# Getting Started

This page provides basic usage based MMdetection. For installation instructions, please see [install.md](install.md)

# Train a model

MMDetection implements distributed training and non-distributed training,
which uses `MMDistributedDataParallel` and `MMDataParallel` respectively.

All outputs (log files and checkpoints) will be saved to the working directory,
which is specified by `work_dir` in the config file.

1. **Prepare custom dataset files**
python DOTA_devkit/ImgSplit_multi_process.py
python DOTA_devkit/DOTA2COCO.py

2. **Train  with a single GPU**

python tools/train.py --config 'configs/dota/r50_dota_demo.py'

3. **Train with multiple(4) GPUs**

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 tools/train.py --launcher pytorch \
    --config 'configs/dota/r50_dota_demo.py'

4. **Train with specified GPUs** (for example with GPU=2,3)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 2 tools/train.py --launcher pytorch \
    --config 'configs/dota/r50_dota_demo.py'
**or add code**:
import os
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"

# Inferenece with pretrained models
We provide the testing scripts to evaluate the trained model.


Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to `work_dirs/r50_dotav1/`.

1. **Test OrientedRepPoints with single GPU**

python tools/test.py \
    --config 'configs/dota/r50_dotav1.py' \
    --checkpoint 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/epoch_40.pth' \
    --out 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/results.pkl'

2. **Test OrientedRepPoints with 4 GPUs**
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 tools/test.py --launcher pytorch \
    --config 'configs/dota/r50_dotav1.py' \
    --checkpoint 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/epoch_40.pth' \
    --out 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/results.pkl'

3. **Parse the results**
python tools/parse_results_pkl/parse_dota_evaluation.py \
    --detection_pkl_path 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/results.pkl' \
    --val_json 'data/dataset_demo_split/test_datasetdemo.json' \
    --outpath 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/Task1_results'

4. **Merge the results**
python DOTA_devkit/ResultMerge_multi_process.py \
    --scrpath 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/Task1_results' \
    --dstpath 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/Task1_results_merged'

5. **Evaluate the results**
python DOTA_devkit/dota_evaluation_task1.py \
    --detpath 'work_dirs/r50_dotav1/Task1_results_merged/Task1_{:s}.txt' \
    --annopath 'data/dataset_demo/labelTxt/{:s}.txt' \
    --imagesetfile 'data/dataset_demo/imgnamefile_demo.txt'

6. **Visualize the results**
python tools/parse_results_pkl/show_learning_points_and_boxes.py

*If you want to evaluate the result on DOTA test-dev, please read the results.pkl, and run mergs the txt results. and zip the files  and submit it to the  [evaluation server](https://captain-whu.github.io/DOTA/index.html).