clj-xchart is a Clojure wrapper over the Java library XChart, which is a lightweight library for plotting data. If you feel Incanter is a bit too much for just plotting, then this may be a potential candidate.
clj-xchart has a small set of functions, but roughly 1 million different render style options. We'll skip those here, but feel free to look at the render-options page if you want to know what you can and cannot configure.
To play around with clj-xchart, you can either use lein-try:
$ lein try com.hypirion/clj-xchart
or inlein:
#!/usr/bin/env inlein
'{:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[com.hypirion/clj-xchart "0.2.0"]]}
(require '[com.hypirion.clj-xchart :as c])
;; your code here
The code below assumes that the namespace com.hypirion.clj-xchart
is required
and aliased to c
, either like in the inlein example above, or in a ns
Before we go on, let's have a look at the different possible ways to save and show a chart on the screen.
takes one or more charts and renders in a swing frame. This is nice
when you're prototyping and need to verify that the chart looks right. Or you
can use it to compare the styling of two charts to figure out which one looks
the best.
(c/view my-chart)
(c/view my-chart1 my-chart2)
takes a single chart and a format type, and returns a byte array of
the output. The format type can be either :png
, :gif
, :bmp
, :pdf
, :svg
and :eps
(c/to-bytes my-chart :png)
;; Example
(import '( ByteArrayInputStream))
(defn svg-stats [request]
(let [stat-chart (make-chart (:body request))]
{:status-code 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "image/svg+xml"}
:body (ByteArrayInputStream.
(c/to-bytes stat-chart :svg))}))
is utility function and a chart variant of Clojure's own spit
. It takes
a chart, a filename and an optional format type, and writes it to disk. If the
format type is not specified, then it is guessed by the filename extension.
(c/spit my-chart "results.pdf")
(c/spit my-chart "no-suffix" :jpg)
For low-level use, you can use as-buffered-image
to get a
from the chart.
The most straightforward chart type is the XY-chart: It plots line plots. To
create a XY-chart, we use the xy-chart
user=> (def chart
(c/xy-chart {"Expected rate" [(range 10) (range 10)]
"Actual rate" [(range 10) (map #(+ % (rand-int 5) -2) (range 10))]}))
user=> (c/view chart)
This should show you something à la this:
All functions which creates charts start with the series they should contain. The series is a map from strings to the content of the series – which depends on what type of chart you want. For a simple xy-chart, this is a vector of 2 or 3 sequences of numbers. The first sequence is the x values, the second is the y values, and the optional last one is the error bars.
user=> (def series {"The Prediction" [[1 2 3] ;; X
[2 4 6] ;; Y
[0.2 0.9 0.6]]}) ;; error-bars (optional)
user=> (def error-bars (c/xy-chart series))
user=> (c/view error-bars)
The view
function, which we've used two times already, is just a utility
function which renders the chart for you in a window. It is variadic: You can
view multiple charts in the same command if you want to compare them against
each other (I usually do this when I want to figure out which one looks best):
user=> (c/view chart error-bars)
All series values can also be on a "verbose" form. If we go back to the content of the error-bars example:
{"The Prediction" [[1 2 3] ;; X
[2 4 6] ;; Y
[0.2 0.9 0.6]]})
Then the same data can be written like this:
{"The Prediction" {:x [1 2 3]
:y [2 4 6]
:error-bars [0.2 0.9 0.6]}}
These two forms are identical, but the latter is more self-describing. Use the form which fits with how you extract your data.
One thing you can do with the "verbose" form which you cannot do with the vector form is to attach styling:
{"The Prediction" {:x [1 2 3]
:y [2 4 6]
:error-bars [0.2 0.9 0.6]
:style {:marker-type :triangle-up
:line-color :red}}}
This will render as follows:
Note that you can attach styling for the entire chart via render-options, and in some cases also attach a style based on input ordering. What you should use depends on whether it makes sense to bundle styling with data or not in your use case.
You can also render category charts with clj-xchart: This is done via
. The most famous type of category chart is probably the bar
chart, but other variants exist. One difference between between XY-charts and
category charts are their inputs: The X-axis of a category chart can either be
numbers, dates or strings, whereas the X-axis of an XY-chart can only be numbers
or dates. Another difference is that the X-axis isn't "sorted", nor will the
deltas show up, that is, if the X-axis is [100 -20]
, then 100 will be rendered
first, then -20. If the X-axis were [-20 -21 100]
, then the distance betweeen
-20 and -21 is as large as the one between -21 to 100.
Let's have a look at one:
user=> (def expected [["Food" "Savings" "Rent"]
[5.2 3.5 13.4]])
user=> (def actual [["Food" "Savings" "Rent" "Unexpected"]
[5.5 2.5 13.4 1.0]])
user=> (def chart (c/category-chart* {"Expected" expected
"Actual" actual}))
user=> (c/view chart)
Here you see one of the many potential pitfalls of the category chart: "Unexpected" was not printed! XChart seems to only use the rows that are contained in the first input series, and since we use a map, we cannot be 100% sure of which series is given as input to XChart first.
