- A TextField or TextArea big enough display one Pokemon's toString output.
- A button titled "Hunt"
- A button titled "Catch"
Click the "Hunt" button:
- Randomly selects one species of Pokemon and create it.
- The TextField displays "A Bulbasaur appeared!" (or whatever species was selected)
Click the "Catch" button:
- Random Pokemon catching.
- If the Pokemon caught, the text field displays something like "Caught: " +
If not the TextField displays: "<Pokemon>
- A TextArea for displaying a list of Pokemon
- A button titled "Pokedex" displays the output of printPokeTree
- A button titled "Backpack" displays a list of all Pokemon that have been caught, ordered by whatever Choice is selected.
- A Choice pop-up menu for the sorting order with the following choices:Number Recent
- Review code for ( )
- Reply to review from ( )