | |
keywords | string[boolean] | Group | 4.2.9 | X-KEYWORDS | Vcalendar | comma separated list |
kind | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | Attendee:CUTYPE | ||
language | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | X-LANGAGE | Particpant | Attendee:LANGUAGE |
links | id[Link] | Group | 4.2.7, | Image, url | Vcalendar | |
links | id[Link] | Event | 4.2.7, | Image, structured_data, url | Vevent | |
links | id[Link] | Task | 4.2.7, | Image, structured_data, url | Vtodo | |
links | id[Link] | Location | 4.2.5, | structured_data | Vlocation | |
links | id[Link] | Participant | 4.4.6 | structured_data url | Particpant | |
locale | string | Group | 4.2.8 | |||
locale | string | Event | 4.2.8 | Vevent | LANGUAGE | |
locale | string | Task | 4.2.8 | Vtodo | LANGUAGE | |
localizations | string[PatchObject] | Event | 4.6.1 | X-LOCALIZATIONS- | Vevent | |
localizations | string[PatchObject] | Task | 4.6.1 | X-LOCALIZATIONS- | Vtodo | |
locationid | id | Participant | 4.4.6 | Participant | Vlocation | |
locations | id[Location] | Event | 4.2.5 | Vevent/Vlocations | ||
locations | id[Location] | Task | 4.2.5 | Vtodo/Vlocations | ||
locationTypes | string[boolean] | Location | 4.2.5 | loctiontype | Vlocation | |
memberOf | id[boolean] | Participant | 4.4.6 | Attendee:MEMBER | ||
method | string | Event | 4.1.8 | mehod | Vcalendar | |
method | string | Task | 4.1.8 | mehod | Vcalendar | |
name | string | Location, | 4.2.5, | name | Vlocation | LANGUAGE may have locale |
name | string | VirtualLocation, | 4.2.6, | name | Vlocation | LANGUAGE may have locale |
name | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | summary | Particpant | |
names | string[boolean] | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | tzname | Standard Daylight |
nthOfPeriod | int | NDay | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ BYDAY ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
offset | Duration(signed) | OffsetTrigger | 4.5.2 | trigger | Valarm | |
offsetFrom | DateTime(UTC) | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | offsetfrom | Standard Daylight |
offsetTo | DateTime(UTC) | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | offsetto | Standard Daylight |
participants | Id[Participant] | Event | 4.4.6 | Vevent | Particpant | |
Attendee | Vevent | |||||
participants | Id[Participant] | Task | 4.4.6 | Vtodo | Particpant | |
Attendee | Vtodo | |||||
participationComment | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | comment | Particpant | Attendee:X-COMMENT |
participationStatus | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | status | Particpant | Attendee:PARTSTAT |
percentComplete | unsignedint | Task, | 5.2.4 | percentComplete | Vtodo | |
percentComplete | unsignedint | Participant | 5.2.4 | X-PERCENTCOMPLETE | Particpant | Attendee:X-PERCENTCOMPLETE |
priority | int | Event | 4.4.1 | priority | Vevent | |
priority | int | Task | 4.4.1 | priority | Vtodo | |
privacy | string | Event | 4.4.3 | class | Vevent | |
privacy | string | Task | 4.4.3 | class | Vtodo | |
progress | string | Task, | 5.2.5 | status | Vtodo | |
progress | string | Participant | 5.2.5 | X-PROGRESS | Particpant | Attendee:X-PROGRESS |
progressUpdated | DateTime(UTC) | Task, | 5.2.6 | lastmodified | Vtodo | |
progressUpdated | DateTime(UTC) | Participant | 5.2.6 | X-PROGRESSUPDATED | Particpant | Attendee:X-PROGRESSUPDATED |
recurrenceId | DateTime(local) | Event | 4.3.1 | recurrenceId | Vevent | |
recurrenceId | DateTime(local) | Task | 4.3.1 | recurrenceId | Vtodo | |
recurrenceIdTimeZone | TimeZoneId | Event | 4.3.2 | recurrenceId | Vevent | |
recurrenceIdTimeZone | TimeZoneId | Task | 4.3.2 | recurrenceId | Vtodo | |
recurrenceOverrides | DateTime(local)[PatchObject] | Event | 4.3.5, | rdate | Vevent | PatchObject keys as x-? |
recurrenceOverrides | DateTime(local)[PatchObject] | Task | 4.3.5, | rdate | Vtodo | PatchObject keys as x-? |
recurrenceOverrides | DateTime(local)[PatchObject] | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | rdate | Standard DayLight |
PatchObject keys as x-? |
recurrenceRules | RecurrenceRule[] | Event | 4.3.3, | rrule | Vevent | |
recurrenceRules | RecurrenceRule[] | Task | 4.3.3, | rrule | Vtodo | |
recurrenceRules | RecurrenceRule[] | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | rrule | Standard DayLight |
rel | string | Link | 1.4.11 | url X-URL- | Vcalendar Vevent Vtodo |
relatedTo | string[Relation] | Event | 4.1.3, | relatedto | Vevent | RELTYPE/x-? |
relatedTo | string[Relation] | Task | 4.1.3, | relatedto | Vtodo | RELTYPE/x-? |
