This recipe demonstrates how to build a simple REST service inside a container using both Bazel and the "go" tool from the same sources.
The code from this example is taken directly from
- Bazel rules_go
- Bazel rules_docker
- Go Swagger
Use Bazel to run the cloud function tests as part of a regular build.
To regenerate the server:
swagger generate server -A todo-list -f ./swagger.yml
To update pinned dependencies in bazel:
bazel run :gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=$PWD/go.mod -to_macro=go_dependencies.bzl%go_repositories
To run the container using bazel (MacOS):
bazel run --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 //go_openapi_service/cmd/todo-list-server:todo-list-server
To run the container using bazel (Linux):
bazel run //go_openapi_service/cmd/todo-list-server:todo-list-server
- When dependencies are changed in go.mod, then the bazel dependencies must be regenerated using the gazelle command above.
- Dependencies that are no longer referenced from go.mod can be removed by appending -prune to the gazelle update-repos command
- go_dependencies.bzl is shared between all go modules in the build
- Positive
- Go based REST service is only 29MB, compared to 200+MB for a Java equivalent
- Negative
- None