In the workshop format, event modeling is done in 7 steps. Click here for more information. This example demonstrates how the first 6 steps can be visualized with this library. The elements in this example are copied from this post.
Events are identified and placed in a plausible timeline.
$event(Account Registered)
$event(Lesson Added)
$event(Lesson Scheduled)
$event(Lesson Assigned)
$event(Payment Rejected)
$event(Payment Accepted)
The user interaction is added through wireframe elements. The wireframe mockups are not visualized here to save time. If desired, they can be added as image elements.
+ $wireframe(Registration Screen)
$event(Account Registered)
$event(Lesson Added)
+ $wireframe(Lesson Selection Screen)
$event(Lesson Request Rejected)
$event(Lesson Booked)
+ $wireframe(Payment Details Screen)
$event(Payment Requested)
$event(Payment Rejected)
+ $wireframe(Payment Approval Screen)
$event(Payment Accepted)
+ $wireframe(Lesson Bookings Screen)
This step adds commands that flow from the wireframe elements to the events.
$wireframe(Registration Screen)
+ $command(Register Account)
$event(Account Registered)
$wireframe(Add Lesson Screen)
+ $command(Add Lesson)
$event(Lesson Added)
$wireframe(Lesson Selection Screen)
+ $command(Book Lesson)
$event(Lesson Request Rejected)
$wireframe(Payment Details Screen)
+ $command(Book Lesson)
$event(Lesson Booked)
+ $arrow(Payment Details Screen, Pay)
+ $command(Pay)
$event(Payment Requested)
$wireframe(Payment Approval Screen, $offset = 4)
+ $command(Process Payment, $offset = 3)
$event(Payment Rejected)
$event(Payment Accepted)
+ $commandarrow(Process Payment, Payment Accepted)
$wireframe(Lesson Bookings Screen)
The events are linked to views that fuel the output
$wireframe(Registration Screen)
$command(Register Account)
$event(Account Registered)
$wireframe(Add Lesson Screen, $offset = 4)
$command(Add Lesson)
$event(Lesson Added, $offset = 1)
+ $view(Lesson Availability)
$wireframe(Lesson Selection Screen)
$command(Book Lesson)
$event(Lesson Request Rejected)
+ $view(Lesson Availability)
$wireframe(Payment Details Screen)
$command(Book Lesson)
$event(Lesson Booked)
$arrow(Payment Details Screen, Pay)
$event(Payment Requested)
+ $view(Payments to Process)
$wireframe(Payment Approval Screen, $offset = 4)
$command(Process Payment, $offset = 3)
$event(Payment Rejected)
+ $view(Payments to Process)
$wireframe(Payment Approval Screen)
$command(Process Payment)
$event(Payment Accepted)
$wireframe(Lesson Bookings Screen)
All wireframe and event elements are assigned to lanes, grouping by user or concept.
+ $configureWireframeLane(Manager)
+ $configureWireframeLane(Guest)
+ $configureEventLane(Lesson)
+ $configureEventLane(Account)
+ $configureEventLane(Payment)
! $wireframe(Registration Screen, Guest)
$command(Register Account)
! $event(Account Registered, Account)
! $wireframe(Add Lesson Screen, Manager, $offset = 4)
$command(Add Lesson)
! $event(Lesson Added, Lesson, $offset = 1)
$view(Lesson Availability)
! $wireframe(Lesson Selection Screen, Guest)
$command(Book Lesson)
! $event(Lesson Request Rejected, Lesson)
$view(Lesson Availability)
! $wireframe(Payment Details Screen, Guest)
$command(Book Lesson)
! $event(Lesson Booked, Lesson)
$arrow(Payment Details Screen, Pay)
! $event(Payment Requested, Payment)
$view(Payments to Process)
! $wireframe(Payment Approval Screen, Manager, $offset = 4)
$command(Process Payment, $offset = 3)
! $event(Payment Rejected, Payment)
$view(Payments to Process)
! $wireframe(Payment Approval Screen, Manager)
$command(Process Payment)
! $event(Payment Accepted, Payment)
! $wireframe(Lesson Bookings Screen, Manager)