relatedTo | string[Relation] | Alert | 4.5.2 | relatedto | Valarm | RELTYPE/x-? |
relation | string[boolean] | Relation | 1.4.10 | Vevent Vtodo Valarm |
relatedto::RELATED/X-? | |
relativeTo | string | OffsetTrigger, | 4.5.2, | |||
relativeTo | string | Location | 4.2.5 | X-RELATIVETO | Vlocation | |
replyTo | string[string] | Event | 4.4.4 | organizer | X-REPYTO- | Vevent |
replyTo | string[string] | Task | 4.4.4 | organizer | X-REPYTO- | Vtodo |
requestStatus | string | Event | 4.4.7 | requeststatus | Vevent | |
requestStatus | string | Task | 4.4.7 | requeststatus | Vtodo | |
roles | string[boolean] | Participant | 4.4.6 | participanttype | Particpant | Attendee:ROLE >Attendee:X-PARTICPANTTYE |
rscale | string | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ RSCALE ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight" |
sentBy | string | Event | 4.4.5, | X-SENTBY | Vevent | |
sentBy | string | Task | 4.4.5, | X-SENTBY | Vtodo | |
sentBy | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | Attendee:X-SENT-BY | ||
standard | TimeZoneRule[] | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | Standard | ||
start | DateTime(local) | TimeZoneRule | 4.7.2 | dtstart | Standard Daylight |
scheduleAgent | string | Participant | 4.4.6 | X-SCHEDULEAGENT | Particpant | |
scheduleForceSend | boolean | Participant | 4.4.6 | X-SCHEDULEFORCESEND | Particpant | |
scheduleSequence | unsignedint | Participant | 4.4.6 | X-SCHEDULESEQUENCE | Particpant | |
scheduleStatus | string[] | Participant | 4.4.6 | requeststatus | Particpant | Attendee:X-SCHEDULESTATUS |
scheduleUpdated | DateTime(UTC) | Participant | 4.4.6 | X-SCHEDULEUPDATED | Particpant | Attendee:X-SCHEDULEUPDATED |
sendTo | string[string] | Participant | 4.4.6 | Contact | Particpant | |
sequence | unsignedint | Event | 4.1.7 | sequence | Vevent | |
sequence | unsignedint | Task | 4.1.7 | sequence | Vtodo | |
showWithoutTime | boolean | Event | 4.2.4 | dtstart/dtend: VALUE = DATE (if true) | ||
showWithoutTime | boolean | Task | 4.2.4 | dtstart/dtend: VALUE = DATE (if true) | ||
size | unsignedint | Link | 1.4.11 | url X-URL-<num> | Vcalendar Vevent Vtodo |
skip | string | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ SKIP ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
source | string | Group | 5.3.2 | source | Vcalendar | |
start | DateTime(local) | Event | 5.1.1, | dtstart | Vevent | |
start | DateTime(local) | Task | 5.2.2 | dtstart | Vtodo | |
status | string | Event | 5.1.3 | status | Vevent | |
timeZone | TimeZoneId | Event | 4.7.1, | Vtimezone::tzid | ||
timeZone | TimeZoneId | Task | 4.7.1, | Vtimezone::tzid | ||
timeZone | TimeZoneId | Location | 4.2.5 | X-TIMEZONE | Vlocation | Vtimezone::tzid |
timeZones | TimeZoneId[TimeZone] | Event | 4.7.2 | Vtimezone | ||
timeZones | TimeZoneId[TimeZone] | Task | 4.7.2 | Vtimezone | ||
title | string | Event | 4.2.1 | name | Vevent | |
title | string | Task | 4.2.1 | summary | Vtodo | |
title | string | Group | 4.2.1 | name | Vcalendar | |
title | string | Link | 4.2.1 | url X-URL- | Vcalendar Vevent Vtodo |
trigger | OffsetTrigger AbsoluteTrigger UnknownTrigger |
Alert | 4.5.2 | trigger | Valarm | |
tzId | string | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | tzid | Vtimezone | |
uid | string | Event | 4.1.2 | uid | Vevent | |
uid | string | Task | 4.1.2 | uid | Vtodo | |
uid | string | Group | 4.1.2 | uid | Vcalendar | |
until | DateTime(local) | RecurrenceRule | 4.3.3 | rrule/exrule [ UNTIL ] | Vevent Vtodo Standard Daylight |
updated | DateTime(UTC) | Event | 4.1.6 | lastmodified | Vevent | |
updated | DateTime(UTC) | Task | 4.1.6 | lastmodified | Vtodo | |
updated | DateTime(UTC) | Group | 4.1.6 | lastmodified | Vcalendar | |
updated | DateTime(UTC) | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | lastmodified | Vtimezone | |
uri | string | VirtualLocation | 4.2.6 | url | Vlocation | |
url | string | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | tzurl | Vtimezone | |
useDefaultAlerts | boolean | Event | 4.5.1 | X-USEDEFAULTALERTS | Vevent | 'TRUE’/’FALSE’ |
useDefaultAlerts | boolean | Task | 4.5.1 | X-USEDEFAULTALERTS | Vtodo | 'TRUE’/’FALSE’ |
validUntil | DateTime(UTC) | TimeZone | 4.7.2 | tzuntil | Vtimezone | |
virtualLocations | id[VirtualLocation] | Event | 4.2.6 | Vevent/Vlocation | X-prop X-VIRTUALLOCATION = 1 |
virtualLocations | id[VirtualLocation] | Task | 4.2.6 | Vtodo/Vlocation | X-prop X-VIRTUALLOCATION = 1 |
when | DateTime(UTC) | AbsoluteTrigger | 4.5.2 | trigger | Valarm | |