Another issue with the category chart is that we often have mappings on the form
{"Food" 5.2
"Savings" 3.5
"Rent" 13.4}
instead of having a vector of keys and a vector of vals. But this won't work if we want to use the "verbose" form.
To keep things easy to use, there is a convenience wrapper named
(without the *
). It will detect content on the shape
described above and transform it into something category-chart*
can handle
without "surprising" behaviour.
Additionally, since maps do not usually contain any ordering, you can specify the ordering through its 2-arity version. Since you can both order the series and the x values, depending on what you need:
user=> (def expected {"Food" 5.2
"Savings" 3.5
"Rent" 13.4})
user=> (def actual {"Food" 5.5
"Savings" 2.5
"Rent" 13.4
"Unexpected" 1.0})
user=> (def chart (c/category-chart {"Expected" expected
"Actual" actual}
{:series-order ["Expected" "Actual"]}))
user=> (c/view chart)
Extra rows that are not included in the ordering will be printed in alphanumeric order. If none are provided, then they will be all be sorted by alphanumeric values.
user=> (def chart (c/category-chart {"Expected" expected
"Actual" actual}
{:x-axis {:order ["Rent" "Food"]}}))
user=> (c/view chart)
In this example, the series order is ordered alphanumerically, and the additional x-axis values Savings and Unexpected will be sorted alphanumerically as well.
Another way of representing the same data is by overlapping the data on top of
eachother. This is possible via the :overlap?
styling option. In that case, we
should transpose the data for it to make some sense:
(def rent {"Expected" 13.4, "Actual" 13.4})
(def food {"Expected" 5.2, "Actual" 5.5})
(def savings {"Expected" 3.5, "Actual" 2.5})
(def unexpected {"Actual" 1.0})
user=> (def chart (c/category-chart {"Food" food
"Rent" rent
"Savings" savings
"Unexpected" unexpected}
{:overlap? true
:x-axis {:order ["Expected" "Actual"]}
:series-order ["Rent" "Food" "Savings" "Unexpected"]}))
user=> (c/view chart)
Overlap is not the same as a stacked chart, and it should be noted that overlaps could paint over another series completely. If we were to reorder the series order to ``["Food" "Rent" "Savings" "Unexpected"]`, then you get some interesting results:
You rarely want to use overlap unless you know the data well and order it correctly.
Work on implementing a :stacked?
option is future work and currently not
Bubble charts can be created via the bubble-chart*
. It works more or less like
an XY chart, except that error bars are replaced with bubble data which is
As one would guess, bubble-chart*
is designed for low-level usage. Currently
there is no high-level function named bubble-chart
because it's not entirely
obvious (yet!) for me how to send input and get a reasonable input out.
The bubble data given to bubble-chart*
will be the diameter in pixels to the
bubbles which are rendered. Note that they don't scale, i.e. increasing the
width and/or height of the chart will not increase the bubble sizes.
This has some unfortunate effects. First and foremost people often treat bubbles
by their total area and not their diameter. Yet when you pass in bubble data
to bubble-chart*
, the value 20.0 has four times as much area as the
value 10.0. It therefore usually makes sense to map the bubble data over
before using it in the chart.
Another issue is that the bubbles could end up being very large or very small in the chart, all depending on the numbers given as input. One way to scale bubbles in a relatively straightforward manner would be to set the highest bubble value b-max to some desired bubble diameter max-diameter (again in pixels). To do this, you have to find the b-max (of all the series) and scale all bubble values by the expression
(fn [b] (* max-diameter (Math/sqrt (/ b b-max))))
However, this shouldn't be used as canon, because the bubbles are sized relative to the content of this particular chart. If the data you represent change over time, then this would make people confused. If you represent e.g. sales through a bubble chart, imagine the salespeople's horror when they notice that sales haven't increased for months! In that case, it's better to scale it with a constant you find when you start making these bubble charts.
All in all, think really hard before you use bubble charts with the current implementation.
With that in mind, let's have a look at an actual example.
Imagine we have two heuristics for an NP-complete task scheduling algorithm. One is based on taboo search and another on simulated annealing. We want to know which one is the best: In our case, we have, for different input sizes, the total cost (money) spent performing the tasks and the total time taken to finish all the tasks. We, of course, want to represent them both.
(def taboo
{50 {:cost 0.5
:duration 567}
2500 {:cost 23.4
:duration 24291}
125000 {:cost 1281
:duration 1299568}
6250000 {:cost 70102
:duration 54653212}})
(def simulated-annealing
{50 {:cost 0.51
:duration 560}
2500 {:cost 26.4
:duration 23102}
125000 {:cost 1821
:duration 1182343}
6250000 {:cost 83613
:duration 47293720}})
Here, the input sizes are the keys, and the map should contain obvious values. It doesn't make sense to use total cost or duration though, so we divide it by the total number of tasks. We use the y axis for total time needed to finish the tasks, while the cost is represented by bubble size (smaller is better). The constant 500 was randomly found through trial and error.
