Measure memory transfer rates to/from global device memory on GPUs. This benchmark is similar in spirit, and based on, the STREAM benchmark [1] for CPUs.
Unlike other GPU memory bandwidth benchmarks this does not include the PCIe transfer time.
Build the OpenCL and CUDA binaries with make
(CUDA version requires CUDA >= v6.5)
Run the OpenCL version with ./gpu-stream-ocl
and the CUDA version with ./gpu-stream-cuda
I added a bash script that automatically re-runs ./gpu-stream-ocl
with different
array size and prints out results in columns, useful for plotting figures.
# Benchmark GPU-STREAM running on Tesla C2070
# Precision: double. Range: [204800 .. 102400000] step 409600
# For more details see
# ArrayElements ArraySize(MB) Copy(MBytes/s) Mul(MBytes/s) Add(MBytes/s) Triad(MBytes/s)
204800 1.56 80753.117 79927.800 83088.782 83981.752
614400 4.68 93275.517 93897.395 94380.296 93960.518
1024000 7.81 98982.027 98607.910 97231.728 97690.504
1433600 10.93 99431.697 100773.675 99081.649 98843.119
1843200 14.06 100561.265 101067.177 99730.141 99793.135
4300800 32.81 101984.021 101605.451 100626.557 100612.825
4710400 35.93 102605.629 103710.187 100675.208 100587.601
5120000 39.06 101817.603 102083.414 101225.864 101156.117
Assuming you have a recent Android NDK available, you can use the toolchain that it provides to build GPU-STREAM. You should first use the NDK to generate a standalone toolchain:
# Select a directory to install the toolchain to
${NDK}/build/tools/ \
--platform=android-14 \
--toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 \
Make sure that the OpenCL headers and library ( are
available in ${ANDROID_NATIVE_TOOLCHAIN}/sysroot/usr/
You should then be able to build GPU-STREAM:
make CXX=${ANDROID_NATIVE_TOOLCHAIN}/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++
Copy the executable and OpenCL kernels to the device:
adb push gpu-stream-ocl /data/local/tmp
adb push /data/local/tmp
Run GPU-STREAM from an adb shell:
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
# Use float if device doesn't support double, and reduce array size
./gpu-stream-ocl --float -n 6 -s 10000000
Sample results can be found in the results
subdirectory. If you would like to submit updated results, please submit a Pull Request.
[1]: McCalpin, John D., 1995: "Memory Bandwidth and Machine Balance in Current High Performance Computers", IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA) Newsletter, December 1995.