This is a Python wrapper for Indy. It is implemented using a foreign function interface (FFI) to a native library written in Rust. Indy is the open-source codebase behind the Sovrin network for self-sovereign digital identity.
This Python wrapper currently requires python 3.6.
Pull requests welcome!
pip install python3-indy
Note that before you can use python wrapper you must install c-callable SDK. See the section "Installing the SDK" in the Indy SDK documentation
Install native "indy" library:
Clone indy-sdk repo from
Move to python wrapper directory
cd wrappers/python
Create virtual env if you want
Install dependencies with pip install
Then run
Start local nodes pool on with Docker (for now just follow same point in platform-specific instructions for libindy)
Execute tests with pytest
For the main workflow examples check tests in demo folder:
The Python wrapper uses default Python logging module. So, to enable logs you need just to configure its usual way.
Note: there is an additional log level=0 that is equal to Libindy trace