(defn bubblify
{:x (keys m)
:y (map (fn [input prop] (/ (:duration prop) input))
(keys m) (vals m))
:bubble (map (fn [input prop] (* 500 (Math/sqrt (/ (:cost prop) input))))
(keys m) (vals m))})
The only remaining thing to make the chart readable is to scale the x-axis
logarithmically. This is done by setting the [:x-axis :logarithmic?]
in the style map to true:
{"Taboo" (bubblify taboo)
"Simulated Annealing" (bubblify simulated-annealing)}
{:title "Heuristic comparison"
:legend {:position :inside-ne}
:y-axis {:title "Task completion time (s/task)"}
:x-axis {:title "Number of tasks"
:logarithmic? true}}))
Here we also use a bit of styling to put the legend inside the plot instead of outside. It makes the chart a bit easier to read.
Compared to most of the other charts, the pie chart is very simple and hard to mess up. Just pass in map of strings to numbers and that's it:
(c/pie-chart {"Spaces" 400
"Tabs" 310
"A mix of both" 2}))
Note that when the size of an entry is very small, its percentage is not shown. You can turn this behaviour off if you want to, see render-options.
clj-xchart ships with two small data transformation functions to make it easier to create conforming series.
A typical issue is how data is grouped. clj-xchart feels usually kind of awkward
here, because the :x
, :y
and :error-bar
contents are separated
from eachother.
I usually tend to keep my data in pairs or maps instead, like
(def pairs
[[1 1]
[2 2]
[3 3]])
(def maps
[{:cpu-usage 55.0, :time #inst "2016-10-11T22:22:18.771-00:00"}
{:cpu-usage 68.0, :time #inst "2016-10-11T22:22:19.753-00:00"}
To get around and get clj-xchart properly working I need to separate these. With
, this is somewhat more convenient. The first argument is a
map with extraction functions, and the second is the collection of values:
{:x first
:y second}
=> {:x (1 2 3)
:y (1 2 3)}
{:x :cpu-usage
:y :time}
=> {:x (55.0 68.0 ...)
:y (#inst "2016-10-11T22:22:18.771-00:00" #inst "2016-10-11T22:22:19.753-00:00" ...)}
You can provide whatever keys you would like to, so if you need to compute
as well, it's as easy as adding another entry, or if you need to
compute :x
through other means, then don't add it to the series.
is a convenient function if you have surveys or other nested
maps where you want to inverse the y and x-axes. It simply switches the order
between the outer keys and the inner keys. Here's an example which uses parts of
the Clojure survey:
{"Easy to find?" {"True" 1329,
"False" 47,
"Mixed bag" 830},
"Active maintainers?" {"True" 1049,
"False" 32,
"Mixed bag" 1015},
"Accurate + good docs?" {"True" 435,
"False" 295,
"Mixed bag" 1463},
"Good quality?" {"True" 1221,
"False" 36,
"Mixed bag" 910}})
{:title "Excerpt from the State of Clojure Survey 2015"
:render-style :stick
:y-axis {:ticks-visible? false}
:x-axis {:label {:rotation 30}}}))
Note that PDF support seems incredibly slow and might even break on Java 1.6 (I managed to get segfaults when using it). I would recommend to check out the performance before using the PDF option in production. The other vector formats seems to work fine though.
If you use view
on a chart, it seems like the chart's dimensions could be
changed. So if you view it, scale the window a bit, then write it to a file,
then the size could differ from what you originally intended it to be.
Line charts are effetively just a polyline, which means the order of the x and y values matters. They are not sorted beforehand, so you can make silly charts like this one:
(defn log-spiral-x [a b t]
(* a (Math/exp (* b t)) (Math/cos t)))
(defn log-spiral-y [a b t]
(* a (Math/exp (* b t)) (Math/sin t)))
(c/view (c/xy-chart
{"curve" {:x (cons 0 (map #(+ 2 (log-spiral-x -0.2 0.2 %))
(range 10.5 0 -0.1)))
:y (cons 0 (map #(+ 4 (log-spiral-y 0.2 0.2 %))
(range 10.5 0 -0.1)))
:style {:marker-type :none}}}
{:title "Learning Curve for Emacs"
:width 640
:height 500
:legend {:visible? false}
:axis {:ticks {:visible? false}}}))
Sometimes this is desirable, e.g. for making charts using parametric forms. But usually this is a recipe for disaster: Just pick an order and deal with it. This is not an issue if you use scatter- or bubble charts.
The more datapoints you have, the more memory XChart will use. You mileage may vary, but if the datapoints are roughly evenly spaced, then there's no need to have more than 2000 datapoints. If you have more points, you should consider grouping them together. Since it's not obvious what one wants (max? min? avg?) it's currently left out. This small code snippet may work well for you for now:
(defn avg [coll]
(double (/ (reduce + coll) (count coll))))
(defn chunkify
[coll chunk-size]
(map avg (partition-all chunk-size coll)))
(defn shrink-series
"Assumes the series is on the form {:x [] :y [], ...} and x values
are ordered."
(let [goal 2000
current (count (:x series))]
(if (<= current goal)
(let [chunk-size (int (Math/ceil (/ current goal)))]
(-> series
(update :x chunkify chunk-size)
(update :y chunkify chunk-size))))))
Finalizing this and putting it into the library is on the list of things to do.