Access one of the login nodes of the cluster.
Check if Anaconda is available on the cluster:
module spider anaconda3
If Anaconda is available, load the module. The following is an example for SDSC Expanse:
module purge module load cpu/0.15.4 module load slurm module load anaconda3/2020.11 eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
Set up Conda on the HPC cluster:
- Create necessary directories and symlink for Conda packages to improve the speed of environment generation:
mkdir /home/$USER/.conda mkdir -p /tmp/$USER/conda_pkgs ln -s /tmp/$USER/conda_pkgs /home/$USER/.conda/pkgs mkdir -p ~/a/conda_envs
- Create a Conda environment for Nextflow:
conda create --prefix /home/$USER/a/conda_envs/nextflow python=3 bioconda::nextflow -y
Verify the Nextflow installation:
conda activate /home/$USER/a/conda_envs/nextflow nextflow -h nextflow -v
If no errors were encountered, Nextflow is installed correctly.