First, you have to install matlab.
Then, please follow the installation guide for matlab-engine.
cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019a/extern/engines/python
python build --build-base="/home/houyz/matlab/" install --prefix="/home/houyz/miniconda3"
First, after the installation of matlab, you can run the code motchallenge-devkit/eval_demo.m
Then, once the set up of matlab-engine is finished, you can run the following
cd ../.. # this should bring you to the code root folder
ground truth file: motchallenge-devkit/gt.txt
detection result file: motchallenge-devkit/test.txt
- The first column in ground truth / detection file should be frame number
- The second and third column should be x and y coordinate
A Python version of the official MATLAB API is provided in multiview_detector/pyeval