This example demonstrates how to use Nextflow and Slurm to run a Python script within a Conda environment. Output files are stored in: cd /home/$USER/a/CIP_Nextflow_on_HPC/examples/nextflow_slurm/example2_out
Note: Replace sds196
with your actual project name in the following line of the script:
#SBATCH -A sds196
1. Replace sds196 in partition in nextflow.config with the appropriate value for your access configuration.
# Checking your environment on HPC node:
[1] Load module file(s) into the shell environment
module purge
module load cpu/0.15.4
module load slurm
module load anaconda3/2020.11
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
# Create conda environment lib_grab so the python script
mkdir /home/$USER/.conda
mkdir -p /tmp/$USER/conda_pkgs
ln -s /tmp/$USER/conda_pkgs /home/$USER/.conda/pkgs
conda create -p /home/$USER/a/conda_envs/lib_grab python=3.10 -y
conda activate /home/$USER/a/conda_envs/lib_grab
pip install seaborn pandas matplotlib scipy numpy scikit-learn loguru psutil gputil py-cpuinfo click
[2] Run:
sed -i "s|<<EXPANSEPROJECT>>|${EXPANSEPROJECT}|g" nextflow.config
[3] Check the status of your job:
squeue --me
[4] Read output from the folder