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Install Guide Mac Certificates

meltman edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 22 revisions


This guide is used with the permission of Paul Kehrer. See the original [blog here] (

Apple uses both HTTP and HTTPS traffic for the official Trailers application. For PlexConnect to function we must generate and install a certificate on both the AppleTV and the PlexConnect server.

This guide shows only the iPhone Configuration Utility method. To see the Apple Configurator method follow the link to the original blog above.

Create the Certificate

Open a terminal window ( on Mac) and run the following command

openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -out ~/Desktop/trailers.pem -keyout ~/Desktop/trailers.key -x509 -days 7300 -subj "/C=US/"

This will create two files on your desktop: trailers.key and trailers.pem. Next run this:

openssl x509 -in ~/Desktop/trailers.pem -outform der -out ~/Desktop/trailers.cer && cat ~/Desktop/trailers.key >> ~/Desktop/trailers.pem

3 files should now be on your desktop (trailers.pem, trailers.key, and trailers.cer). We’ll be using them shortly.

Add the Certificate files to PlexConnect

Place the trailers.pem and trailers.cer files into the following folder:

<your plexconnect install folder> /assets/certificates/trailers.pem


Install the certificate to AppleTV via USB (Optional)

The certificate can be installed directly to the AppleTV using a micro-usb cable. This step is optional as we will show how to install the certificate over your network later in the guide.

[Install Guide Certificate via USB] (

You're now finished generating the SSL certificates.

[Return to the Mac Install Guide] (

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