a  simple plugin for sublime text2/3 to debug node file  in  WebKit based browser.(Similar to `node-debug`)

## Getting Started

### Requirements

* [node.js](http://nodejs.org)
* [npm](http://github.com/isaacs/npm)
* [node-inspector](https://github.com/dannycoates/node-inspector)
* A WebKit based browser: Chrome, Safari, etc. (make sure it's default browser!)

### Install

1. install node-inspector (global mode) with npm

        $ npm install -g node-inspector

   ps: if you have trouble with  node-inspector when installing in  windowxp or window7, you can find answer in this link: [Installing node-inspector on Windows](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11695739/installing-node-inspector-on-windows) or update npm version .

2. download and unzip it (rename to 'Nodejs Debug'). open the packages folder  by  clicking  the Preferences > Browser packages... entry in your sublime text. then copy unziped folder in this folder.

### Debugging

1. open a node.js file in sublime text

2. press ctrl+alt+b or click  item 'Nodejs Debug' on  contextmenu

then you can debug your code in browser .